If you managed to catch Gamescom Opening Night Live this past Thursday, you will have seen that the organisers of the event were presenting awards for various categories (including Dontnod's Tell Me Why as Best Xbox Game). Since then, even more awards have been dished out, with the Xbox Series X being crowned "Most Wanted Tech."
Of course, we're delighted for Microsoft and Xbox... but we're a little confused as to how the nominees were selected. There were three in all - the Xbox Series X, Cloud Gaming with Xbox Game Pass and the Intellivision Amico, with the Series X predictably coming out on top. Still, it's a nice victory all the same!
According to the video you see above, voting for this award was opened up to "you, the gamers, the early adopters, the prospective consumers," which appears to have taken place on the event's official website.
Xbox Series X Director of Project Management Jason Ronald also sent across a message of thanks which you can see in the video, giving us another look at the Xbox Series X cradled in his hand. What a tease!
Pleased to see the Xbox Series X winning this award? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Comments 58
Interesting... The nominations certainly raise an eyebrow! 🤨
"Vegeta won the Martial Arts Tournament!!"
"Holy F!! That's amazing!! How did he beat Goku??"
"Goku didn't participate."
"Oh. Okay ... cool ... I guess."
This doesn’t feel like a proper next generation launch PS5 is the front runner for sure but it still feels like it’s missing something
@Medic_Alert Yes lot of these things don’t make sense, like the ones in which Geoff Keighley acts like the second coming when he smiles sheepishly, blowing air on that Dualsense mic
and terming it “next-gen”.😂
Exactly. Geoff Keighley is a tool & every time I watch anything he is doing, it’s ridiculously cringe.
And the only thing that is “next-gen” about the stupid microphone on the PS5 is it’s the new, gimmicky thing that Sony will force their 1st party studios to use in games (Siaxis, light sensor bar, track pad) that almost every other developer will ignore completely. 😂
@KelticDevil wow your pathetic soreness towards Sony is beyond being a fanboy. Did your ex cheat on you with a ps4 or something? Bet your wallpaper and doors are green! Heck you probably even have a tattoo of an X in the middle of your forehead.
@playstation_king Do you have any real facts to debate about rather than some cheap personal attack meted out towards another fellow user? Is this how weak pushsquare fandom level has fallen to these days?
"There were three in all - the Xbox Series X, Cloud Gaming with Xbox Game Pass and the Intellivision Amico"
So the ps5 wasn't even in the voting! Lol
Amazing victory indeed 👏👏👏👏
@Z3u5000 lol every day and nearly every article this guy aims something towards Sony even if the article doesn't even mention sony
@playstation_king Who me? Nah I don’t recall calling out someone’s personal lifestyle in any comment section.
@Z3u5000 I was talking about keltic....
Let's keep it civil and stay on topic please, folks.
None of the awards as this stupid show made any sense!! It literally seemed like awards for the sake of it and to be a ‘me too’ show.
A guy on a website dedicated to xbox with a user name PlayStation King.... Unfortunately this sums up a great number of the PlayStation fanbase... Total sad act social outcasts.
The facts are the ps5 is only hype because of the Ps4.. If both these consoles where launching without any history the ps5 would look inferior in every aspect.
Always find it funny when fanboys make out the series x is looking underwhelming when the ps5 showings have all been poor and the ps5 is the weaker console.
Both look underwhelming game wise currently but atleast you know you are getting the better console with xbox.... And they have plenty of studios now before some psfan boy chirps in with but but the games(pretty much all they can say now)
As for the ps pad etc you have to be naive as hell or deluding yourself if you believe it will be anything but a gimmick that wil barely be used in 2 years time, ofcourse if you mention the logic behind this on other websites ps fanboys make out its the second coming, I just tell them to wait and see.
@Medic_Alert There’s a reason why only Xbox has been transparent all along and disclosed a total hardware and technological breakdown way back in February for everyone to see without relying on any magical/anti-logical narrative; a reason indeed worth waiting for which everyone will find out later this year. ✌️
EDIT : Looks like some pushsquare 🦄 anti-consumer 30fps pay-again DLC supporters have called their gangs over here. They are seemed to be extra concerned about Xbox Series X gameplay for which they will surely get destroyed when Digitalfoundry will give them a reality check later this year.
I have nothing against PlayStation(although I think it's mecernery some of the things they are doing, selling Ps4 dlc but only on the ps5, spiderman) , its the hypocritical fanbase which i detest, which unfortunately comes with having the bigger following, you get all the idiots
@Z3u5000 Yeah, very transparent of Microsoft to not show a single next-gen game running on an actual X Series X, and instead having them run on a PC.
Very transparent indeed.
Basically a participation trophy lol. The fact they had awards at all was pretty baffling to me.
Hell yeah, It is the most powerful console after all...
@StylesT all I keep hearing from xbox fan boys (like yourself) is about how the xbxox series X is a more powerful console blag blah blah, at the end of the day it comes down to hardware and software sales which we all know sony will win on both areas like they have done the past 3 generations....
And all that extra power the xbox series X has but no great games and exclusives that no where near match the quality and sales that sonys 1st party exclusives have....
All of xbox hopes rely on a streaming service as they are woeful in the retail console/software market.
At the end of the day power has nothing to do with who has the best console it comes down to the games (as that's the point of owning a console) and so far I see no reason to get an xbox series X with the same exclusives every gen, halo, gears and forza
@StylesT “If both these consoles where launching without any history the ps5 would look inferior in every aspect.”
Funny thing is what’s been shown so far from both MS and Sony, the ps5 is making xsx look inferior in every aspect. That’s the majority of gamers opinion, not just mine...
@Medic_Alert I'm assuming you're joking. Both the PS4 and the X1 were obsolete in hardware specs from the day they came out. They basically had laptop Jaguar CPUs. And not to mention the archaic HDD storage which had AAA games take 1-3 minutes to load.
If anything, both Sony and MS needed consoles which finally have some true power on their engines to propel gaming to even greater gaming heights.
@eggsbox Really? That would be the mob mentality for you, PlayStation can show a polished turd and the majority would say its great?
Name all these ways ps5 is making the xbox look inferior?
Cause I am baffled by how you come to that conclusion, all I see is people twisting everything to give the illusion the ps5 is superior.. Example... Making out the ps5 will be true next gen because it isn't held back, when the reality is most games coming out in the immediate future started out as xbox one and Ps4 games,and we won't see the majority of games built specifically for next gen until about the same time...
PlayStation could easily release the spiderman dlc on Ps4..and we all know why they aren't.
@playstation_king how ironic seen as all we heard for years from ps fanboys is how the Ps4 is more powerful and now its the weaker console you suddenly say it doesn't matter
But hey ho isn't it always the way with people like you, whatever PlayStation Is doing better is the more important thing
And anyway the fact you are a blatant ps fanboy who has signed up to an xbox site, says all I need to no about you.
Enjoy your life (if you can call it one)
@playstation_king " Did your ex cheat on you with a ps4 or something?"
Can't blame her. PS4 is hot. Reaaaaally hot. So hot it stress creaks.....
@playstation_king So why bother coming to a Xbox focussed site? Is it just to troll or to show your ignorance? I can accept that maybe the majority of Xbox Studio games do not appeal or that you may have the option to play on PC or Mobile so do not see the need to purchase a Console - even though for MS, you would still be part of the 'Xbox Ecosystem'.
We all know that MS has relied a lot on Gears, Halo, and Forza - inc a couple of 'spin-offs' that offer something 'different'. Halo for example has the RTS 'Wars' as well as the FPS and has a top down twin-stick shooter as well. Forza Motorsport and Horizon are two different games too - one more Sim focussed and the other more Arcade. Gears too has the 3rd Person cover shooter and Tactics is a turn based tactical game - so in just those three franchises, you have quite a multitude of genres covered.
Then of course there are other games - like Sea of Thieves, State of Decay, Killer Instinct, Battletoads, Grounded, Bleeding Edge, Ori games etc as well as games like Hellblade II, Avowed, Fable, Everwild, Tell me Why to come and what ever games quite a few studio's are yet to announce since MS acquired them.
There are a lot of Exclusives I haven't mentioned - Sunset Overdrive, Ryse, Titanfall, Crackdown 3, ReCore, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3 etc and games like Scorn, The Medium, CrossfireX, ExoMecha, Project Mara, Stalker 2, Bright Memory Infinite, Warhammer: Darktide etc that will be coming to Series X (I know a couple are timed exclusives but will still be 'exclusive' for a period of time).
You also have the fact that Series X is Backwards Compatible with 3 generations of games too and some will be significantly enhanced as well so you have a LOT of games that the PS5 won't be offering. It certainly won't be 'short' of games to play.
Point is, there is a LOT of games that the PS5 will NOT offer to their users that will be available on Xbox. I know I mentioned a couple that will come to PS5 eventually (Warhammer for example) but to say the Xbox has 'no' games and only relying on 3 franchises, despite those 3 offering various different genres of gaming styles to offer more variety (which also contradicts the 'no' games) just shows up your ignorance.
Personally, I will buy both a Series X and PS5 because BOTH offer a LOT of exclusives that I want to play - although based on announced titles so far, only Horizon is a 'Day 1' buy - although R&C and Spider-man could be fun. I don't think their 'announced' Exclusive line-up is that strong either but do have a great track record through the PS4 gen to offer hope.
At the end of the day, if you have to pick a side, do so but is there any need to try and troll those who may opt a different path to you. We all know the PS5 isn't as powerful - even if it could run BOTH the CPU and GPU at Max Capacity. Its still a Whole PS4 less powerful on paper - let alone the advantages of RDNA2.0 offer. Being much more efficient, that difference is greater than a PS4. How that translates in gaming performance metrics, we will have to see, but the Series has over 40% more CU's/Shaders in its GPU for example...
Again, it will be interesting to see what difference that makes overall but the PS4 had more CU's/Shaders than the XB1 and the XB1 had a faster CPU too - we saw what difference that made in visuals....
@Nickolaidas There you go -
Also don’t forget the additional graphical features of Gears 5 gameplay shown by Digitalfoundry back in February that isn’t available on highest spec PC.
@StylesT “Name all these ways ps5 is making the xbox look inferior?”
Er... the games...
As for miles morales, it’s not dlc, it’s a stand-alone title along the lines of First Light developed for PS5. Take your fanboy hat off and look objectively.
If you had a new console releasing, wouldn’t you want some software to show it off? That’s all Sony is doing and personally I’m glad there’ll be some great content to play at launch.
“when the reality is most games coming out in the immediate future started out as xbox one and Ps4 games,and we won't see the majority of games built specifically for next gen until about the same time”
That’s only true on XSX as MS decided to go cross gen for at least two years. For PS5 there is lots of games developed solely for the console. Off the top of my head - GT7, demon souls, R&C, horizon 2, astroboy and Spiderman... this is the reason Halo looks inferior to Sony’s offerings.
@eggsbox What a typical response, the games you seem to be getting confused with Ps4 games and ps5 games just because the majority think Ps4 outdid xbox this current gen isn't an argument for next gen, just saying the ps5 is superior because of games... but if you hadn't noticed the games they have so far announced aren't mind blowing..and several don't have release windows atall..
Or are you one of them people who dismisses xbox games because they are sometime away but it's okay to mention the PlayStation games that probably not be out for a long time... Everyone knows horizon won't be out until 2022 most likely.
So just saying games based off history isn't a current argument for the ps5 because they ain't showed anything better than xbox yet when it comes to games.
@eggsbox @StylesT so what have xbox showed that's better than horizon forbidden west? Spiderman? Ratchet and clank? Ghost wire? Demon souls? Deathloop? Godfall? Project Athia? destruction all stars? Gran Turismo 7? Sackboy adventure?
Please show me some xbxox series X games that rival those mentioned above!
Xbox's main title halo infinite looked bad and now delayed and state of decay 3 was a cinematic, so how can you say the ps5 hasn't showed anything better?
@playstation_king That's a matter of opinion but I can confidently say that I don't think anything they have shown is any better than what xbox has shown... I would say both are underwhelming.... And some of the games you mentioned haha seriously if you think that is something to brag about...if I said the same list of games for xbox i guarantee the likes of you would point out that ones dlc for a Ps4 games, ones a remake, others are timed exclusive, some might not be out until 2022... And one is just laughable
And tbh i can't even really be bothered to engage with you after this, all I can say is I hope for your sake you are the spotty teenager that I imagine, if so there might still be hope for you.... I wouldn't even dream of making an account on the likes of push Square to try and tell a bunch of strangers how much better I think xbox is...
But then again my plastic box isn't my whole world.. I hope you sort your life out kiddo.
@StylesT don't see the problem just pointing out some solid facts and information to counter your own argument...
Some people on here bash sony every single day and take digs on nearly every article even if sony hasn't been mentioned. Like the guy above for example...
@Z3u5000 aww having no new games on fridgebox X must be getting to you, either that or 3 generations of losing a console war have made you all sour
I wouldn't even mention PlayStation if there wasn't sad PlayStation fanboys making accounts you sad loner... Why are you even here, I know the answer... I am just more baffled how sad one can be.. Struggle to wrap my head around it... Its understandable on main gaming sights but you went out your way to join an xbox specific site.
@Medic_Alert Well, launch titles never take advantage of a console's capabilities. People should wait a couple of years in order to see what PS5/XSX can really do.
That's what happened with literally every console released, more or less.
@Z3u5000 #no games series x
#another generation lost
#atleast I've got a fridge
#halo infinite xbox 360 exclusive
@Z3u5000 Haven and Gears 5 are NOT next gen games. One is a current gen game (also coming on the PS4) and Gears 5 is an X1 port.
I said 'next gen games'.
The closest is Flight Simulator, and that was only shown on the PC so far.
Halo infinite also doesn't count, since it's a cross-gen game (for now, anyway). And also only shown on PC so far.
@playstation_king In the latest financial report, Sony clearly mentions on page 45 that it'll be a goal to continue expanding these exclusive to the PC platform in order to grow profitability.
@Z3u5000 that was a very detailed comment just to say the xbox has more power, but what's the point without good games? A better console isn't decided by how much power it has its about its games and its sales. But of course an xbox fanboy like yourself wouldn't search for those facts. Come back in a year or two with some hardware/software sales figures then decide which console is better
@StylesT actually you create an account once and its used across NintendoLife, pushsqaure and purebox....
People are just so easy to wind up on here I don't know why.....
@Nickolaidas During a recent Inside Unreal livestream, Gears 5 developer The Coalition revealed some of the new visual features coming to the Xbox Series X version of the game.
Higher resolution textures
Improved anisotropic filtering
Higher-resolution volume fog
Higher quality depth of field
Extremely far draw distances with high level of object detail
Shadow resolution and shadow distance
High-quality screen-space reflections
Post processing improvements like bloom, lens flare, light shafts, ect.
That said, The Coalition is also working on some new Xbox Series X next-gen features, including Screen Space Global Illumination, higher particle counts, and yes, the ability to play MP at up to 120fps.
Contact Shadows
This allows extremely realistic shadowing as each pixel on screen traces back to the light source to eliminate any shadow biasing artifacts or fill in missing shadows.
Screen Space Global Illumination
Integrated from UE4 4.24 this feature allows us to achieve full realtime GI at 4K/60fps.
SSGI's AO pass replaces the more traditional SSAO giving a much more naturalistic broad real-time AO.
Higher particle counts
Our particle counts are 50% higher than PC Ultra spec.
Real-Time Cinematics in 4K 60fps
Xbox One X cinematics were 4K 30fps
120fps Multiplayer support
Just to remind you about some evidence dating back to February - https://youtu.be/oNZibJazWTo
Oh right sales is an indicator of the better console, I always knew the transformer films where masterpieces... Moron
@StylesT 41 million xbxo one sales vs 105 million ps4 sales to me that says the ps4 is a better console, same with next gen
Let's just heard you back into your pen shall we, I think it's past your bedtime.
@StylesT so what makes a better console? Is it not the games? It can't be power as I know quite a few people that say the switch is a better console than the xbxo one and ps4 and they have way more power.
So tell me if it's not the quality of the games or hardware or software sales then what defines a "better console"?
@playstation_king 3rd party games run better on Xbox and Xbox has the best backwards compatibility. That makes it a good console.
Just ignore the PlayStation troll who always comes over here from Push Square. He has the IQ of a fruit fly. Apparently, they don’t have enough games to play on PlayStation, so they spend all their time on Xbox websites trying to start stuff. He’s pathetic & embarrassing to other PlayStation fans.
You’re gonna pay $60 for Spider-Man DLC.....
That idiot Jim Ryan will buy another house bc of fanboys like you. 👍🏻
Oh and there is no release dates for any other PS5 1st party exclusive. But you fanboys act like they are all coming out this year.
If you buy a PlayStation, does your IQ drop by like a hundred points after the purchase? Because it would explain a lot! 😂🙄
Let it go guys..
Probably a good idea. Good point. 👍🏻
@KelticDevil no I very rarely pay full price for games. Surely it’s my prerogative what I pay and not yours?
Also yes I am going to buy Spiderman as the first game was superb. What’s your issue? That you think it’s dlc when it’s a stand-alone game? It’s only Xbox fanboys calling it dlc, nobody else. Even if it was dlc who cares, you’re forgetting that it’s AN AWESOME GAME and one you’re clearly going to miss out on..
As for my IQ, what has that got to do with anything? We’re supposed to be discussing games not insulting people you have no idea about (by the way my IQ was rated 169 by Mensa, how does that compare to yours?).
It’s funny you’re insulting my intelligence and calling me a fanboy, yet it is you that sounds like you fit that bill.
Looking at above comments the handbag fights are coming out too quick here lol and way off topic. Lets not do what other sites do eh? Doesnt make for good conversation!
As for on topic. I am not surprised its got the award. As much as nomination criteria is sketchy this is MS prime time to right any wrongs of last gen now so there is a lot of interest in Series X and what it will bring to the table.
I expect most gamers will assume PS5 will be simply more of the same as Sony dont really need to and havent changed their approach.
MS have changed their approach substantially and for the better.
@eggsbox Erm no they called it dlc and then backtracked when it got some backlash and quickly changed it to stand alone game...
Yes that sounds better doesn't it, oh good the muppets are all buying it, crisis averted
@StylesT I see. Can you share the link where they termed it dlc?
@eggsbox The original statement Rutter made said, “I guess you could call it an expansion and an enhancement to the previous game. There’s a substantial Miles Morales component – which is the expansion element
So its just some dlc on the same engine with a new coat of paint but ofcourse people didn't like the truth of the original announcement so they change the wording and idiots lapped it up lmao.
@StylesT well I guess that makes it even more impressive it’s one of this years most eagerly awaited games, sorry dlc...
@eggsbox it's not exactly difficult to be one of the most anticipated games of the year when no other PlayStation games have release dates haha
@StylesT it includes games from all developers, publishers and console manufacturers not just Sony.
You could say the lack of Xbox games is telling but no doubt you’ll blindly refute that too? If I’m not mistaken MS didn’t reveal many release dates either did they?
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