Obsidian's survival adventure game Grounded has enjoyed a very successful launch since it released with Xbox Game Preview last month, but that's not to say it doesn't have some (unintentional) bugs!
As a result, the developer has released its very first patch for the game targeting some major issues. Many of these relate to fixing instances of crashing and making playing games with others more reliable, but there are also plenty of gameplay-specific tweaks and minor changes to the user interface included as well.
If you're still having issues, you can reach out directly at support@obsidian.net with the following details:
- Platform (Xbox Console, PC Game Pass, PC Steam).
- Multiplayer or Single Player Game (if multiplayer, can you let us know how many players in total in the game, and their platforms if you know this).
- Description of issue.
- Last thing you did in the game before the issue occurred, if applicable.
You'll find the full list of fixes and tweaks for Grounded patch 0.1.1 below:
Major Issues
- Made changes to make finding, joining, and hosting games with friends more reliable.
- We adjusted the handling of joining game failure (the game is full, the game no longer exists, etc.).
- Added a way to allow players to resolve the issue of the game logging the player into the wrong Xbox Live account on PC.
- Fixed issues with Windows 7 and Windows 8 users crashing when attempting to login. Those users should be able to load into the game after updating.
- Fixed crash when saving or loading and the "Autosave Count" number in the options is set to 0.
- We have implemented a fix for players who were getting stuck on the welcome popup screen and unable to move past it.
- Fixed characters not being saved occasionally in save games. NOT RETROACTIVE: Unfortunately we are not able to bring back lost items, but hopefully this fix will prevent this from occurring in the future. If you still experience this after the update, please contact us directly at support@obsidian.net so we can gather information to continue our investigation.
- Players will no longer be permanently stuck in spider webs after destroying them.
- Fixed BURG.L disappearing in some games if you attacked him and saved and loaded. RETROACTIVE: BURG.L will appear in the games he disappeared from, allowing players to interact with him again.
- Restoring save games that have lost progression state (ex. Oak Tree Lab doors no longer opening for players, Mysterious Machine not allowing players to hit buttons to finish the quest, time being frozen, etc.) RETROACTIVE: After updating the game, players should be able to load into their game and continue to progress. Should this issue happen again, logging out of the save and then loading back in should resolve the issue and allow you to continue playing.
- Fixed an issue with endless larva spawning over time. Larva were also spawning each time a spike trap was built. This update will not remove the larva that has already spawned into games, but the larva respawn rate has been fixed.
- Fixed issue where all item durability in your inventory incorrectly shows "full" when loading back into a game as a client.
- We implemented a fix for an issue where games that were saved before Raw Science started spawning prevented Raw Science from appearing later. It also included an update for a problem with Raw Science spawning after analyzing and having additional players collecting it on join. Due to this, players may notice that the starting Raw Science they previously collected has respawned.
- Fixed crashes when loading a saved game dealing with ant colonies.
- Removed kill Mosquito Burg.L quest NOT RETROACTIVE: Players will need to speak with BURG.L to abandon this quest. Then, during the next in-game day, you will be able to talk to BURG.L again to accept a new quest.
- Found the cause behind the issue where attempting to cook/dry an item slot with no item in it would crash the game.
- Found a fix for the occasional crash caused by dew drops that have items stuck in them. It also included a fix for dew drops exploding and causing a major FPS drops on clients.
- Fixed issue where clients dragging items from one slot in a storage basket to another would not reflect on the host causing item desync.
- Disabled storage baskets and smoothie stations from being able to be interacted with by multiple players at the same time until other desync issues we are working on are resolved.
- Block Tutorial now only plays once.
- Tuned Wolf Spider hearing and investigation AI to creep on the player less frequently.
- UI changes made to the SCA.B OS screen.
- Fixed trail markers not showing up on the map, and an additional fix added to prevent the game crashing if you tried to navigate them in the legend.
- Reduced screen edge shimmer on Xbox One and Xbox One S under load.
What do you think of the latest update? Still having issues? Leave a comment down below.
[source grounded.obsidian.net]
Comments 7
Needs to come to the Xbox steaming app on android
Sounds like a good number of fixes for a patch. Nice one Obsidion. I'll wait for the next proper update before heading back in again but this game really does have a wealth of potential to be something special.
@playstation_king It's one of the games they've highlighted as coming to xCloud on September 15th
@FraserG ah that's good then and that's when il need to start paying for a game pass?
@FraserG also will the current xbox games on the stream app be included still as I haven't finished with state of decay 2 and recore
@playstation_king Project xCloud comes to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on September 15th (for Android devices), so that's when you'll be able to start playing 100+ Xbox games via the cloud.
For your second question - they haven't announced all of the games that will be included yet, but some of those current preview titles definitely won't make the cut (because some aren't part of Xbox Game Pass).
I know State of Decay 2 is definitely coming for a fact though.
I hope they fixed the crashes on PC. Enjoying the game very much.
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