Update (Thu 4th Jun, 2020 16:30 BST): It's official! Publisher THQ Nordic and developer Kaiko have announced that Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning is coming to Xbox One on August 18. A $109.99 Collector’s Edition will also reportedly be available, featuring a Alyn Shir collectible statue, soundtrack CD, Amalur key chain and five artworks (thanks Gematsu). It's already listed on Amazon, but is currently unavailable to buy.
Here's what the game's official Twitter account had to say:
"The rumours are true! Prepare for a Re-Reckoning, because Kingdoms of Amalur is coming back. Remastered with stunning visuals and refined gameplay, it's soon time to experience an epic RPG journey and all its DLCs like never before."
Original story (Thu 4th Jun, 2020 07:30 BST): Well, this is a pleasant surprise. THQ appears to be releasing Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning for Xbox One and multiple other platforms on 18th August, according to a listing - or what some are referring to as a leak - spotted on the Microsoft Store.
As noted in the official description, this is a "remastered" version of the 2012 action role-playing game that will include "stunning" visuals and "refined" gameplay. Here's the full rundown, along with some screenshots:
The hit RPG returns! From the minds of the bestselling author R.A. Salvatore, Spawn creator Todd McFarlane, and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion lead designer Ken Rolston, comes Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. Remastered with stunning visuals and refined gameplay Re-Reckoning delivers intense, customizable RPG combat inside a sprawling game world.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning was originally developed by Big Huge Games and 38 Studios, and published with the help of Electronic Arts. Based on the Microsoft Store page listing, Kaiko - best known for its work on the Darksiders series - has handled the development of this remaster.
When THQ makes it official, we'll let you know. In the meantime, tell us if you'd be interested in revisiting this title.
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[source microsoft.com, via pcgamer.com]
Comments 16
This is great news
YES!!!! Oh man this is great news! I love this game
I’m so bloody excited for this. I played a good 40 hours of it on PS3 before a YLOD. I managed to get my save games off it but it turns out this didn’t let you move the save games off... didn’t realise till after i had wiped and moved the hard drive and couldn’t face replaying it all again.
7 years later I am now ready. Just need to decide Xbox one x or switch... (assuming it comes to switch)
Finally!!!!!! Been waiting for this for a long time.
great news. maybe it’s not the deepest Rpg component but the combat system in it is amazing. and the visual style is very beautiful.
Have this on PS3, but since my PS3 is retired, maybe I'll get it for X1.
@Glassneedles Skyrim was the game that killed my phat PS3, took ten years worth of game saves with it.
If this comes to Switch, I'll get it there first.
@Richnj for me it was Motorstorm Apocolypse. I still actually remember the day pretty well. It was may 2012 and I decided to try it for the first time (had bought it a few months previously) and half way through my second race it just went.
Managed to get a PS3 Slim (not the second refresh) at Sainsbury's within a few hours and brought my phat back to life by wrapping it in a towel and using a hairdryer which I had always heard could work but was still amazed. Got the save games off and swapped in my bigger hard drive to the new one before realising not all my saves had been brought across (also lost my Sly 3 save and similarly not gone back to that).
Mine was a launch japanese model so got a good 6 years out of it and the slim was a big upgrade (my model didn't support 50hz output for Blu Rays, had an older HDMI standard so didn't do bitstream output, some games were censored automatically as it was on a japanese firmware like Uncharted not having blood, and O and X were swapped in a lot of games) and that's still sitting beneath my TV.
Still did better than my 360 which I had 4 RRODs between 2006 and 2008.
Back onto Kingdoms of Amalar I will probably get it on Switch unless the graphics have been significantly upgraded on Xbox.
@Glassneedles I had about 7 360s total. Some replaced, some bought, but I was at least able to recover my game saves when those died. I've been signed up to PSN+ ever since my ps3 went just to keep my game saves backed up.
I know I'd end up getting KoA on xbox and PS later on during a sale. So my plan would be buy and play it in Switch this year, and play it again on xbox with higher res and frames a few years from now.
This is wonderful news, if it actually happens. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is a simply fantastic game, and it deserves to be played by more people, so far as I'm concerned, it should reach a far larger audience than it has had so far, and every action RPG fan should play or own this game, it's THAT good.
Sure, it has its niggles and shortcomings, but the story, the characters, the setting and the artwork are all great, and the combat system is interesting and feels really good.
On a side note, that's one absolutely HORRIBLE name for the game, "Re-reckoning", if that is actually what it's going to be called. It certainly sounds like it's the same guys that did the Darksiders remasters...
Well, this is some great news that came out of nowhere!
It is indeed from THQ Nordic, the same people behind the titles Darksiders Warmastered Edition, Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition, as well as Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered.
@JoakimZ And all are equally bad renamings of game titles...
It was always on the cards - long before it leaked. With THQ buying up the IP and then the Twitter account going live again after years - it makes sense to start with a Remaster before even considering a reboot/sequel.
I played the demo back in the 360 days to get the Amular Armour in Mass Effect and intended to get this too when it became financially beneficial to do so and just never got round to it. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, they have done as not all games age well - even if they do look a lot better after a bit of polish.
On the Subject of consoles, I had 3 360's - the Original, an Elite and then the Slim with Kinect. The only reason I traded was to get updates/features and/or to have a Black consoles - I didn't get the RROD with any of mine. I had 2 PS3's though - the Original 60GB Phat and then the Slim but I had to get the Slim because of YLOD. I would have been happy with the Phat - despite its power consumption and 'big' chip (size as the Slim moved from 90nm to 45nm) because it also had a PS2 chipset built in...
I currently have 3 XB1's (OG, S - Gears 4 version and the Project Scorpio X) and 2 PS4's (OG and Pro). I had to upgrade my OG XB1 because the Disc Drive was playing up - not reading discs unless I lifted the front of the console up so gravity helped pull the disc in properly...
I hope that this upcoming Generation, I can buy a console that lasts the full gen if I need it too - of course if they bring out a more powerful model after 3-4yrs, that's a reason to upgrade in my opinion but don't want to have to upgrade due to hardware failure...
I thinks it’s pretty fun that they keep doing these stupid names for most of their remasters. I almost felt disappointed that the remaster of Saints Row the Third was just called Saints Row the Third Remastered. They also have the upcoming remaster of SpongeBob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, called Rehydrated. Not quite as stupid play on words as the others, but at least it’s not just ”remastered.”
@JoakimZ Yeah, the Spongebob one was actually a smart relabeling with an actual, existing word, but as for the rest of them, with the completely lame, made up words: totally cringe-worthy, far as I'm concerned. I mean: "Deathinitive" and "Re-Mars-tered"? Absolutely horrible.
And I say that as a sales & marketing professional myself. As a team manager, I would have benched or fired the guy who came up with those...
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