Next month's Xbox Games With Gold have been revealed, and there's a varied selection of titles to be had.
Xbox Spain leaked the information via a YouTube video that details the titles.
On Xbox One, you'll be able to get Lords of the Fallen and Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments, while Xbox 360 owners will be able to get Borderlands and Supreme Commander 2. Both Xbox 360 titles will be playable via backwards compatibility on Xbox One, as is the norm.
Sherlock Holmes will be available all month (he isn't busy) while Lords of the Fallen joins the service on March 16th. Supreme Commander 2 will go live on the 1st on 360, with Borderlands stepping in on the 16th.
Comments 24
Awesome games for the 360. Xbox One? Eh.
Its certainly varied! I can't say any game particularly jumps out. Borderlands is good but I do think the sequels are better.
What I am impressed with though is the fact not one is a 'budget' title. They may not appeal to me directly but I can't argue about the 'value' and variety on offer. Not one can be considered as similar to another and therefore at least 1 may appeal. Each has the potential to last the 'month' rather than the day you download it. Sherlock has the potential for multiple playthroughs, different outcomes etc, Lords of the Fallen has new game+ options, SC2 has online and Borderlands is quite a big RPG with a 'new game+', online co-op etc.
I've been considering picking up Lords of the Fallen. Glad I didn't.
Nothing for me, gonna have to pass on this.
Oh! Not bad. Not bad at all. Still going to buy these games later. Rather have the disc
I'll be downloading all of these. I have Lords of the Fallen on disc but I'll be selling that on. Looks like some interesting games coming.
I agree. I am really interested in SC 2, but never got it because the original Supreme Commander had so many problems on the 360 (game freezes, control & framerate issues). I had heard the series is great on PC, but may be a bit too complex for consoles.
I must say, I continue to be impressed by Games With Gold. I had a a PS3 for 5 yrs. & thought the Instant Game Collection was outstanding. However, since the PS4 came out (and they started charging to play online), Sony has been releasing non-stop indies, month after month. And some are pure crap. Especially the Vita selections.
GwG gets you AAA retail games for Xbox One & 360. Plus, the 360 games are backwards compatible. Anyone who complains about Xbox's offerings should talk to an IndieStation owner. Trust me, things could be worse.
very happy with games with gold this month, my ps plus on my ps4 isn't worth having anymore and I seem to only be playing on xbox its such a shame xbox made those silly policy's at start of xbox life.
They are doing everything right recently , please god let the steam rumour be true with xbox one.
@KelticDevil SC2 has an average review and was a bit critical of the campaign mode - not that I have played it. supposed to be ok online. Its the game that I least want from this selection but at least its different from the other releases.
IGC hasn't been totally 'indie' releases in its defence but it has been indies for the last year or so. I don't have a vita so haven't bothered with those. It is disappointing to constantly get these and PSN isn't as stable or consistent as Live but I guess they don't need to try as hard with the difference in console sales.
It is a shame that Don Mattrick shot the Xbox One in the foot before the race even started. At least he got kicked to the curb shortly thereafter.
And I have no idea why the PS4 continues to outsell the Xbox One at this point. I have been gaming for over 30 years & have never seen one of the major gaming companies just go into a complete state of complacency like Sony has for the past year or so & still get away with it.
But, keep in mind, the Xbox 360 was thrashing the PS3 last-gen until Mattrick took over & made a bunch of dumb@%#, arrogant decisions that let Sony back in the race. It can happen again. This time in Xbox's favor.
Besides, Microsoft being in 2nd place has woken them up & made them actually try to win our money again. That's great for Xbox gamers. Enjoy and just hope they keep it up.
PS+ has been a complete joke ever since the PS4 arrived. I could sugarcoat how I feel, but I would be lying.
I have nothing against indie games, per se, but these consoles have been out long enough now to where the early Xbox One/PS4 retail releases should be released on these services at some point. Clearly, Sony differs in opinion with Microsoft in that area.
It's funny because I see a lot of PlayStation fans complaining about this, but they do nothing about it. Sony isn't going to change unless you make them. Stop renewing PS+ memberships & maybe they'll change. Or don't and they won't. Pretty simple, actually.
@KelticDevil Its not that simple of course. With the fact that PS+ is required to play online, you can't exactly cancel or not renew IF you want to continue playing all the games - especially those that are 'online only' like Destiny and I believe the Division will be too.
If Online was free, like it was for the PS3 era, I wouldn't hesitate in cancelling my PS+ subscription. I wouldn't hesitate in cancelling 'Gold' too if it wasn't required for online too though despite the fact that it offers a better class of games and of course the BC ones too. If I had to choose one over the other, the XBLG is by far the better option at the moment but for PS owners, PS+ is required for gamers to play all their games to the fullest and therefore I had to buy.
I understand your point. But then Sony has you over a barrel, so to speak. Why let them? If online games are your thing, games like Destiny & The Division are on Xbox One, as well. You don't HAVE to pay for PS+ to play those games if you have an Xbox, which you clearly do.
Why not just play your online games on Xbox One, pay for the far superior online service, & save your PS4 for offline play for their exclusives? It's not like Sony is pumping out exclusives left & right, much less ones with killer online play.
See? It's not that complicated. And you would save $ not having to pay for 2 online services. Problem solved. Lol.
Another good month, Pity I already have Lords of he Fallen. But I can now get rid of my physical copy of Borderlands at least.
As for my PS+ free offerings next month pfffff.....!!
@Spooke2k What Steam rumor is that man .... please tell... ?
@RustyBullet https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/473tap/xboxsteampoweredcom_is_continually_being_updated/
Here properly nothing but by no smoke without fire
@Spooke2k Cheers. Would be a good move if its true.
@KelticDevil In fairness, PS+ isn't 'that' expensive per month over the year. Obviously its not offering me personally the same 'value for money' that 'Gold' does. Whilst the PS isn't exactly stacked with online 'exclusives' it does have a few like Killzone and the upcoming Uncharted 4. It also has exclusive timed content on games like Destiny and CoD:BO3. I have a few games on PS that I don't on XB1 - like SW:BF so may save the cost of the game by cancelling PS+ but lose it by buying the game on XB1 and have a PS4 game that is now virtually pointless. Whilst there may not be 'many' exclusives with online functions that I play at the moment, there could be in the future. I also begrudge paying full price if I can only access a part of the game.
Cancelling PS+ would effectively give me the opportunity to buy maybe 1 extra game per year but would also have a more detrimental impact on my gaming. Whilst my 'Destiny' progress is nowhere near as far along as it is on XB1, its still something I enjoy playing with friends on PS4. My BO3 progress though is much further - mainly because of the DLC content. I have the Season Pass and obviously that is online based and with 3 more packs to come, I won't be cancelling PS+ soon and lose all of that.
Effectively, PS+ is costing me less than £3 a month. Its more expensive than 'Gold' - even though I shop around to get the best price I can, Gold can often be found a lot cheaper - less than £2 a month. I game a lot and a lot of the time its online - even if I am playing alone. I don't want either of my consoles to become purely for exclusives. I want the freedom to buy any game for either console - especially if we continue to see 3rd Party exclusive bonuses. I want the freedom to play either console and to its maximum ability.
I know XB1's Gold is superior and offers better 'value for money' - especially as I don't buy digital games (and so 'sales' don't matter to me) but considering the hours a month I spend 'online' in games on BOTH, the cost isn't exactly breaking the bank. If I had to cancel one though, PS+ is more likely to go first.
I ditched my PS+ subscription about a year ago and nothing has changed since to make me regret my decision. To be honest the only thing stopping me from selling my PS4 is Uncharted 4 and the ever dangling carrot of The Last Guardian. None of my mates have one and most of the exclusives aren't my thing. Ok some of the multi-platform titles may look a little better on the PS4 (if you enjoy pausing your games and whipping out a magnifying glass on a regular basis) but for me the Xbox beats it in pretty much hands down in every respect.
You and I are almost complete opposite types of gamers. Lol. So much of what you just said is exactly what Sony wants to hear & gives into them continuing to do the things I don't like.
To each their own though. Glad to hear you are enjoying their product. That's what's most important. And as long as you are happy with the amount of value you feel you are receiving for your $60/yr., then great.
I just don't have the time, money, or patience to do the same.
@KelticDevil I really don't see it myself - for everything I said about PS+, I could easily have said about Gold too as its 'required for online'. I only ended up subscribing to Gold because I had no choice to get the maximum out of my games and subscribed long before MS offered GWG. If I didn't need Gold for online gaming, I certainly wouldn't Subscribe - even though its effectively £2 per month. Now that I need PS+ to play online with my PS4, something I didn't need with my PS3, I have no choice but to subscribe. I can argue that I don't get much 'value' from Gold either but its slightly cheaper.
Both Xbox One and PS4 require a subscription to play online and therefore I buy both. Neither console (from my perspective) is the 'best' - both have pro's and con's. I know the GwG games are currently better than PS+ offerings but I didn't or wouldn't buy either subscription if it was purely based on these. Whilst it is 'nice' to get a bonus game that you haven't got and don't mind trying, any game I really want, I have no doubt already bought anyway! The subscription (either of them) is a necessity to play the games I want and in the way I want. Even though I prefer single player story's/experiences, the majority of my gaming is spent online and spend 100's of hours each month in online gaming across both consoles.
That's cool. I think that's where we differ a bit. I play mostly single player games, so if I were a PS4 owner, I would have cut PS+ long ago. The PS4 has hardly any games that I am interested in that I can't get on Xbox, much less online focused ones. So it wouldn't be a big deal to me. But I guess if you have hundreds of hours built up in games like Destiny on PS4, it would be hard to cut it.
And we also differ on the value of Xbox GwG & PS+. I had a PS for many years. Their online service was garbage, but at least it was free. And the Instant Game Collection was fantastic. Now it's better playing online, but the "free" games don't interest me at all. And when a competing product (Xbox) offers that same service, at the same price, but with far better quality (in my opinion)......it's a no-brainer. I also have no desire to pay for 2 online subscriptions when the online focused games are the same on both comsoles. Why not just keep the best one?
We just differ on opinion of the value of what the two services offer & how much disposable income to spend on those services. But like I said, I'm glad to hear you are happy with the product you are getting. That's what's most important.
Best two Xbox One games we've got with Games with Gold.
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