Hello Spartans, and welcome to our Halo Infinite UNSC and Spartan Audio Logs location guide. Here you'll find maps, screenshots and descriptions detailing the whereabouts of each and every UNSC and Spartan audio log on Zeta Halo.
Some of these logs are easy to find as part of linear main missions or sat in FOB bases, but the vast majority are spread far and wide across the game's world map and it can be rather tricky and time-consuming filling out your entire collection.
If you are planning on hunting most of the game's audio logs down on your own, remember to listen out for their distinctive proximity beeping sound which will help guide you in the right direction. Also remember that pulsing an area by pressing down on the d-pad is a big help here as it highlights the orange glowing aura of logs that are in your immediate vicinity.
With all that out of the way, let's get on with detailing the locations of all UNSC and Spartan audio logs in the game!
UNSC The Prisoner Audio Logs
UNSC The Prisoner #01
This log is right at the end of the Foundation level, you'll be asked to find a power seed to fire up an elevator to the surface. Head on as indicated in-game towards the seed's location and you'll also find this log sat next to it on the left.

UNSC The Prisoner #02
Our next log is in the Tower itself, as soon as you use the grav lift to enter the complex you'll face off against a few enemies then head up and around to the left, following the dark red corridors and facing off against charging foes. Keep searching around here and you'll find this one sat behind a pillar, as shown below.

UNSC The Prisoner #03
Next up we're in the Excavation Site as part of one of the main campaign missions and once you head up into the laser drilling machine in order to turn it off you'll find a few logs scattered around in close proximity. This one is tucked away into a corner on the far end of the area, easy to find with your pulse radar.
UNSC The Prisoner #04
This log is located right beside the Spartan Core that's marked on your map a short way from the Spire complex, as shown below. It's resting right beside the wreck of a vehicle.
UNSC The Prisoner #05
Deep inside the Nexus, you'll find this pad sat to the left hand side of an entrance as you collect the final power seed in a sequence to open up a doorway. You can't miss it as it's a very linear sequence and you'll hear its beeping loud and clear.
UNSC The Prisoner #06
You'll find this log near the beginning of the story mission Repository, which takes place in the location below late on in the game.

UNSC The Prisoner #07
This log can be found in the House of Reckoning during the battle around the mock UNSC base. You'll find it on one side of the central UNSC structure, as shown below.
UNSC Outpost Intel Audio Logs
UNSC Outpost Intel #01
Hidden down a narrow little path at the north east side of the Armory of Reckoning facility, this one's well tucked away but use our map and pic and you should be able to nab it fairly easily, Spartan.
UNSC Outpost Intel #02
This one's hidden in the back of a jeep at the very north end of the Armory of Reckoning complex. Easy enough to find, it's sat in under a little rock ledge behind one of the buildings you'll enter to destroy a core.
UNSC Outpost Intel #03
You'll find this log on a hill overlooking the Horn of Abolition facility. It's set down in a great little spying spot complete with radio for reporting back info on the enemy. Check out our map for the exact location.
UNSC Outpost Intel #04
Our next one is sat just outside the perimeter walls of the Horn of Abolition fortress, in the exact location that we have Master Chief stood in the map below.
UNSC Outpost Intel #05
Just north of the Forge of Teash you'll find a little cave to clamber into and discover our next log. It's a pretty tough find this one, but go to the location we've got our icon placed in the map below and start using your radar scanner and listening out for that beep.
UNSC Outpost Intel #06
It took us ages to find this one. At the Forge of Teash you'll nab a UNSC log by heading up to the hill overlooking the facility, as shown in our map and pic. It was just laying there the whole time!
UNSC Outpost Intel #06
Next and we're up in the mountains in the location indicated below where this log has found itself a very sneaky hiding place.
USNC Outpost Intel #07
To the north east of the Redoubt of Sundering Fortress there's a little caves, shown below, where you'll nab this next audio log.
USNC Outpost Intel #08
This log is sat on a little rock outcrop just outside the Redoubt of Sundering fortress, as shown below.
UNSC Outpost Intel #09
Follow the dirt trail out the back of Ransom Keep all the way along until it ends and you'll find this sneaky log lying in wait. The path you're looking for runs below where you'll have found our last log and we've indicated the exact position in the map below.
UNSC Outpost Intel #10
This next log can be found in a very well hidden spot on a cliff overlooking Ransom Keep. Use you grapple to pull yourself up to this location and nab your prize.
UNSC Outpost Intel #11
Perched on a ledge in the south west of Annex Ridge, this one's another easy find.
UNSC Outpost Intel #12
This one is sat on a hill to the north east of Annex Ridge complex, check the pic and map below for the exact location.
UNSC Outpost Intel #13
Sat on a cliff that surrounds and looks down upon Riven Gate fortress, this sneaky UNSC log is well hidden, but head to the exact location of our icon and pic below and you should find it pretty quickly with a little bit of radar action.
UNSC Outpost Intel #14
This log is sitting beside some sniper equipment overlooking Riven Gate. It's pretty far up from the base, so not easy to find, but take a look at our map and pic and you should have a clear idea where to go.
UNSC Infinity's Approach Audio Logs
UNSC Infinity's Approach #1
This next log can be found at the back of FOB Golf, it's nestled right at the back of the area as pictured below.

UNSC Infinity's Approach #2
This next UNSC entry is found sitting right out in the open at FOB Foxtrot in the exact location we've pictured below.

UNSC Infinity's Approach #03
Next up and we're at FOB Echo in the second area of the game map that you'll reach after defeating the Tower mission. Here you easily find this one sat on a table, bleeping at you.
UNSC Infinity's Approach #04
You can nab your next log from FOB Charlie whenever you decide to liberate it. It's sat right on the platform waiting for you.
UNSC Infinity's Approach #05
FOB Alpha for our next audio log, and it's another easy grab on the platform once you've cleared the area of enemies.
USNC Infinity's Approach #06
Our next log is all the up in FOB Bravo, as shown below, and once again you'll just need to clear the zone of enemies, making it easier to find it sat on the central platform.
USNC Infinity's Approach #07
FOB Delta is the location of our next USNC log. As usual at these bases, you simply need to have a look around the main platform to find your prize.
UNSC Infinity's Approach #08
Way over east in FOB November you'll find this one on the area's main platform.
UNSC Infinity's Approach #09
Another one sat at the main platform of a FOB base and this time it's FOB Lima in the south east of the map.
UNSC Infinity's Approach #10
This next one is at FOB Kilo on the main platform as pictured below.
UNSC Infinity's Approach #11
Another FOB and this time it's Juliet in the south of the map. Get the platform cleared of foes and grab it!
UNSC Infinity's Approach #12
FOB Hotel is right at the bottom of the world map and it's where you'll find this next audio log.
Spartan Audio Logs
Spartan Evacuation Audio Logs
Right after you take your very first elevator ride of the game aboard the Warship Gbrakkon you'll find this first audio log sat directly in front of you as you enter the first room from the elevator, scan to highlight it if you need to and you can always hear every log in the game by their tell-tale proximity bleeping.

This next log can be found sitting on the silver pillars to the left, just behind Fob Golf, you'll hear its proximity pulse and a quick scan should reveal it in the location we've pinpointed below

Located right where we've got Master Chief stood in the map, this next log is sat in a ravine beside the dead body of a UNSC soldier. Use your radar and listen out for that pulse to help you if you're having trouble spotting it.
This next one is very well hidden away in the exact location we've marked below, very near to where you'll rescue Boxer Squad. Get yourself to the area we've indicated and make sure to ping if you're having trouble, look out for the orange glow that highlights an audio log and you should soon find it, as pictured, nestled in a secret camp in the mountains.
For our next log, we're all the way over in the far south of the map at the point where you rescue Starlight Squad, you can see it marked in your in-game map but we've put it below anyway. Once here you'll have a battle on your hands and once you're done you can pick this one up from its hiding place below a ramp heading up to a UNSC turret.
This audio log can be found slightly to the south of the Tower complex on a cliff edge. Take a look at our map and pic below for exact location details.
Spartan Ringfall Audio Logs
Not too far away from our last log, this one is sat right at the edge of the map and not too far away from a nearby armour locker. There should also be two snipers patrolling the area you need to be in. Head to where we've pinpointed on our map and use your radar to seek out that orange glow.
Our next log is sat on a rocky outcrop right at the edge of a steep cliff in the location noted in our map below. As ever, use your radar to ping and help guide you as well as listening out for the tell-tale proximity sound.
This next one you can pick up on your way downhill from the last and it's sat in a nice quiet spot at the base of a steep cliff. Check the map below for the exact location.
You'll find this audio log perched to the right hand side of a waterfall just to the south east of the area in which you rescue Titan squad, it's very near an armor locker on your map and we've marked the exact point below.
This log is found right beside where you help rescue Pyramid Squad and is sat right out in the open as shown below so it's an easy grab when you're over that way.
Just a touch east of where you'll fight the target Balkarus, you'll find this log sat on a low level ledge awaiting discovery.
Spartan Reverie Audio Logs
Way up top of the tallest peak in the second region of the game, and just south east of the Banished Excavation site, you'll need to rescue Foxhound Squad. Once you're done fighting off the enemy, have a look around camp with your radar and you'll find this log waiting on a crate as shown below.
Tucked away in the blackened remains of war-torn machinery, this log is in the vicinity of the Spartan Core that's just south of Outpost Tremonius on your in-game map.
Directly east of our last log, this one is just south of where you'll rescue Cobra Squad, as indicated on the map below. It's nestled in a burnt out escape pod.
Our next log is in the ruins of a large ship that sits to one side of the area in which you'll fight Tovarus and Hyperius. It's to the south of the water, as indicated in our map, and is an easy find in the hull space here.
This log is located just slightly north west of FOB Bravo on a steep hill. We've indicated its exact position below.
Our next audio log can be found in the large area of charred ground slightly north of the Excavation Site and is sat right next to the burnt out remains of a truck. Check our map and pic for the exact location and a visual pointer.
Spartan Retaliation Audio Logs
Next up is a log that's way up the top of a mountain peak on the small, isolated section of world map you'll get dropped onto for the Pelican Down mission. Take a look at our map below to see exactly where you need to be. There's also a cute little Easter egg up here if you can find it!
This next log is off to the east side of the far right AA gun that you'll need to take down during the Pelican Down mission. It's located in the wreck of a shuttle that's right above where you'll find the Spartan Core that's auto-marked on your map. You can see the exact location below.
This next one is straight across the river from our last in another great big hulking wreck. Use your grapple to hook your way up into this area through a huge gash in the wreck's side and you should find yourself in the room containing this log. If you can't locate it, ping your radar and listen out for the proximity beeping.
This next one is just along a ridge that runs south from FOB Lima and is sat in a small corner beneath a tree. We've marked the exact location for you.
This next UNSC audio log is sat in a foggy marshland slightly to the south west of Riven Gate, as pictured.
Sat on a little patch of land in the water just south of FOB November, this log has picked one of the most picturesque spots in the game to hide.
You'll need to venture down the canyon in the centre of the map to the location we've highlighted below with our green icon. Once here, and as pictured, you'll need to peer over the edge into the abyss to spot a small ledge with some bodies and weapons and the audio log you're looking for. Drop down to get it and then grappleshot back out!
Spartan Scattered Audio Logs
Our next log is located in some grass just before a steep cliff edge that overlooks FOB Juliet. We've marked the exact location on our map below. It's also pretty easy to find if you position yourself with the FOB in the background as you can see it in our pic.
Just slightly west of FOB Juliet, you can find this Spartan log sat on a ledge just above an area that you may fought through to get your hands on a Spartan Core. Our map shows the exact location in which it's place but it's a good idea to pulse as you search, as it's well hidden.
Our next log is sat on some marshy ground just slightly north west of FOB Juliet. It's got a few enemies surrounding it so beware when you head to the location we've marked on our map to grab it.
Sat high atop a mountainous ridge, this is one well hidden log, but get yourself up to the location we've marked in our map and you get the bonus of great views and a nice snipe rifle.
This audio log has found itself stranded on a little patch of land that's easy to spot, but you may need to unlock the WASP or get creative in order to reach it! Check out the location below.
Next up is a log that's hidden up on a hill just south of the Annex Ridge facility, check out the exact location in the map and pic below.
Someone made themselves a nice little camp in the next location and forgot to take their audio log with them when they left, which means we get to have it. Check out the map below for the precise location of this one.
This audio log is buried down in a cave network beneath the hill that we've marked in our map below. You'll need to get down here to grab a Spartan Core too so look out for that marker on your map and have a look around for the entrance which is a crack in the top of the cave that you can dive down into. Once in, take out the enemies and make your way around to the back, pulse with your radar if you're stuck, to find this one.
This next audio log is sat in the wreckage of a burnt out vehicle that's lying off to one side of the road into Ordo 'Mal's camp.
This next log is a tricky find but if you take a look at our map and pic below you should be able to pick it up. If you follow the road up north from FOB Juliet and then head right at the fork and look for a steep slope with the scorched marks of a huge vehicle crash running right up it with wreckage at the top, you're in the right location.
You may also be interested in the following Halo Infinite guides: How To Beat Halo Infinite's Bosses, All UNSC Audio Log Locations, All Banished Audio Log Locations, All Forerunner Artifact Locations, All High Value Target Locations which is all available, alongside plenty more, in our Halo Infinite Guides hub.
Comments 9
Is there any way to go back to the first 2 missions site after i'm on the ring? I missed some audio logs in those places and i don't know how to go back there
@Zucaritas Unfortunately not, there's no way to go back and replay missions!
You missed #6 for Spartan audio logs “evacuation”
@PJOReilly The Spartan Evacuation Logs for #4 & #5 are wrong. It should be switched...
@PJOReilly The Spartan Evacuation Log for #3 in the guide is actually #6. I even recorded the before and after of picking it up to prove it this time...
In fact, alot of these are wrong for me. Maybe the audio for each log is not specific to their location and is randomized? Either way I just need the locations of each log and the guide #'s are not corresponding to the # in the database for me in my game...
Based on my testing, the Spartan audio logs will always unlock in order. So even if you grab #3 in the guide, but you don't have #1 or #2 unlocked, it will unlock the audio for #1. This means the guide for Spartan Logs will be inaccurate for everyone trying to follow it, so keep that in mind...
@WhiteDragon1248 Have had a look at this and compared my guide to another one and I think they are randomised! Locations are the same but audio randomised.
@WhiteDragon1248 agreed, this has been my experience as well. Pretty sure the region you're in defines the sequence of logs you'll collect too.
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