Forza Motorsport is now available on Xbox Game Pass for Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC, but Xbox One players are also able to get access to the new racer. Xbox One players, you say? Yep, thanks to Game Pass Ultimate's cloud streaming feature, last-gen users are able to play Turn 10's next-gen reboot as well.
Xbox Cloud Gaming is a good way to jump in on Xbox One, and here's how:
To get started, you'll need to go to "My Games & Apps" followed by "Apps" and then select the "Xbox Game Pass" app. In there, you should see Forza Motorsport (or you can search for it). Select the game and a pop-up menu should appear in which you see the option to "Play" with a little cloud icon around it. Choose this, and you'll be playing the new Forza title on your Xbox One - streamed to your console via Microsoft's servers!
One thing to mention is that Xbox Cloud Gaming requires a strong and stable internet connection, otherwise you may suffer graphical glitches and instances of heavy input lag. If your internet is good enough though, it should almost feel like you're playing the native version of Forza Motorsport without needing to fork out for a current-gen console.
If the game impresses you, then you could always use cloud streaming as a 'trial' of sorts before picking up an Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S!
Will you be playing Forza Motorsport on your Xbox One with Game Pass Ultimate? Tell us down below.
Comments 6
I may play via cloud on my RoG Ally to save downloading it. It has a small 1080p screen so the impact of reduced res and streaming artefacts should be minimised compared to playing on my large 4k TV.
@Maddie47 I agree that 'Compatible' isn't quite the right word here as the game itself isn't running on the XB1 hardware - but that doesn't stop Gamers from being able to 'access' and 'play' the game on an XB1 - and more likely to be a 'better' experience than 'Native' would offer.
As I said, I agree the game itself is NOT compatible with XB1 hardware so pointless even considering 'buying' if you only have an XB1. But at least XB1 gamers have an option to play that isn't costing at least several hundred to get the hardware to play it, don't have to upgrade or miss out.
Streaming doesn't make it compatible in simply makes it playable on it.
@Maddie47 As I said, I agree that 'Compatible' is a bit misleading but if you do have Game Pass Ultimate, then you can play Forza Motorsport using your XB1.
Whilst the game isn't running locally, its still using the HDMI out to display the game and your XB1 controller too. The 'Only' difference is where the game is actually running and as I stated before, the game itself isn't 'Compatible', but you don't have to miss out or upgrade to play on an XB1.
It is still accessible and playable through XB1 hardware, viewed and controlled the same as 'local' running games so in essence, its not too dissimilar.
The main issue I have with the word compatible is that it makes it seem as though you could buy the game and it would work on an XB1. Its 'only' accessible/playable on XB1 through streaming and, if MS removes it from cloud, it would no longer be accessible/playable, and certainly 'not' Compatible to buy.
I agreed with you that Compatible was NOT the right word but if you do have Ultimate, then it is playable on an XB1, just not 'locally' but you can still access and play it.
The XB1 is 'compatible' with Xbox Cloud but not the Game itself. You cannot go and buy Forza and expect it to 'work' on an XB1 console because the two are not Compatible.
Because the game is accessible on Cloud and the XB1 is 'compatible' with Xbox Cloud, then you can access and play any 'Cloud' enabled games whilst they 'remain' on that service but as soon as it leaves Game Pass Cloud, even if it remains on Game Pass to 'download' to play, it no longer can be played on an XB1 because the game itself has no 'compatible' version for that Hardware.
So in my mind, Forza Motorsport is NOT compatible with XB1 but is still playable/accessible on XB1 because the XB1 is Compatible with MS's Xbox Cloud gaming service - which just so happens to have Forza added to it for the 'forseeable' future.
My only issue with the Headline is that it does make it seem like Forza is Compatible with the Hardware which may lead to someone purchasing thinking it would work. I would perhaps swap 'Compatible' with Playable/accessible on XB1 thanks to Game Pass Cloud Compatibility with the Hardware - as @Moonglow points out, not all hardware is 'compatible' with Xbox Cloud (XB360, PS3/4/5, Switch etc) although other devices, inc Mobiles, Samsung TV's, Laptops, Handheld Tablets/PC's etc are ALL compatible with Game Pass Cloud, even if the Hardware can't run the game on its hardware locally...
You could tell they were going to stop supporting the XB1. I just didn't think it would happen so quickly. It felt like it happened over night. I ended up buying a series X right before Starfield launched. Coming over from a PC I didn't really mind the price. I didn't realize so many gamers did it on a budget. Which makes you wonder who the hell are they trying to convince to buy these $100 games.
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