The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Xbox 360)
Bethesda's masterpiece, a game that's been re-released more times than we can actually count at this stage, Skyrim just keeps on keeping on.
The fifth entry in the Elder Scrolls franchise took everything that was good about its predecessors and honed it to near perfection. Your travels through this harsh Northern territory as the Dragonborn afford you the franchise's signature sense of scope and total freedom to do as you please, but here everything feels far more interconnected and important. Side quests tie into main quests and introduce characters you'll meet further down the line. Simply rampaging off on your own will find you stumble across scenarios where you'll make a choice that affects some other aspect of the narrative.
Dungeons are exquisite, the combat is actually decent (well, except for those dragon fights) and the sense of progression gained through levelling up skills, perks and class traits - all of which are nicely flexible - keeps you pushing forward. There's a whole world to revel in here, houses to buy, libraries worth of lore, tons of secrets and more.
A quick jaunt always turns into a multi-hour affair, there's always something new to find, some new area to investigate or quest to undertake. The story is excellent, the writing is top-notch and the soundtrack gives it all a real sense of epic discovery and triumph. Skyrim keeps returning for a reason and that reason, quite simply, is that it's one of the best RPGs ever made.
- Backwards Compatible? No, but it is available in its enhanced Special Edition
The Walking Dead (Xbox 360)
Telltale's The Walking Dead is a genuine phenomenon that gave the graphic adventure genre a much needed boost in popularity. Based off the best-selling comic books it infuses its narrative with so much gut-wrenching emotion, so many important decisions to be made and amazing characters to meet that it sucks you into its world entirely.
The gameplay here may be mostly QTEs and dialogue choices but don't be fooled, we were waiting with baited breath for each and every new episode to drop, such is the quality of the writing and characterisations on display. Every choice made affects the story, friends live and die by your decisions and Telltale never shy away from shocking you, it's nail-biting stuff.
The Walking Dead does a fantastic line in tough emotional storytelling, infusing its world and characters with so much life that you can't help but be utterly caught up in it all. Telltale have proven themselves to be masters of this genre and The Walking Dead may well be their finest hour. Grab the first episode for free, try it out, and we guarantee you'll be aboard for the duration of a ride that just gets better and better as it goes along.
- Backwards Compatible? Yes
Tomb Raider (Xbox 360)
Crystal Dynamics' 2013 reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise delivered a brilliant new take on Lara Croft that saw this most famous of video game heroines reborn as something altogether more interesting.
A brilliantly paced game with a sense of scale and scope of the likes of Uncharted, Tomb Raider sees Lara transformed from a hunted and hesitant heroine into the ultimate adventurer and killing machine. It's a fantastic experience, jam-packed full of spectacular set-pieces, brutal action and climbing that would put Nathan Drake himself to shame.
Playing this one stealthy, killing foes with violent takedowns, long-range bow shots and plenty of creeping about in the shadows is our preferred play style, but going loud works just as well and the upgrade system is flexible enough to allow you to power up in the direction you prefer.
With plenty of puzzles and combat that dazzles, this first entry in the new franchise turned out to be the best of the lot and put Lara Croft firmly back on the video game map. It's just a shame there weren't a few more actual tombs included.
- Backwards Compatible? No, but available in a Definitive Edition.
Ultra Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360)
Arriving in 2014, a full five years after the initial release of Street Fighter IV, this Ultra revision sees the storied Street Fighter series riding an all-time high.
Street Fighter IV had set about rejuvenating interest in 2D fighters, a genre that had been flagging for quite some time before 2009, and this final Ultra form tweaked its gameplay to near perfection. With six new stages, five new characters and three new game mechanics - as well as half a decade's worth of patches and tweaks - this was a complex fighting game that now had very little in the way of flaws.
It may be risky to introduce new mechanics so far down the line to such a finely balanced game as this, but the addition of Ultra Combo Doubles, Red Focus attacks and delayed wake ups worked perfectly here, resulting in a masterful fighter that has yet to be topped by its predecessor in terms of pure fun and ease of access to newcomers and pros alike. Ultra Street Fighter IV is one of the great 2D fighters.
- Backwards Compatible? Yes
Vanquish (Xbox 360)
Shinji Mikami's 2010 action effort took us all by surprise back in the day, delivering an insanely OTT romp that demanded multiple playthroughs just so we could work out what on earth we'd just borne witness to.
Taking control of DARPA's number one knucklehead, Sam Gideon, Vanquish charges players with running - or should that be sliding - a non-stop gauntlet of enemy fire and fighting as they charge relentlessly through four beautifully crafted hours of third-person shooter carnage.
Slide-boosting around the floor of arenas, getting in close for melee kills, watching as your guns morph and switch into new variants and stopping mid-action, crouched behind a wall for a cheeky cigarette, is all part of the psychotic deal here and we just can't get enough of it. It may have been criticised for being a little on the short side and stuffed full of cheesy, awful dialogue but we wouldn't have it any other way. Vanquish is a ridiculous and unique slice of no-holds barred action that we return to constantly, and one you should make it a priority to get stuck into ASAP. It's time to hit hard and make 'em regret it!
- Backwards Compatible? Yes
XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Xbox 360)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown thrives on stress. The stress of missions where each and every one of your soldiers can die permanently. The stress of a great big DEFCON style clock that's constantly ticking down to oblivion for the human race and the stress that you're gonna do the wrong thing and end up being swamped by the alien invaders you've set out to thwart.
Firaxis' 2012 turn-based tactical classic is a pretty tough game, unafraid to mow your treasured units down in an instant, its fog of war hides constant challenges and situations where you're always outnumbered. But take your time, get to know your skill sets and classes, utilise the gifts your given - and save scum like your life depends on it - and you'll find one of the truly great tactical RPG experiences here, a game that we return to often and one that has only ever been equalled by its excellent sequel. XCOM: Enemy Unknown may not be for the faint-hearted but it's absolutely an all-timer.
- Backwards Compatible? Yes
Have we missed out any of the best Xbox 360 games? Are there any titles you reckon belong in the list above? Let us know in the comments!
Comments 35
When Xbox was mighty and a new generation meant new games.
The Xbox glory days, loved every minute of it.
Maybe in about 3 years time we can go there again.
Both Forza Horizon 1 and Gears of War 1 are Backwards Compatible, despite this article saying no.
I cant believe they put Binary Domain on here, such an awesome game and a true shame its not backwards compatible
Where is Dead Rising ? ^^
As has been mentioned, this article confuses backwards compatibility with being currently available for purchase.
Gears 1, Forza Horizon 1 and Modern Warfare 1 are all playable with the original X360 discs on both Xbox One and Series X.
Xbox 360 was an amazing gen. Surprised Castle Crashers didn't make the list.
On a side note, I've recently started playing Double Dragon Neon again. Never beat it (nor came close if I recall) when I first played it some decades ago.
I think there are a lot of mechanics that I was not aware of when I played it last. The dodge and counterattack is a game changer.
I'm pretty sure I knew nothing about that when I originally played it.
Man, going through this article really takes me back to the 360 days. I still have tons of games left to play on the system, so I'm not going to run out of titles to play anytime soon!
A great list of excellent games. I would add: The Darkness 2, Doom 3, Prey, and Shadows of the Damned.
No Alan Wake? Seriously?
The OG Gears is the best 360 game
Crackdown & dead rising
Asura's wrath and spec ops: the line are some fun times!
Halo 3 is also BC, but it is no longer downloadable from the store.
Sure Dark Souls, and Bayonetta are the same. (They are at least BC, I'm just not sure if they're still available to download).
GTA V and MInecraft are not BC but have an xbox one native version.
and games like AC2, Burnout, Borderlands, Bioshock, Vanquish, Shadow Complex, and Walking Dead, are BC as well as having remastered 8th gen versions.
@JoakimZ Exacly, You can't buy Forza Horizon anymore online but if you have a physical copy, you can play it via backwards compatibility. BTW It's ridiciolous that MS doesn't goes the extra mile to extend the licenses for the Forza Horizon/Motorsport games even though they are one of(if not) the best games on Xbox...
I would also add these masterpieces to the list :
Project Gotham 4 and Blur could easily be added to this list.
We've updated some of the backwards compatible listings that were incorrect, thanks folks!
One game that needs to be in the list that lot people missed playing due to it releasing right before halo 3 is the FPS Shadowrun.
By far the best, most fun, most balanced, most cerebral shooter I've ever played. Wish every day they would remaster it or release a sequel. Tremendously underrated game.
For me it's Bioshock, Burnout Paradise and this might be odd, but I have immensely enjoyed Unreal Tournament 3 and Clive Barker's Jericho. Mainly Jericho is what you may call a "deep cut" and definitely not a perfect one. But again, I remember it fondly.
Blur, PGR 4,Trials HD and Unreal Tournament 3 are great too.
I still remember playing GTA V for the first time and thinking “how the hell is my 360 running this game?!?” It looked amazing at the time. The amount of tiny details in the environments was staggering. As for Rahman legends...I wish Ubisoft would do another one.
@TheIronChimp yeah, surprised PGR 4 didn’t get a mention here.
No Transformers War for Cybertron or the Fall of Cybertron sequel? This saddens me.
Oblivion came out in 2010?
No naughty bear list is invalid
So other than Fez, Rez HD & Binary Domain all these are BC or playable in a more recent form. That’s great. Hopefully some of these will make the BC cut next time.
@somnambulance Alan Wake was a bit of a cult classic, not universally loved, it was my least favourite Remedy game but agree it’s omission is odd.
Was only having this conversation recently with my brother, but I think the 360 is secretly the best console of all time for me. Like somebody said earlier in the comments, this was the last gen where publishers took risks, game journalism was still a thing, Ryan Davis was still alive (RIP) and everything about video games was basically better.
Sigh, I'm getting old aren't I? Lol
PGR4 was an amazing game, had many an happy time racing Hayabusa bikes around the Hermitage.
Gears was an amazing game too with the cover system being perfectly executed.
COD:MW was a brilliant example of a Hollywood blockbuster in game form. I love how the game was a short blast that made you want to do it all again on the next difficulty. Modern games are so long and bloated that by the time you’ve done the bloated 45 hour repetitive campaign you don’t want to do it again.
But my overall fave was Bioshock. For its brilliant art design and wonderful story. The atmosphere is created was amazingly immersive.
360 days were possibly the best of any generation.
It's not a game I associate with the 360 as it was released in 2015 but is there an argument for phantom pain being on this list??
no love for blue dragon/lost odyssey?
Solid picks. My list would include Dead Rising, Lost Planet 2, Marble Blast Ultra, and Tenchu Z as well as some of the ones mentioned in this article.
All opinions, I know... but I'd def add Crackdown (both!), Black Ops... and the game of the generation Deadly Premonition.
It's truly amazing how many games big and small were amazing from this Era, even the ones that were just 'meh' or above average stand out compared to what a lot of what we get now.
Sad that so many either aren't backwards compatible at all, only available in remakes/remasters/collections (I refuse to call that backwards compatible if I have to buy it again), digitally delisted and now only playable with the disc (RIP DLCs), or only available on the 360 marketplace (most games like that never go on sale now).
This is a mighty fine list. I would add:
Catherine, Dead Rising, Geometry Wars, PGR3,
Mirror's Edge, Pac-Man CE and Splinter Cell Double Agent.
@Broosh Marble Blast Ultra was great, what a throw back!
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