Burnout Paradise (Xbox 360)
We weren't entirely sure what to make of the idea of an open world Burnout game when we first got wind of Burnout Paradise, we like our Burnout tightly contained on tricky little tracks and full of spectacular smashes. However, once we actually got our hands on this one, we quickly realised that Criterion Games had crafted a cracker.
Paradise City is custom built to accommodate your most destructive tendencies, a bespoke playground littered with hidden paths, jumps, shortcuts destructible objects and events at every junction. The smashing action, driving and sense of speed feels great here, this game is just fun to play around in, the showtime events bring the madness of Crash Mode back to life and online play is seamlessly integrated into the experience.
With tons of cars to takedown and add to your collection, an excellent soundtrack (even if that DJ needs shutting up) and visuals that still look great today, Burnout Paradise is a fantastic open world entry into one of our favourite racing franchises.
- Backwards Compatible? Yes
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare's shifting to a modern theatre of war brought the horrors of conflict home in a way the series had failed to do up until this point.
Yes we'd had the D-Day landings and countless other historical events chronicled in detail in previous releases in the franchise, but there was something disturbingly immediate about Modern Warfare. The spooky green glow of night-vision, the terrorists we knew were currently our real world enemies, that AC-130 Gunship level where you flattened so many human targets indiscriminately...it was something entirely different.
And yet the same. For all the horror, this was Call of Duty as it ever was, an almost on-rails ride through a short and spectacular campaign, something to polish up your skills and get you used to the game's tweaked mechanics before you were unleashed on the massively revamped multiplayer with its perks and loadouts and everything that the game still adheres to all this time later.
A high point in the series for sure, Modern Warfare set a new standard for Infinity Ward and delivered an experience that still stands up as one of the very best Call of Duty's to date.
- Backwards Compatible? Yes, and the remastered version is available
Dark Souls (Xbox 360)
Is Hidetaka Miyazaki's game the greatest of all time? There's certainly a strong argument to be made in its favour.
Dark Souls took what the sublime Demon's Souls started and honed it to perfection, resulting in an adventure quite unlike anything else. With wonderfully complex combat, rich lore, a hauntingly beautiful - and terrifying - world, unique multiplayer integration and hidden game mechanics you simply had to spend time with to figure out, Dark Souls is a bonafide masterpiece.
The sequel was a little hit and miss and the third game brought the magic to a bigger audience in a slightly more welcoming package, but the first Dark Souls remains the finest entry in the series, a dark and majestic work of genius that may very well be the greatest thing we've ever played. Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth the suffering? Absolutely.
- Backwards Compatible? Yes, and the remastered version is available
Dead Space (Xbox 360)
Dead Space was a rather unexpected surprise when it released back in 2008, a truly top-notch horror game that absolutely delivered on every front, Isaac Clarke's first adventure is a terrifying, slow-burn masterpiece that sees players hacking the limbs of Necromorphs as they slowly piece together the events that have transpired aboard the USG Ishimura.
With a delightfully mute protagonist, intriguing story, wonderfully strategic limb-shredding action, nerve-wracking audio and hugely atmospheric setting, Dead Space gave us a dark, unsettlingly and brutally violent helping of survival horror that plays as well today as it did when it first released.
- Backwards Compatible? Yes, via EA Access
Dead Space 2 (Xbox 360)
Very much Aliens to its predecessor's Alien, Dead Space 2 sees Isaac Clarke return in a sequel that ups the ante in every way whilst still managing to deliver on the horror that made the first game in the series such a classic.
This time around Isaac has lost everything, including most of his mind, and goes about his Necromorph-slaying business in an almost deranged state of grief. The story here packs a bigger punch, there are new baddies in the form of a creepy Unitologist Cult, some amazing set-pieces and genuinely unsettling and gruesome scenes along the way. Dead Space 2 looks and sounds incredible, is packed full of terrifying moments and delivers a blockbuster sequel that successfully manages to tread the tricky line between bigger and louder and still actually scary.
- Backwards Compatible? Yes, via EA Access
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Xbox 360)
From the moment Adam Jensen gets blown apart in the opening sequence of this one you're absolutely hooked into its rich narrative and choice-driven gameplay in a return for the Deus Ex series that 100% lives up to the hype.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution really had a lot to live up to and, thankfully, Eidos Montreal delivered the goods in this dark, dystopian tale of corruption in Detroit and Hengsha. The gameplay here supports both stealth and straight-up shooting - although we reckon it does stealth much better - and the way in which you choose to augment and upgrade Adam plays directly into your preferred method of taking on the game's puzzles and enemies. It's hugely satisfying stuff that keeps you absorbed as you grow ever stronger and more capable of killing, hacking and getting to the truth at the core of the narrative.
There's a fantastic cover system here, well-designed level hubs, lots of slick gimmicks and gadgets, an engrossing story, intriguing dialogue choices to be made and it's all wrapped up in a sublimely stylish package that's every bit as good to play now as it was in 2011 - as long as you ignore the boss fights.
- Backwards Compatible? Yes
Diablo III (Xbox 360)
Twelve whole years after the release of Diablo 2, fans of the franchise were finally treated to a triumphant return in the form of this excellent third entry in the action-RPG series.
The story may be as cliched as ever but in terms of gameplay, in terms of dungeon-crawling, ghoul-smashing, loot-grabbing action, Diablo 3 is a fiendishly addictive banger. The art design and atmosphere is fantastic, loot bursts beautifully forth from baddies as you pop them, the skills and class system is wonderfully flexible and co-op play is seamlessly interwoven into it all. Diablo 3 is a game we could play endlessly, a dungeon-crawling, loot-driven masterpiece that's an essential addition to any game collection. Blizzard nailed it.
- Backwards Compatible? No, but available as part of the Eternal and Prime collections.
Dishonored (Xbox 360)
Arkane's 2012 action adventure is a meticulously crafted puzzle box that draws inspiration from the likes of Deus Ex, resulting in a game that offers a ton of choice to its players, letting them manipulate and build the experience to their own playstyle.
Gameplay really is king here, you can choose to see Corvo Attano through his adventures in Dunwall as a maniacal killer, stealthy assassin, completely non-lethal protagonist or anywhere in between. The nine levels on offer are wonderfully diverse, elaborately constructed things that let you pick and choose your routes as you upgrade and pimp out your perks and amazing array of powers in the manner of your choosing.
All of this excellent freedom and choice is then backed up by a story that is delivered through the game's environments first and foremost, a delicious reward for players who take their time, drink it all in and are diligent in how they go about planning their assassinations and takedowns. Dishonored is a timeless masterpiece from which Arkane has gone on to shine ever more brightly as one of the most innovative and inventive of game studios.
- Backwards Compatible? Available in its Definitive Edition and as part of the Arkane Collection
Fable 2 (Xbox 360)
The first game in the series may have been a little bit of a let-down in terms of not delivering on some of the (impossible) promises made by Peter Moylneux, but this second bite at the cherry comes pretty damn close to pulling it off.
Fable 2 is epic in scope, features enormous and richly detailed areas to explore that are jam-packed full of characters and lore. Most importantly, its social simulation, its choices, flexibility and possibilities result in an RPG that affords its players a staggering amount of agency in how they go about creating a character and living in its world.
This is a game that rewards exploration and experimentation and, although it may not do anything new in terms of its moment to moment RPG gameplay mechanics, it imbues them all with such a grand illusion of endless choice and freedom that it's hard not to be sucked completely into its compelling and surprisingly emotional world.
- Backwards Compatible? Yes
Comments 35
When Xbox was mighty and a new generation meant new games.
The Xbox glory days, loved every minute of it.
Maybe in about 3 years time we can go there again.
Both Forza Horizon 1 and Gears of War 1 are Backwards Compatible, despite this article saying no.
I cant believe they put Binary Domain on here, such an awesome game and a true shame its not backwards compatible
Where is Dead Rising ? ^^
As has been mentioned, this article confuses backwards compatibility with being currently available for purchase.
Gears 1, Forza Horizon 1 and Modern Warfare 1 are all playable with the original X360 discs on both Xbox One and Series X.
Xbox 360 was an amazing gen. Surprised Castle Crashers didn't make the list.
On a side note, I've recently started playing Double Dragon Neon again. Never beat it (nor came close if I recall) when I first played it some decades ago.
I think there are a lot of mechanics that I was not aware of when I played it last. The dodge and counterattack is a game changer.
I'm pretty sure I knew nothing about that when I originally played it.
Man, going through this article really takes me back to the 360 days. I still have tons of games left to play on the system, so I'm not going to run out of titles to play anytime soon!
A great list of excellent games. I would add: The Darkness 2, Doom 3, Prey, and Shadows of the Damned.
No Alan Wake? Seriously?
The OG Gears is the best 360 game
Crackdown & dead rising
Asura's wrath and spec ops: the line are some fun times!
Halo 3 is also BC, but it is no longer downloadable from the store.
Sure Dark Souls, and Bayonetta are the same. (They are at least BC, I'm just not sure if they're still available to download).
GTA V and MInecraft are not BC but have an xbox one native version.
and games like AC2, Burnout, Borderlands, Bioshock, Vanquish, Shadow Complex, and Walking Dead, are BC as well as having remastered 8th gen versions.
@JoakimZ Exacly, You can't buy Forza Horizon anymore online but if you have a physical copy, you can play it via backwards compatibility. BTW It's ridiciolous that MS doesn't goes the extra mile to extend the licenses for the Forza Horizon/Motorsport games even though they are one of(if not) the best games on Xbox...
I would also add these masterpieces to the list :
Project Gotham 4 and Blur could easily be added to this list.
We've updated some of the backwards compatible listings that were incorrect, thanks folks!
One game that needs to be in the list that lot people missed playing due to it releasing right before halo 3 is the FPS Shadowrun.
By far the best, most fun, most balanced, most cerebral shooter I've ever played. Wish every day they would remaster it or release a sequel. Tremendously underrated game.
For me it's Bioshock, Burnout Paradise and this might be odd, but I have immensely enjoyed Unreal Tournament 3 and Clive Barker's Jericho. Mainly Jericho is what you may call a "deep cut" and definitely not a perfect one. But again, I remember it fondly.
Blur, PGR 4,Trials HD and Unreal Tournament 3 are great too.
I still remember playing GTA V for the first time and thinking “how the hell is my 360 running this game?!?” It looked amazing at the time. The amount of tiny details in the environments was staggering. As for Rahman legends...I wish Ubisoft would do another one.
@TheIronChimp yeah, surprised PGR 4 didn’t get a mention here.
No Transformers War for Cybertron or the Fall of Cybertron sequel? This saddens me.
Oblivion came out in 2010?
No naughty bear list is invalid
So other than Fez, Rez HD & Binary Domain all these are BC or playable in a more recent form. That’s great. Hopefully some of these will make the BC cut next time.
@somnambulance Alan Wake was a bit of a cult classic, not universally loved, it was my least favourite Remedy game but agree it’s omission is odd.
Was only having this conversation recently with my brother, but I think the 360 is secretly the best console of all time for me. Like somebody said earlier in the comments, this was the last gen where publishers took risks, game journalism was still a thing, Ryan Davis was still alive (RIP) and everything about video games was basically better.
Sigh, I'm getting old aren't I? Lol
PGR4 was an amazing game, had many an happy time racing Hayabusa bikes around the Hermitage.
Gears was an amazing game too with the cover system being perfectly executed.
COD:MW was a brilliant example of a Hollywood blockbuster in game form. I love how the game was a short blast that made you want to do it all again on the next difficulty. Modern games are so long and bloated that by the time you’ve done the bloated 45 hour repetitive campaign you don’t want to do it again.
But my overall fave was Bioshock. For its brilliant art design and wonderful story. The atmosphere is created was amazingly immersive.
360 days were possibly the best of any generation.
It's not a game I associate with the 360 as it was released in 2015 but is there an argument for phantom pain being on this list??
no love for blue dragon/lost odyssey?
Solid picks. My list would include Dead Rising, Lost Planet 2, Marble Blast Ultra, and Tenchu Z as well as some of the ones mentioned in this article.
All opinions, I know... but I'd def add Crackdown (both!), Black Ops... and the game of the generation Deadly Premonition.
It's truly amazing how many games big and small were amazing from this Era, even the ones that were just 'meh' or above average stand out compared to what a lot of what we get now.
Sad that so many either aren't backwards compatible at all, only available in remakes/remasters/collections (I refuse to call that backwards compatible if I have to buy it again), digitally delisted and now only playable with the disc (RIP DLCs), or only available on the 360 marketplace (most games like that never go on sale now).
This is a mighty fine list. I would add:
Catherine, Dead Rising, Geometry Wars, PGR3,
Mirror's Edge, Pac-Man CE and Splinter Cell Double Agent.
@Broosh Marble Blast Ultra was great, what a throw back!
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