The Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S are now officially available, and while Halo Infinite is no longer the big launch title for the system, there are still well over 30 launch games to pick up on day one.
Here are the launch games you can look forward to playing on Xbox Series X...
All Xbox Series X Launch Games
- Assassins Creed Valhalla (Smart Delivery)
- Borderlands 3 (Smart Delivery)
- Bright Memory 1.0
- Cuisine Royale (Smart Delivery)
- Dead by Daylight (Xbox Game Pass + Smart Delivery)
- Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition
- DIRT 5 (Smart Delivery)
- Enlisted
- Evergate
- The Falconeer (Smart Delivery)
- Fortnite
- Forza Horizon 4 (Xbox Game Pass + Smart Delivery)
- Gears 5 (Xbox Game Pass + Smart Delivery)
- Gears Tactics (Xbox Game Pass + Smart Delivery)
- Grounded (Xbox Game Pass + Smart Delivery)
- King Oddball (Smart Delivery)
- Maneater (Smart Delivery)
- Manifold Garden (Smart Delivery)
- NBA 2K21
- No Man's Sky: Next Generation (Smart Delivery)
- Observer: System Redux
- Ori and the Will of the Wisps (Xbox Game Pass + Smart Delivery)
- Overcooked!: All You Can Eat
- Planet Coaster: Console Edition (Xbox Game Pass + Smart Delivery)
- Rogue Company
- Sea of Thieves (Xbox Game Pass + Smart Delivery)
- Tetris Effect: Connected (Xbox Game Pass + Smart Delivery)
- The Touryst (Xbox Game Pass + Smart Delivery)
- War Thunder (Smart Delivery)
- Warhammer: Chaosbane Slayer Edition
- Watch Dogs: Legion (Smart Delivery)
- WRC 9 FIA World Rally Championship (Smart Delivery)
- Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Smart Delivery)
- Yes, Your Grace (Smart Delivery)
Which of these Xbox Series X launch titles are you most interested in? Let us know in the comments.
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Comments 44
@FraserG I have a question, if I use a digital xbox one code on the series s would it work
@AkashTheGod99 We haven't had confirmation of this yet, but I can't see why not. It's already been confirmed that nearly all Xbox One games will be compatible on Series S & Series X.
@fraser G thanks
They really need to get Flight Simulator out at launch. They need some sort of heavy hitter to showcase the power of the console. I'm hoping that's the big reveal in their likely final event before the launch. I'd like to see the Medium and Call of the Sea out soon as well.
Really wanting more info on the launch of The Medium, The Ascent, Call of the Sea, and Scorn. All four were big parts of the May showcase, all are exclusive. On one hand they would make for a good launch lineup, on the other hand 2021 is looking pretty barren and would be good to have consistent Game Pass content throughout the year.
has anyone else realized where to find the xss pre order and that the xsx pre order site is down on amazon
That’s a lot of games!
Hopefully, Xbox has another event to show off some of the new titles more.
And maybe show off what The Initiative is working on.
I was gonna get games like AC Valhalla and Dirt 5 on PS5 but have been unable to preorder one, so assuming I can nab myself a XBSX preorder then I’ll be buying them on Xbox. And don’t forget Cyberpunk 2077! Funny thing is, I’ve got the Cyberpunk ltd edition Xbox One X which includes a free copy of the game, which I probably won’t even play on the One X as hopefully I’ll be playing it on the Series X!
Games I'll buy will probably be:
Blops Cold War
Dirt 5
The falconeer looks interesting but has future gamepass game all over it.
The other games will just be gamepass games and the free upgrades to what I already have.
Everything coming out about the PS5 has really put me off getting one. The new Spiderman was the only real game from their launch line up I wanted. Will probably leave it until the end of next year before picking one up.
Still no Grim Dawn. Those guys are really slow in develloping for XBox.
The line-up is looking pretty good, and a whole 9 days earlier for us lot in the UK too.. I don't see Yakuza Like a Dragon on PS5 which is a big factor on deciding what to get first
I like the line up, gonna hold of on the ps5 til ratchet and clank...
@fraserg any word on the Witcher 3 patch? Holding off for that ray tracing patch, lovely, that will be a worthy one
@Porridge2215 I believe The Witcher 3 next-gen version has now been slated for 2021.
@FraserG ouch
@FraserG Wait, Avengers has been confirmed for the launch date ? In its upgraded version, I mean ? Do we have specifis, will there be a new physical edition (with the mention "Optimized for Series X" on the back) ?
I was really waiting for next gen to get my hands on this game, so if this is true, I'm more than happy !
Looking forward to Falconeer, Dirt, Tetris, and Yakuza. However, with how the PS5 pre-orders went I’m not hopeful I’ll be able to get the Series X on launch day tho
That’s a nice line-up, and I’m glad Game Pass is there to back up any purchases I decide to make on the day. I’m absolutely going to get DMC5: Special Edition; just pump it into my veins.
@Bobobiwan Yeah, Square Enix previously said the game would be available when the Series X launches.
"Extremely fast load times, boosted resolution and fidelity, improved texturing and armor destruction, ray tracing, and more".
I believe more information is coming soon.
Any sane person waits a year after launch before buying a new console. You have a much better selection of games, problems with the OS are ironed out and some of those launch titles are now dirt cheap (eg AC Valhalla will be £20 this time next year)
That’s when to bite.
@FraserG All right, thanks ! As a marvel fanboy, I was waiting for this version in order to debut my playthrought.
Can't wait for the Series X to come.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla is going to be the first game I play on the XSX! Cant wait... well, can wait, I wont touch it until the XSX arrives so i can play it there!
Other than that, looking forward for Observer: System Redux, Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Watch Dogs: Legion (another game I'll wait to play on the XSX.)
At some point between now and then I want to play every single Gears of War game, except 5, so i can play that one at its best. But then again... maybe all those BC 360 Gear games will be even better on the XSX...
The Falconeer looks intriguing, but will have to wait until im through all the other stuff! Maybe, just maybe, I'll buy it day one just to support the team.
So much to play... if i spend a single day bored between now and next summer, its all on me!!!
@Tarps They're actually all multiplats.
My mate and I are super hopeful that Sea of Thieves will get the Smart Delivery upgrade at launch. We both play on PC currently, but his rig is a bit older and getting a performance boost from the new console would be fab. Especially as you can still use keyboard and mouse with it!
Gears Tactics and Yakuza will keep me busy for quite some time I suspect. Looking forward to it.
Going to pick up AC Valhalla day one with my Series S! Then going to jump into game pass, want to play Gears ultimate, sea of thieves and hellblade are the first ones on my list! Not really touched Xbox much since 360 days.
Didn’t know Tetris was going to be on Gamepass, that is a cool addition!
COD Cold War is almost a launch game as it's out November 13th, just remember at retail it's a Series X game (NBA 2K21 is the same deal) and digital you have to get the cross-gen version to get the upgrade or buy the Series X|S designed version
I’ll buy a series X (the most powerful console to date) and Just Dance 2021.
These are made for each other!
@BrilliantBill I thought I'd already included that! Thanks
Sadly this is the reason I went with PS5 instead of Series X at launch, only The Medium holds much interest for me and a lot of those "launch" games are just existing titles. I'll be keeping an eye on upcoming games to jump on board next year
Yeah agree with @carlos82 I’m struggling to spot anything new on the list which is a bit pointless. Between the High prices for next gen (especially PS5) and no next gen games for Xbox really I don’t know why I need to pro-order these machines but damn I just have to own one! I just have a weakness for new consoles and the anticipation of how amazing they’ll be. I’m guessing it’s not until 2021 until these machines become worthwhile.
Super excited for Yakuza, Dirt and Gears 5/Tactics. Was wondering though, when they say Yakuza is day-one release that's digital only right? Because as far as I can see the physical isn't releasing until the 13th.
I'm hoping my series X is here in time for cyberpunk I know the upgraded version won't be ready for the series X but I think it should still run better on it
@Menchi all 4 are Xbox + PC. As Xbox gamers, we are accustomed to "exclusive" meaning "Xbox + PC"
@Medic_Alert I did, but I don't buy many games anyway aside from Game Pass Ultimate and I'm excited for a lot of features with the console itself, such as Quick Resume being able to play all those games at once. Also with the enhancements of the games that I play, I'm ready for launch, because even if not exactly Series X enhanced most of them are One X enhanced and I'm upgrading from a One S.
Going to give Gears Tactics a try and play Tetris. Main attraction will be the upgraded Forza Horizon 4. Might buy Watch Dogs depending on reviews. If The Ascent, The Medium and Crossfire X make launch I’ll be playing them too.
I had pre-ordered every major release from Ubjdoft, Cyberpunk and Yakuza.
Since I was not able to secure an Xbox preorder I opted to cancel them all. There is potential for me not finding any series X until next year, and have decided not to buy more Xbox or PlayStation games until I am planning to sit down and play them, or I find them on a solid discount.
Whenever I get a series X, looking forward for Vallhala above all else.
i'll be playing gears tactics, yakuza: like a dragon, and tetris effect: connected out of the new launch games. i'll definitely check out forza horizon 4, as well as continue my new skyrim playthru haha
@Medic_Alert “Has anyone else pre-ordered their console but not going to buy anything on day one?”
Yes absolutely. Looking forward mostly to QoL Improvements to my existing library for the first few months + the gift that keeps giving - Game Pass! I have a launch XBox One so it’s going to a big jump and there are already a lot of X enhanced, 4K and HDR titles to enjoy.
To be honest I rarely buy any games day one anyway, (worst version, incomplete game, most price etc.) but I am looking forward to newer games further down the line.
... though Miles Morales is a possibility at launch
I don't really think there is much on that list that has me excited at the moment, though I am not getting the console straight at launch anyway. At least when I do get the console, I will have Xbox Game Pass so I will have plenty to choose from.
I still find it hysterical that Series X launches with a JRPG from a Sony-centric series.
Looks good, but it also looks..."grittier" than the usual "totally nuts" Yakuza games. Not sure how I feel about it.
AC and Watch Dogs seem to be the "showcase" games here for lack of anything better.
Still, all I'm seeing different on PS5 is Sack Boy and Spiderman DLC with a patch with another patch that you have to pay for even though you have the old game that doesn't get a patch even though other similarly timed games get a patch but this one doesn't because you have to buy the patch again by buying the whole game again by buying a different game to get that game with the patch and the different came either comes with a patch or doesn't come with a patch depending on if you buy the old version of the new game or the new version of the new game, and only the special edition of the new version of the new game comes with a new version of the old game with a patch that you can't otherwise get for the old game without the special edition of the new version of the new game with the patch as opposed to the new game without the patch that doesn't come with the old game with the patch.
People keep raving about Demon's Souls as well, as a major launch title. I don't see it. It's a remaster of a 10+ year old game that's already had better sequels, and the series is ultra-super niche to begin with.
So...yeah....this is a console launch that consists of Sackboy, Assassin's Creed, and Watch Dogs....and a Yakuza game that looks dark and gritty like a real mob thriller instead of Yakuza's insanity. Fun hardware...I look forward to playing my old games on it
@Medic_Alert I think there's a lot more reason to buy an X than a PS5 at launch if you're not into the launch lineup. X makes all your backlog games better out of the box. PS5....just emulates a PS4 Pro. So it's like a PC upgrade in general with X. Not so with PS5 which frustrates me to no end, that console deserved better for the old games, and re-selling them one at a time with a patch isn't a good look while the X plug-and-play upgrades almost everything.
So I'm looking forward to X for...everything I haven't played yet and already own.
I'm looking forward to PS5 for Sack boy and maybe MM. And then the post-launch games through the year.
@Medic_Alert There's no question it's a pretty looking graphics showcase, but there's no getting away from the fact it's not a new game, it's a PS3 game redone with "next gen" graphics, and an incredibly niche game/genre to boot. It has developed a cult popularity amidst the internet fandom, and across the From software franchises, even MS has jumped in that with hyping Sekiro at E3 a few years back, but at the end of the day it's a niche cult series for masochists, and rather than a new entry, it's just the first game again, gussied up. Maybe the QoL features will make it more friendly and "accessible" but I have my doubts From would have any parts of that (and the fandom would go into hysterics if they did.)
While I come at that with something of a bias as someone who simply does not understand the appeal, at all, of the From software titles (despite owning all of them across various platforms, strangely enough.) They're boring, empty, generic environments with no real sense of purpose beyond a dated gameplay loop of pattern memorization and reflex response. I still think Nioh is a better take on the genre. Despite sucking at both, personally, I have a lot more fun relentlessly dying in the Nioh games than in any of From's games. Seeing Nioh2 at the top of the TGS nominees gives me hope I'm not alone in that. And yeah, I'm choosing one Sony franchise over another Sony & Multiplat franchise in this case, but while I'm not really the target niche for either game, I'd be more excited about a Nioh 2 upgrade patch than about a Demons Souls ONE Remake.
Sony's 2021 calendar looks fantastic, though apart from R&C (my personal top reason for buying the machine at launch) most of them are PS4 games that would have launched on PS4 probably a year ago, if there was no PS5. I've been blasting Sony for the past year or so that they abandoned PS4 2 years ago. Turns out they didn't abandon PS4. They just did a Nintendo and withheld all their PS4 games so they could showcase them on PS5 before releasing them.
Microsoft.... Well we know they have some major heavy hitters coming up, and we know post Bethesda they pretty much own the entire WRPG landscape now, so I'm not worried about what I'll be getting on the box.....but yeah, I'd like to know more about when. In reality, Spencer didn't start digging the brand out of Matrick's ashes until around Series S launch, and the studio aquisitions really started 2017 onward.....there was no way they were going to have a serious lineup for 2020 or 2021 based solely on dev times. My hope is that with a bigger budget Bethesda can ramp up some of what was in the pipeline to more reasonable timetables to compliment what their other studios are doing. But I'm not expecting much beyond Halo in 2021. OTOH it's the platform that upgrades your old games....without charging you a fee behind purchases of other games.... So I have probably 3 dozen games to play on it before I run out of anything, with frequent breaks to play Sony and Nintendo games.
@Medic_Alert I think people like myself that bought all of them despite not actually really liking any of them due to a mix of trying to understand the hype and "well it's cheap on sale!" probably fueled an unfair number of those sales due to the "mystique" of it. I'm lambasting the franchise as niche and boring while having contributed to a combined 6 of those sales if we include Sekiro.
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