
Topic: What Xbox One game are you currently playing?

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So I played more of Need for Speed: Payback and I genuinely had no idea that this game is basically Forza Horizon. It felt very linear and story-driven at first but now there's an open world to drive around in. You gain skill points doing various things such as drifting, getting air time etc., you find lost cars in the open world and so on. It really feels like a Forza Horizon game now, which surprised me since you'd think more people would talk about this game because the FH games are really good. And so far I'm finding Payback to be really good as well. It actually feels better than the FH series in some regards, such as constantly upgrading your cars (the level of progression is much better than FH), there being an actual story with characters that keeps you motivated and the driving is more arcade-y with turbo boosts, which makes the races more exhilarating! I'm genuinely starting to love this series now.



Thanks for all the comments on this thread..!
You've made me want to play Need for Speed now, so will try and download it when I've time next week!!



@sib Glad to hear that mate! Definitely start out with Payback for a good first experience because I'm absolutely loving this game. I've also heard that Need for Speed: Heat is a great follow-up to Payback and plays similarly, so there does not seem to be any shortage of these games.

[Edited by LtSarge]



Played Man of Medan for about an hour today and it's honestly not sitting well with me at all. I genuinely couldn't care less about the characters, which is not good at all since the whole game revolves around making choices with them and trying to keep them all alive until the end. But if I don't care about them then there's no strong feeling of loss should one of them die.

Then we have the acting and I have genuinely no idea what Supermassive was doing in this department. The acting is sometimes outright terrible! A lot of the times it's decent but it's definitely not consistent in quality.

I haven't gotten to the scary part of the game yet since I'm only an hour in but I do have to wonder why the developer would have me spend so much time of the game getting to know these characters when the game as a whole is only 5 hours long. I get it with Until Dawn since that game is 10+ hours long, but getting to know characters for only 3-4 more hours feels kinda pointless. I'd rather just get to the scary part as quickly as possible. But yeah, I have no doubt that the game will get really scary later on since that's what Supermassive is really good at, but I just can't see myself liking this game as a whole when I don't even like any of the characters. I mean just their appearance alone make them look so generic, like the developers just took the first couple of pedestrians they saw outside of their office and put them into the game. They're not unique, interesting or memorable at all.

As a side note I really hate that this is one of those games where you barely get any achievements until the end, and only if you're lucky. The whole point of achievements is to motivate you to keep playing but if they rarely pop up then the whole motivation is ruined and all you can rely on is the game, which doesn't even do a good job of keeping you interested to begin with.



After finishing Far Cry Evolution, I've found myself still in a Far Cry mood so I decided to start up Far Cry 2. Played it for 2 hours and I'm finding this game to be surprisingly really good! I've been hesitant in playing it due to some of its mechanics (weapons breaking down, having to take pills in order to stay alive) but these haven't been a major hindrance to me so far. I've just been driving around in the open world, taking over safehouses, collecting diamonds to upgrade my weapons and equipment, and doing missions for some people. It's just mindless fun, I love it. It's more fun than the Far Cry 1 games, that's for sure. For starters, the controls actually feel great compared to FC1, and the game isn't that hard since you can keep healing yourself multiple times. There are also numerous places where you can restock on ammo and medicine, and also save your progress. So all in all, I'm having a wonderful time with this game so far!



Just started Hitman 3 finally after some troubleshooting i finally got it to boot.

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I borrowed a copy of Cyberpunk to see if it was as bad as it sounded. To be fair, it ran okay on my X1X, although there were several weird glitches (floating cars, food dropping out of peoples hands then flying back up again). For me I just got bored. There is almost too much going on to concentrate. I'm certainly not dropping £49 on it now. I'll wait til the sales or GP adds it, then I might revisit.

You don't stop gaming because you get old, you get old because you stop gaming.

Xbox Gamertag: Captain Chao5


Started playing Journey to the Savage Planet, thought it was pretty poor..
so started up Night in the Woods.. Wow.

Only an hour or so in, nothing really happens, you don't do much, but somehow it has me absolutely hooked..!!



Started up Shadows of the Damned today and the game is pretty good so far. It's made by Suda51 and Shinji Mikami and it's basically a game with the vibe of Devil May Cry and the gameplay mechanics of Resident Evil 4. Hitting enemies is hard as hell in this game because they are constantly moving around, lol. But I'm still enjoying this game, although the levels can feel a bit too long. I'm curious to see how the game will develop the more I progress.



Not playing at the moment right now but last month i was getting into Batman Arkham Knight and Final Fantasy Type 0



I just started Yakuza 0 today because someone mentioned it was leaving game pass soon. I've never played a Yakuza game before, I don't know what I really think of it to be honest. It's incredibly slow to start, I guess it gets a bit tense/interesting when you are kind of dealing with the politics in the Yakuza but overall the first chapter has been somewhere between quite boring and ok.

There's just a lot of talking and dialogue and then a bit of walking around, more talking and then a bit of fighting. I've also played a bowling mini game. Maybe I'm missing something about this game. I may finish it, or I may just give it a few more hours to see if it clicks with me or not. There must be something about this series if everybody else likes it so I want to give it a fair shake.

See ya!


@ralphdibny The appeal of the Yakuza series is the bonkers story and the lovable characters. You're not alone in saying that the game feels boring and that it has a slow start. I've watched plenty of streamers say the same thing. One of them actually stopped playing the game altogether, came back to it when it was added to Game Pass and guess what? He has now played all the Yakuza games and it's one of his favourite series of all time, despite absolutely hating it the first time around.

So stick with it. I'm sure you're the type of person who loves unique stories in video games and can get invested in the characters. You just have to be patient for the first couple of hours, it'll gain momentum eventually.



@LtSarge nice one cheers, makes me feel a lot better! Yeah it's completely not bonkers at all at the moment lol. It's just Japanese guys in suits talking or beating eachother up so I'll try and get the first few chapters done at least and see if it changes it up a bit

Sounds like 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all coming to game pass soon with 0, 1 and 2 leaving over the next few months which is kind of why I thought I'd give them a go now.

Not sure if 0 was the best one to start with, normally I'd play stuff in release order but I thought I'd do 0 if it is indeed leaving game pass first. A guide to the series over on PushSquare said it would be ok/good to start with 0 so I just thought I'd do it.

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


@ralphdibny Where have you heard that they'll be leaving? It honestly doesn't make sense to me why they'd add 3-6 and then shortly thereafter remove 0-2. The whole point is for people to finally experience the entire series.

I mean 0 is technically the first game both in chronological and release order since Kiwami 1 is a remake that came out after 0. If you wanted to play the games in release order based on the ones on Game Pass, you'd have to start with 3, which I wouldn't recommend at all. Also, the consensus is that 0 is the best game in the series so for a franchise that you initially had zero interest in, I think it's important for the first game to give you the best first impressions.



@LtSarge I agree that it doesn't make sense but I wouldn't be surprised if it came off the service as I've noticed a few games over the last year or so that are sequels without having the first game on the service at the same time. Middle earth shadow of war is one I can think of off the top of my head.

I read it in a comment on the recent article about games leaving soon. The reasoning being that it is a third party title that's been up for almost a year so it's likely to be removed. I mean, I dont necessarily believe it will be removed, I'll take the comment with a pinch of salt. But I don't want to plan to play a fairly lengthy game with a 2 week time limit when it gets officially announced as leaving soon so I thought I'd just give it a go now.

I did look up the dates and I think 0 came to game pass February last year and kiwami came in march last year. Not sure about kiwami 2

See ya!


@ralphdibny I meant the games' original release dates. Yakuza 0 came out on PS4 in the beginning of 2017, then later that year Kiwami 1 came out and finally Kiwami 2 came out in 2018 (as well as Yakuza 6). But yeah 3-5 are the oldest games since they are only remasters of the PS3 versions and not actual remakes.



@LtSarge oh yeah I know what you meant 👍. I was just answering your question about where I've heard that they are leaving game pass - in my usual long winded manner 😅

I know kiwami and kiwami 2 were remakes of Yakuza and Yakuza 2 so even though they came out after 3,4,5 I would still play them prior to 3,4,5 if I was playing in "release order". But I guess it don't really matter as I'm now possibly playing them in chronological order anyway with 0 being the only one that's not in release order (not accounting for the remakes)

Speaking of remakes, I just ordered Resi 2 off eBay for a tenner. I'm sort of tempted to try and get all the Xbox versions physically (even though it's totally unnecessary and expensive) as what I've played and own is all over the place. I've got 4 on GameCube, revelations on 3DS (physical), 5 on 360 (on disc and not BC), REmake and 0 on Xbox One (digital) and revelations 2 on switch (digital), 7 on PS4(disc) and CV on Dreamcast with CVX digital on Xbox one

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


@ralphdibny Oh my bad! I completely read that wrong then, lol.

You know, I've actually had the exact same thoughts about RE, except I've been wanting to get all the games on PS4 instead. I have 0, 1, 2, 4, Revelations 1 and 2 on there, while 3 I'm planning to buy on PS4, 5 is on PS3 and 6 is on 360. I'm probably going to buy RE5 on PS4 as well, but 6 I might just play on 360 since I don't want to double-dip on a game like that lol.

But yeah I think it'd be much better to have most of the games on the same system. Don't forget that most RE games are on sale now on the Xbox Store. I just bought Code Veronica X for €4 which is really cheap! I also decided to start playing through RE1 Director's Cut (PS1 version) on my PS3 on Standard difficulty just to get a better experience than on the Vita. I'm hoping to play through the PS1 trilogy, then play CVX and finally experience the rest of the series on modern consoles.



@LtSarge ahh I'm such a slave to consumerism sometimes 😂

I'll be honest, for remake, re0 and CVX, PS4 would be way better for me because it has a decent d pad in a good position on the controller. I seem to remember you playing REmake with the stick but I just found the d pad much more intuitive for the tank controls + fixed camera angles.

I only really want them on Xbox over PS because I have a One X and only a base model PS4 so Id assume at least 2+3 remakes would play better on the mid gen upgrade

I just bought CVX for £3 off the Xbox store actually. I was kind of thinking that depending on whether I could get re2 for a decent price physical would decide whether I get the rest of the series physical or digital. I think to buy 456 physically would cost around £35 in comparison to £16 currently on the Xbox store. Revelations 1+2 would be £25 in comparison to the £12 (I think?) On the store. I can't find the origins collection physical for a decent price on Xbox at the moment but I have that digital.

Though to be honest, even writing it out here makes me feel silly for even wanting to pay double to get discs of these games, especially for revelations 2 + REmake/0 which Ive bought recently as digital games

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!

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