
Topic: The Forza Horizon and Motorsport Thread

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Hi all, thought I'd make a thread to discuss anything and everything to do with Forza Horizon!

Anyone still playing any of the Horizon games?

I got horizon 4 with my Xbox one but recently bought horizon 3 and it really is just as good if not better.

I still don't think I understand all the menu mechanics but it does seem to make a bit more sense to me than horizon 4 did at first. I did get the ultimate edition so I have all the DLC cars that were included, just wish there was a way to add them all to my garage at once instead of doing them individually, it's really tedious.

It feels like the Australia map in 3 is bigger than the UK map in 4, not sure if that's the case though.

It also feels like that whenever I go for a race on the map, I always happen to be driving the right kind of car already. Do all the races show up on the map even if you're in the wrong type of car?

I am curious as to how this series compares to the Forza Motorsport series, I'm assuming Motorsport is just more realistic and doesn't have an open world to mess around in.

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


Forza Horizon has been the best racing game for last few years in every aspects. Excited for the FH4 update on Series X.



I prefer FH to the main Forza titles. Love playing FH4 as I am UK based and the other cars are on the 'right' side of the road...for the times I actually use the roads

You don't stop gaming because you get old, you get old because you stop gaming.

Xbox Gamertag: Captain Chao5


I love Forza Horizon! It's easily the best open world racing game I've ever experienced. I've been playing the games since the first one on 360 and they've always brought so much fun and joy to my life. I haven't delved into Forza Horizon 4 yet since I'm still playing FH3 but I'm looking forward to giving it a go in the future. Might even wait to experience it once it's out on Series X.



@Captain_Chao5 yeah the UK setting was awesome, couldn't believe that you can buy Edinburgh castle in it! I was thinking though that my car doesn't spin out when I do 40/50 on an M25 slip road roundabout if the lights are green but some the cars in these games just go flying! I think the ridiculous stuff actually puts me off driving a supercar in real life. Way too unwieldy, I don't think I'd survive in anything other than my trusty Nissan Note haha.

Have you played the main series then? Were my assumptions about it in my original post correct? I'd assume the graphics are probably better in it too if it doesn't have to load an open world

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


I've played Forza Motorsport 3, 4 and 5. They are good, but I prefer the open-world racing. Plus I like the off-road racing option.

You don't stop gaming because you get old, you get old because you stop gaming.

Xbox Gamertag: Captain Chao5


For whatever reason I enjoyed 3 more than 4, I think having Teslas in 3 made the difference for me. I'm still playing 4 occasionally though


Xbox Gamertag: ontulmora


Horizon 2 is actually still my favorite Forza game but I love Horizon 3 and 4 as well. As far as the Motorsport series, I'd recommend 6, but you'll have to hunt down a physical copy as it's no longer available on the Xbox Store. Great game and I'm not the biggest fan of that style of racer. It's definitely more of a simulation but not as crazy about it as Gran Turismo. There are enough control customization options that you can set the game up to your liking.

[Edited by Gamer83]



I always thought Horizon should have been a continuation of PGR rather than a Forza offshoot. In PGR 1 through 4 I was always impressed by how Bizarre Creations had authentically recreated sections of real cities. That on a Forza Horizon scale - even if it was only one city per game - would've been brilliant.

[Edited by VenomousAlbino]


I have every Forza Motorsport and Horizon game - despite not really into racing games so much. PGR was more fun than Forza Motorsport as it had more than just 'racing' around circuits that after a while, blend into one. Forza Motorsport is a game I play when I don't want to think about story, characters etc and can happily just blast out a few races until it starts getting repetitive.

Forza Horizon is much more fun and goes beyond what PGR offered. Being open world, you can just spend time driving around, looking for collectibles, jumps, breaking Speed Traps etc as well as race. I know PGR may well of had some really nice cities to race around, but its different to trying to encompass a whole country in an open world map.

As far as Motorsport is concerned, I would have to say FM4 on last gen was great and FM7 is perhaps the best of this gen with Dynamic weather and the visuals are a step up too. What disappoints me is that nowadays, they sell you car packs and those cars fill up the menus. Last gen, these cars were in the game. On FM4, I got 2 discs and could install the 2nd disc to the HD and access all of the extra content. I believe this was so gamers who had the Xbox 360 Arcade could still play the game with a reduced car count due to smaller HDD - like installing the High Res textures in BF3, enforced on PS3 but an option on 360 because of the Arcade 360.

Forza Horizon 3 was superb but Forza Horizon 4 is set in the UK so its got something extra to me. Map size is supposed to be the same between the two - according to Playground games. Its one of the games I am looking forward to playing on Series X too...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


So I just downloaded FH3 and I have alot of questions that hopefully someone can answer. Now I have played a bit of Horizon 2 and 4 but didn't really dive deep into them. I figured with 3 being at a good price since it's being delisted from them MS store I give this series a serious go.

So just some beginner questions here if you all don't mind.

1) As open world goes can I just take my time and explore the world or do I have to do the missions within a certain amount of time? Also do I get penalized for taking too much time exploring and just having fun and not doing the missions? For example do I lose fans or something for taking my time.

2). I really don't want to spend alot of my time customizing my cars. Maybe I might down the road but right now I really don't want to mess with it. Is there a way to just auto upgrade/customize. One reason I don't like simulation racers is because of all the numbers and crap that goes with upgrading cars.

3) How do I get more cars? Do I unlock them through events? Is there somewhere to buy them?

Thats all I can think of now. I appreciate any help, and tips that anyone can give me on my questions and any other things I might not have thought of.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki You can drive round the WHOLE area in your own time if you want. Obviously, if you are in a race or actually engaged in a mission, deviating will be affected. How long you take to get to the 'start' point of any activity is up to you and you can do what you want - customise cars, explore, find jumps, speed traps etc - there is no time limit and no consequences for taking your time.

I am sure there is an automatic way to customise cars - you have a choice of what 'class' you want to target (like A, B, C) and the game will automatically pick a recommended set of parts and install. I don't think its always the 'best' option as you may want to focus on acceleration and/or top speed but because its a more 'general' upgrade, you may find you could upgrade the car better to suit yourself.

There are numerous ways to get new cars, some are rewards from events, from reaching new milestones etc, you can buy from the garage with in-game currency earned and you can buy cars from other players in an auction - again with in game currency earned. You are almost always earning credits, XP so you will be able to build up a big garage as you play...

Also, as you drive around, look out for bonus boards you can drive into, these will give you various rewards too - some are more off the beaten path, like under a bridge for example but just driving around will earn you XP, Credits etc...

[Edited by BAMozzy]

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


Thanks for the tips. Played a bit more tonight of FH3 just cruisin around and checking things out. I smashed a few billboards like what was suggested most of them were XP but others were fast travel boards. Also did a few races as well. I hit level 4 as well. I am starting to see what these games are so popular.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Quick question is there a way to turn music on? As much as I like to hear the drone of the engine some tunes would be great too.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki I think left and right on the d pad changes radio stations and progressing through the story unlocks more stations, it's normally accompanied by either upgrading or unlocking a new festival site

See ya!


Still plugging away at FH3. I just opened my second festival spot and manged to get a few cars. I just need now to figure out how to drift but others having alot of fun with this game.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki Just go off road and practice - using the handbrake helps.....

By being off road, you are not likely to hit anything and can rack up XP points too

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


Haven't played FH3 for a few days due to being busy with work but I did manage to upgrade one of my festival sites to level 3 and unlock street races. Also starting to earn skill points. Looking to get back into it here soon.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Unlocked my third festival site, The Outback. I am still enjoying this game alot. It's funny cause I sit down to play for a bit next thing I know several hours have passed lol.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Anyone having issues with getting disconnected from the server on FH4 on Series X? I tried looking it up but seems like there just a solution for PC, i don't see anything for console. My internet is totally fine but i get disconnected every few minutes.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff

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