
Topic: Which Studios Should Microsoft Acquire Next?

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@Kefka2589 Silent Hill Pachislot was one thing but you best believe Castlevania: Erotic Violence was robbed of Game of the Year at The Game Awards

I think either one of them could take care of Konami's IPs, even Nintendo can considering a lot of Konami's franchises started on their platforms and they even collaborated with them on Twin Snakes. I don't see any of this speculative stuff actually coming to fruition but words wouldn't even begin to describe how I'd feel if I saw a headline like "Nintendo/Sony acquires Konami" or "Ninja Theory/SIE Japan is making the next Castlevania game"



@Kefka2589 @TheFrenchiestFry Besides, it's already rumoured that Kojima's next game is a horror game so I don't think it would matter if Sony or Microsoft purchased the Silent Hill IP since he's already making one, most likely with ideas that he would've used in Silent Hills. Although I would love to see a Microsoft + Bloober Team combo on Silent Hill. I mean, they already got the Silent Hill composer onboard for The Medium, and Bloober specialises in first-person horror games (which P.T. was) so it would be the perfect candidate to develop the next Silent Hill game. If Microsoft acquired Bloober and bought Silent Hill, then that would be amazing in my opinion.

@Kefka2589 Your second post touches upon a point that most people probably don't think about. Even if companies purchase IPs, who's going to develop them? All of Sony's and Microsoft's studios are already hard at work at their own games, so they would have to be in talks with them and decide if anyone would be willing to work on an acquired IP. Or they could of course outsource it but I think it'd be better for a first-party studio to develop a first-party game, at least at first.



@LtSarge Actually I'm pretty sure Kojima tweeted earlier in the year that a project he anticipated working on fell apart, and this is after numerous hints from the KojiPro Twitter that they were working on something Silent Hill related in addition to rumors that Sony was trying to thaw the ice between Kojima and Konami to have Silent Hills revived, so this project falling apart might've actually referred to their attempts to revive Silent Hills if anything. Even as far back as 2019 he was quoted as saying numerous times that he was already doing prep work like watching horror films so he could make a scary horror game.

On the second point there are actually already examples of first party game studios outsourcing work for first party projects or projects involving first party IPs. Case in point MGS The Twin Snakes, despite production and publishing being handled by KCEJ, the actual development was a collaborative effort between Nintendo, Kojima Productions and Silicon Knights. The Demon's Souls remake that's about to come out was also a joint effort between both SIE Japan who co-developed the original game with FromSoft, as well as Bluepoint Games, who obviously did Shadow of the Colossus PS4.



@Kefka2589 Honestly after Team Ninja did Marvel Ultimate Alliance I think it's best they stick with Musou games because nothing about that game particularly screamed MUA to me as someone who loved the first two games. Nioh is really good but it's way more Souls-like than something I'd expect out of a 3D Castlevania in the same vein as Lament of Innocence or Curse of Darkness. I think Ninja Theory could definitely make something closer to the PS2 entries or Lords of Shadow given their work on stuff like DmC, which was actually really solid gameplay wise despite the story vastly bastardizing the characters from the classic series.



@Kefka2589 I think Soulsborne would be an acceptable approach especially for recreating Castlevania's infamous difficulty, but I don't know how that would translate to stuff like platforming is the thing. Even the Metroidvanias and stuff like Lament of Innocence are heavy on platforming and having a wide range of mobility and versatility in movement, and games like Demon's/Dark Souls and Bloodborne certainly don't have the most mobile protagonists, though Sekiro might be an exception. Nioh is certainly faster than most of them but 3D-vania specifically reminds me of stuff like DMC and classic God of War with some Metroidvania elements and the gothic aesthetic of stuff like Bloodborne.



@Kefka2589 That's actually partially why I brought up SIE Japan Studio if the IP was in their hands. They worked on Bloodborne with FromSoft so they obviously have an understanding of how to make extremely graphic imagery with a gothic and dour vibe, and they even have experience in stuff like 3D platforming and action games independent from From Soft thanks to their work on stuff like Gravity Rush, which is one of the most underrated Sony first party IPs in my opinion.

If it was Microsoft handling it though I'd absolutely give it to either Ninja Theory if it was 3D or Moon Studios if it was a 2D Metroidvania



@Kefka2589 Point is, we have to get Konami out of Konami's hands. It's like a real world Operation N313, and Konami is Outer Heaven. If Microsoft gets the IPs, I'll be happy, if Sony or Nintendo get them, I'll be elated. Now if I can slip into Phil Spencer or Jim Ryan's DMs that'd be great



@MasterkillerX They literally just got Tango Gameworks. There's your Japanese studio. They also have a pretty big partnership with SEGA right now and successfully moneyhatted Phantasy Star Online 2 while also getting Yakuza as a launch game. They shouldn't need to buy out a big name multiplat Japanese company just to make a statement on how serious they are about making games. They should use what they have now.

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]



@Kefka2589 Atlus also learned the hard way with stuff like having SMT Nine as an Xbox exclusive as well as Catherine and Persona 4 Arena on 360. P4A in particular did so badly in Japan that Ultimax was PS3-exclusive in that region.

I hope them securing stuff like Final Fantasy VII-XII as well as all the Kingdom Hearts titles shows a turning point for the company, especially with the advent of xCloud contributing to how big mobile/handheld gaming is in Japan. Obviously I kinda expect PS5 to start off stronger in that region because the consumer base is just there for PlayStation products next to Xbox in conjunction with a game as big as Demon's Souls being a launch game and the promise of FFXVI being a timed exclusive, but I do hope they can finally solve their little Achilles Heel problem that's plagued them since they started out in the games industry.

I also hope through this partnership with SEGA they can actually nab a game like Persona 5 on Xbox and Game Pass because that would be huge for the series which has been traditionally PlayStation console exclusive, while showing that Xbox can be a viable console for big name JRPGs outside FF and Kingdom Hearts.

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]



@Kefka2589 Yeah I'm aware that surprisingly enough DOOM is actually big in Japan despite the fact they banned Mortal Kombat for its excessive gore and violence. The Bethesda acquisition being announced right before preorders went live was definitely a major move on their part because it probably got players in the Japanese region talking about how viable it is next to a brand that's already solidified its reputation such as the PlayStation or Nintendo consoles.

I also expect FFVII Remake likely coming to Xbox after the 1 year PS exclusivity is probably going to contribute to them trying to change their image in that region, but I still think they have a ways to go before they actually reach PlayStation or Nintendo levels of respect and admiration, and they'll have to really start courting third parties in that region for their games. They should also attempt to strike exclusivity deals like Sony does to show that they won't just toss all their chips into the current batch of exclusives they have like Halo, Gears and Forza.



@Kefka2589 Phantasy Star Online 2 being a timed Xbox exclusive was definitely a major get considering how demanded the localization was for years, but if they could get ahold of something major like a Final Fantasy game or the remaining Yakuzas, or maybe even a Souls game of their own like how Sony has complete exclusivity over Demon's Souls and Bloodborne, it would be a pretty big step towards getting their image turned around in the country where these games print money.



@Kefka2589 PSO actually released first on GameCube even in North America a few months ahead of the Xbox version after the game had been out for Dreamcast for almost a year.

I don't expect something as jaw-dropping as making Persona 6 a timed Xbox exclusive considering how synonymous with the PlayStation brand the series is, even according to higher ups at SIE, but even something like having the games on Xbox, or announcing P5R as coming to Xbox One/Series consoles and being part of Game Pass would be a huge get if they want to try and solidify not only their partnership with SEGA, but a deeper library of Japanese content that rivals Sony and Nintendo, especially as Sony already got the checkbooks out for both FFXVI and presumably the remaining VII Remake games.



@Kefka2589 P4G on PC was pretty massive and the game desperately needed that second chance. I love my PS Vita but that game totally deserved a wider audience and I'm baffled they didn't even port it to PS4 after P5 blew the series up to mainstream status.

If they could get any of those games on Xbox/PC it would really help turn heads over in Japan given how massive SMT/Persona is in Japan compared to the smaller fanbase it has here.



@Kefka2589 I'd say P5 would actually be a bigger thing to secure for an Xbox release given Sony LOVES flaunting that game all the time these days. They've made stuff like special PS4 themed consoles, PS4 themes, controllers, Sony's Aniplex division producing the anime, and even recently when they added P5 to the PS Plus Collection on PS5 next to titles like God of War, Last of Us and Uncharted 4. Xbox getting that game would actually be pretty surreal.



@Kefka2589 I still remember when FFXIII was announced for 360 and Mattrick was literally quoted as acknowledging it as a series that ditched the PlayStation to find a new home on Xbox. Even DQXII just being on Xbox next to PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch would be massive considering that's the one major Square flagship that's never touched Xbox before very recently. If they secured timed exclusivity that would cause Xbox sales to surge to unpredictable levels in Japan. They made national holidays around Dragon Quest game launches in that region.



It's not looking so good for SEGA right now:

Now's a good time for Microsoft to swoop in and save them. The majority of the arcade business will be sold off and they can acquire the company as mostly to develop video games. Not to mention that Game Pass will definitely help them get back on their feet without having to worry about money holding them back. I honestly don't see any of the other two companies (Nintendo and Sony) being able to save them since Microsoft has a vast amount of liquidity and will definitely ensure SEGA's survival.

Also before anyone says that a foreign company cannot buy a Japanese company due to Japan's strict rules, isn't it possible for Microsoft's subsidiary 'Microsoft Japan' to buy up the company? They should in theory be able to make the acquisition through their subsidiary unless there's a rule for that as well.

Regardless, I really hope Microsoft buys them at this point.

[Edited by LtSarge]



I definitely expect them to buy Blooper, they the ones making Medium right? They are small and it's been heavily rumoured for a while now that they got a Polish studio. It's also been heavily rumored they got a Japanese studio but from what i understand they can't buy one because of the law's in Japan. Now after the Zenimax deal is completed they will then own a studio with an established presence in Japan that would allow them to go and buy a Japanese studio. So while SEGA does sound nice it's not possible until the Zenimax deal is finalized.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff Wow if that's the case then the deal was an incredibly smart move by Microsoft. Buy ZeniMax and get a bunch of studios with lots of great IPs, and as a bonus they establish a presence in Japan through Tango Gameworks, thus allowing them to make acquisitions in Japan as well. Genius! Well at least we know now that it will be possible in the future, that's good to hear.



Would love to see them purchase a Japanese RPG dev studio. Depending on Sakaguchi's status, Mistwalker could be a fantastic choice. Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, and the The Last story are a great foundation, with two of those games already being Xbox 360 exclusives. With direct Microsoft funding who knows what marvellous experiences they can create. But I guess with the Japanese laws this may not be possible

[Edited by BraniclesUK]


Xbox Gamertag: Branicles

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