
Topic: Redfall

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Hi all

As the title suggests, discussion on Redfall. I haven't played a game on day one for a long time so I thought I'd give this one a shot as I've just renewed my GP sub. This remarkably will be my first Arkane title too (I have Dishonored in the backlog) though their reputation precedes them.

Will there be much interest from the community on this one? Is the exclusion of a 60fps mode a deal breaker for some?

Anyway, I'll be playing next week if anyone is planning on playing co-op, feel free to add me and let us know you're from PXB 👍

[Edited by AgentCooper]

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Only a week away and it's looking pretty good imo. Just don't have anyone to play with unfortunately



@NintendoByNature You’re more than welcome to add me on XB, and I’m sure there will be plenty more forum heads popping up closer to release 👍

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@AgentCooper for sure my dude. The only problem I see is that you're in the UK so there might be time zone problems with me being in the US. Not to mention, I spend most my days being a dude dad, so my gaming time is only a couple hours per day. I'm probably not your best candidate, but I have no problem giving it a try. I think I just requested you. Have no clue. I'm new to Xbox since December and I have zero other friends so you'd be the first person I requested. Let me know if you got my request. I believe my tag is MarkiiMark3933



@NintendoByNature No problem friend, I have two little ones in my care too so my gaming time is at a premium these days but we can definitely figure something out. Strangely I had to search for you even though you had already added me? I don’t feel the friend setup is as fluid as PSN although I’ve only had an Xbox since October so maybe I’m getting it all wrong. I take it you have primarily been a Nintendo gamer historically? What brought you across, was there a killer title you couldn’t miss out on?

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@AgentCooper odd. I thought I sent you the request and it worked. Who knows lol. I've been a nintendo gamer since the original NES but by no means was I solely a nintendo gamer. I've also owned a genesis, ps1, 360, dreamcast etc. Pretty much all major consoles since I was a little one in one form or another. Some were my brothers, others were mine, and so forth.

If I had to pick though, I'd probably go with nintendo as my favorite company. Zelda is my favorite series ever. And I do love the nintendo touch with any genre they pump out. Jrpgs, srpgs, action adventure, platformers, esport titles all feel engaging, different, and easy to understand with nintendo.

If I'm being honest, there wasn't a specific game that had me coming over to buy a series s. There were basically a few reasons why, if I had to give an answer. AAA 3rd party titles that never seem to hit switch, any type of MS first party game, and the fact that it was on sale during black Friday for $249.99 with a $50 gift card at target 😜.

I actually ended up loving this console way more than I anticipated. I for the most part, expected to play on it once a week, and game on switch every night. I'd say it's swayed about 40% xbox, and 60% switch. As of late though, I've been playing a ton of Xbox just to catch up on some stuff.

Here I go rambling haha. Next week we'll have to figure something out. Just don't expect too much talent from me, I rarely play FPS anymore( as I'm coincidentally playing High on Life 🤣).

[Edited by NintendoByNature]



I must say I haven't been following this game but the idea of it does pique my interest. I will probably check it out on Gamepass at some point.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki we'll have to get some coop in then with a few of us here. You're west coast time zone iirc. We can probably make that work.



Hey guys! I'm in Mexico, and I am probably not be online much of the time, but this one seems interesting to try out with other people. Feel free to add me!


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith


I'm intending to play Solo - at least a full playthrough of the Story before I consider doing any co-operative gaming. I am expecting it to be a very different game Solo - a LOT more slow paced as its more Horror Survival - creeping around so you can eavesdrop, not attract a group of enemies all aggro on you, play a lot more carefully and considered because you don't have 'back-up' to take some aggro, help kill groups so they are more manageable, if you go down, can't be revived etc etc.

The more 'people' you add, the 'more' Action it becomes and less scary and dangerous the world feels - its a 'Playground' for 4 players to have a LOT of Fun with, combine skills, support each other etc, can rush about because you just want to get more action etc...

I want to really get to know the world, the Story and have a good understanding of everything before I play co-operatively. I am sure '30fps' will be perfectly fine playing Solo in 4k on my Series S - I doubt I will be playing it like a competitive online 'twitch' shooter and never had any issues playing Far Cry at 30fps when they launched either - they weren't 'unplayable' because they weren't 60fps.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@HarmanSmith We can definitely make it work friend, let’s play it by ear 👍 I already have you on XB right?

@BAMozzy I think that’s a really sound way to go with it, the world looks interesting and would definitely require a less hectic environment to soak it up. I may do something similar too. When and if you fancy delving into the co-op give us a shout.

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@AgentCooper Nothing bugs me more than someone talking through cut-scenes and other important in-game dialogue or 'rushing' through missions, combat etc or have their 'own' agenda etc. I am methodical, have to investigate everything, loot everything, find everything etc etc before I move on.

That's why I always play every game Solo first - or at least be ahead in my Solo playthrough so any 'co-op' play is not spoiling the Story or being spoiled by chatter. If I have seen/heard that before, its not an issue. I am the same with games like Borderlands too - won't play Co-op until I have played most Solo with at least 1 Character. I would start a 2nd+ character to 'start' a Co-op playthrough with another starter but my '1st' character has to be well ahead in the story first.

I really do think this is going to be quite a different game when playing Solo - feel much more Scary and tense, be much more a Horror Survival experience, not rushing around like a twitch shooter but much more considered and relying a lot more on stealth, methodical planning, etc

In any case, I have pre-downloaded it in readiness for release...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


First patch was recently released, mainly bugs and server issues.

There’s definitely issues throughout the game but I’m yet to come across anything that would make me walk away from the game, it’s just a shame it’s arrived in this state because there is a lot of entertainment buried in there.

[Edited by AgentCooper]

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad

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