
Topic: Possible faulty Xbox X

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First time on a forum. So I need advice. I've got Forza Motorsport, Forza Horizon 4 and 5 all locking up. Can't play them. Forza motorsport 7 plays fine. Could my Xbox be faulty. Yes I've tried re installing and hard reset and new game tag etc etc. Some newer games are cpu/gpu intensive. Has anyone had the same issues



@Hoodedyoda01 do you have a Xbox One X or Xbox series X. Are you downloading the games to the system storage or to an external storage device? Do the games load and crash/freeze after a while or do not load all together?

[Edited by Balta666]



Xbox series X. Forza Horizon 4 locks up whilst driving. Forza 5 generally on the screen showing the Xbox controller. Forza Motorsport in various places like the TURN 10 logo with the head lights or just after and before the intro movie. Games stored in console. I've tried new game tag, on n offline, hard reset, re Install several times.



Used. I've took an expensive punt and bought a new one. It's arriving today. Just had a thought on the way home yesterday. I was playing Sonic Racing with my son and that on a couple of occasions, would revert back to dashboard whilst driving. Anyway if a new console solves it I will let you know.



@Hoodedyoda01 Yeah that was probably the problem because I never had my Series X do that and I have had mine for 3 years now. That's the problem with buying used you don't know if there are any problems till you get it home.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


I've got my new Xbox X and Forza Motorsport and Horizon are now working fine. The old Xbox X did work fine for over a year but just developed a problem were it wouldn't play newer games. Forza Motorsport 7 still works fine and Halo. Looks like the CPU/GPU were faulty, maybe running slow. It might be worth informing people if they are having similar lock up issues



@Hoodedyoda01 Great to hear that everything worked out. That is werid that your previous Xbox did that. As I said before I have mine for 3 years but never experienced anything like that. Electronics are funny sometimes.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


It just worth bearing in mind if someone has similar issue. Game are getting more and more complex. They are pushing the Xbox hardware more. If there is even a slight glitch with the CPU/GPU then it will show up with these games



I feel like I've jinxed my Xbox Series X by reading this thread 🙈😂

I've been booted out of games 3 or 4 times? At least twice in Amnesia Rebirth and once in SOMA. I'm hoping it's just a glitch in the game, they've tended to happen at what seem like hidden load points.

I also had a strange glitch playing Forza Motorsport where all the ray tracing went out of wack and became really pixelated. That was accompanied by an epileptic fit of shadows shooting out of my car. It persisted until I finished both the practice run and the main race of a level and then it was fine in the next level.

If anyone has heard anything about those particular glitches then I'd love to know. Otherwise I'm stuck here worrying that my Series X is going to give up the ghost in the not too distant future! Not sure how much longer I have on the warranty.

See ya!

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