
Topic: Place anywhere tool in Fallout4

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Got so tired of all the crashes with my PS5 and last week switched to Xbox. One main reason was from hearing about how many great Fallout mods there are. I'm in my 70's and simply like to build settlements but I'm having no success with the old place anywhere tool. I searched and searched and finally one day found it and loaded it but it doesn't show up in the menu when playing the game. Many forums seem to speak of keyboard entries to get you there but I'm on a console. Finally I deleted it and tried a new game and can't even find it in the mod entries anymore. Also not finding near the settlement mods that were on my PS5. Surely it's me, right?

Any help is appreciated.



Hi buddy, I’m not overly familiar with mods despite spending so many hundred hours in the game, but a browse of Reddit suggested searching for ‘red zones’ when searching for a mod. Don’t know if that will help but worth a try.

Sorry I couldn’t be more help, good luck.

EDIT: It also occurred to me that some mods may not have made the transition to Series X/S if that is where you are playing? 🤔

[Edited by AgentCooper]

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Thanks. I've tried the "Red zones" option but am still not finding success. I indeed have been able to find the Place Anywhere tool (by using the Red zones" search). But it's not showing up in my menu when I am in build mode.
But thank you again for at least trying. Means much.



@ktxn Ah no way, I’m sorry friend. Do mods often need to be activated at all? On the PC side I’ve seen talk of something called ‘Nexus’ for that very reason. Can’t imagine that being the case on consoles though as they are meant to be more streamlined, oh the irony.

Tailgating is one thing I cannot tolerate!

R.I.P. David Lynch 😢

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


Depressing. PS5 user for years but because of the continual mod issues (and advertising) I sold it and bought an Xbox series 1. Not even close to what I had in Fallout 4 on the PS5. Pretty discouraging.


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