
Topic: E3 just around the corner - what are you looking forward to?

Posts 21 to 27 of 27


@CanisWolfred Totally agree. For me, usually the Nintendo, EA and Xbox/Microsoft are in the bottom as I've found them either slow and boring or confusing and not very well thought-through. Sony is usually the one putting on a better show, but year it felt like Microsoft had realised that viewers want games. Games, games and games and that what they served.  Sony's briefing felt slow. Though I have to say that the Dead Island trailer they showed was pretty cool-looking (though they're usually good at putting out trailers and have the actual gameplay lack).
Nintendo kept a pretty good pace and it seemed more put together than I usually find them, a pleasant surprise.

I'm not sure how you extrapolated any of that from my post, but I definitely agree.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Even though this E3 has kind of been lacking in the BIG SURPRISES category, I've been tremendously pleased all-around. I don't recall the last time I felt so positive about Microsoft, Sony, AND Nintendo's E3 presences in the same year. It's pretty awesome.

Speaking of Nintendo, I think they've established a successful format this year. Ever since the Digital Event aired on Tuesday morning, I've been tuned into their Treehouse Live coverage. It's very refreshing to see these games in action while receiving a thorough walkthrough/explanation of the gameplay. Very smart move on their part.

You pretty much summed up all my thoughts. I'm surprised I've seen so much negativity about this E3, all around. I would've liked some more big surprises and Sony to announce some more first party games, but on the whole I can't really complain. This year isn't the strongest but there is some stuff coming out I'm excited for (Destiny in particular) and 2015 should be excellent.

Me too. I felt people were overly skeptical of Nintendo, and outside of Nintendo Network, they delivered. Microsoft made a huge comeback as well, and Sony kinda coasted this E3, but they still did well. Nintendo and them also say they have more surprises on the way, which is clever. I wonder what they will be.


Xbox Gamertag: Vincent294


@CanisWolfred Totally agree. For me, usually the Nintendo, EA and Xbox/Microsoft are in the bottom as I've found them either slow and boring or confusing and not very well thought-through. Sony is usually the one putting on a better show, but year it felt like Microsoft had realised that viewers want games. Games, games and games and that what they served.  Sony's briefing felt slow. Though I have to say that the Dead Island trailer they showed was pretty cool-looking (though they're usually good at putting out trailers and have the actual gameplay lack).
Nintendo kept a pretty good pace and it seemed more put together than I usually find them, a pleasant surprise.

I'm not sure how you extrapolated any of that from my post, but I definitely agree.

Haha, sorry. I think I was overhyped and in my own little world, that has been know to happen sometimes (with too much coffee; always)

Emma "Tito" - the Swankee speaking Swede and quirky blonde.

Xbox Gamertag: PeTitosaurus | Twitter:


Even though this E3 has kind of been lacking in the BIG SURPRISES category, I've been tremendously pleased all-around. I don't recall the last time I felt so positive about Microsoft, Sony, AND Nintendo's E3 presences in the same year. It's pretty awesome.

Speaking of Nintendo, I think they've established a successful format this year. Ever since the Digital Event aired on Tuesday morning, I've been tuned into their Treehouse Live coverage. It's very refreshing to see these games in action while receiving a thorough walkthrough/explanation of the gameplay. Very smart move on their part.

You pretty much summed up all my thoughts. I'm surprised I've seen so much negativity about this E3, all around. I would've liked some more big surprises and Sony to announce some more first party games, but on the whole I can't really complain. This year isn't the strongest but there is some stuff coming out I'm excited for (Destiny in particular) and 2015 should be excellent.

Me too. I felt people were overly skeptical of Nintendo, and outside of Nintendo Network, they delivered. Microsoft made a huge comeback as well, and Sony kinda coasted this E3, but they still did well. Nintendo and them also say they have more surprises on the way, which is clever. I wonder what they will be.

PS4 is completely tanking in Japan and MS is just getting ready to launch X1 over there so I think both Sony and MS have to have some surprises for TGS. Not really sure what we'll get at Gamescom. Nintendo I'm always interested in. No company can surprise or disappoint the way Nintendo can just because of the amount of franchises it has. One thing that did seem odd was 3DS, while not ignored like Vita, certainly wasn't given the limelight at E3 either despite being Nintendo's biggest seller right now. You'd have to think Nintendo has some surprises in store for 3DS owners. If I could throw out a suggestion to Nintendo I'd love a new Wave Race for 3DS.

[Edited by Gamer83]



PS4 is completely tanking in Japan and MS is just getting ready to launch X1 over there so I think both Sony and MS have to have some surprises for TGS. Not really sure what we'll get at Gamescom. Nintendo I'm always interested in. No company can surprise or disappoint the way Nintendo can just because of the amount of franchises it has. One thing that did seem odd was 3DS, while not ignored like Vita, certainly wasn't given the limelight at E3 either despite being Nintendo's biggest seller right now. You'd have to think Nintendo has some surprises in store for 3DS owners. If I could throw out a suggestion to Nintendo I'd love a new Wave Race for 3DS.

That'd make a cool eShop title. Maybe it can be free-to-play like Steel Diver with optional DLC for more content. That would be perfect. It would draw in more players and inherently get more sales for those thirsty for more.


Xbox Gamertag: Vincent294


That'd make a cool eShop title. Maybe it can be free-to-play like Steel Diver with optional DLC for more content. That would be perfect. It would draw in more players and inherently get more sales for those thirsty for more.

If I'm completely honest, I'm not a big fan of the F2P model, but that's just because companies generally don't tend to get it right. I'm so desperate for a new Wave Race game at this point, though, that if F2P is the way Nintendo delivered it I'd still download and hope the people in charge of it do a good job with the extra content provided.



That'd make a cool eShop title. Maybe it can be free-to-play like Steel Diver with optional DLC for more content. That would be perfect. It would draw in more players and inherently get more sales for those thirsty for more.

If I'm completely honest, I'm not a big fan of the F2P model, but that's just because companies generally don't tend to get it right. I'm so desperate for a new Wave Race game at this point, though, that if F2P is the way Nintendo delivered it I'd still download and hope the people in charge of it do a good job with the extra content provided.

Yeah. Given Steel Diver if they used that model (glorified demo + actual game for small price) then I'd be very happy. Here's hoping they go forward with that.


Xbox Gamertag: Vincent294

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