
Topic: E3 just around the corner - what are you looking forward to?

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So E3 starts on Monday, only a couple of days to go, and people are already making both private and public lists of what they're looking forward to.

Personally, I'm mostly looking forward to the conferences. They're always such a good show and it's good fun watching with gaming friends, sharing reactions and feelings as it's broadcasted - many Oooooh's and Aaaaaah's exchanged.

But breaking it down into games, the games I'll be keeping an extra eye out for would be the Order - 1886, the Playstation exclusive set in a victorian London with steampunk elements by the looks of things. They did release gameplay videos some months back and though those didn't really thrill me, I'm still really intrigued.

Star Wars: Battlefront. I'm curious as to what Dice can bring to both the Star Wars franchise and their Battlefield legacy, moving forward into next-gen. From a Star Wars fan's point of view the merge seems interesting and with my progress in Titanfall I'm ready to broaden my pretty narrow FPS horizon.

Then there's Tom Clancy's the Division. The reveal gameplay last year looked really appealing (even though the acted game chat conversation felt awkward and made it slightly more comical than I'm sure they were going for). I think the Division was one of the games that helped wipe Watch_Dogs from my "exciiiiiite list".

That's some of the games I'll be looking out for, but I'm also really interested in what all the companies will reveal brand spanking new.

What games are you looking most forward to? And what company do you think will perform best conference wise?

Emma "Tito" - the Swankee speaking Swede and quirky blonde.

Xbox Gamertag: PeTitosaurus | Twitter:


I'm VERY interested in seeing what Criterion's new game is. I'm in for Battlefront, too. I'm expecting there to be some sort of FIFA presence at one of the conferences, so I'll be intrigued to see what promises EA will attempting to keep this year with FIFA 15, too.

There's just so much to look forward to.

Oh, and Mirror's Edge 2....EEEEK! *brain fried with happiness* *dead*

Ken Barnes,
Freelance Writer, Full-Time Idiot.

Xbox Gamertag: SuperKMx | Twitter:


I want to see what each company has in store for the next year.  Mainly games games games and more games. 

Since this is the first E3 that all three systems (PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U) are available to the public it will be interesting to see what each system will have to offer it's owners and potential owners.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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That's actually a really  good point.  From that POV it will also be interesting to see how they handle last-gen (is that what we call it now? 360, ps3) and entertain those consoles.

Emma "Tito" - the Swankee speaking Swede and quirky blonde.

Xbox Gamertag: PeTitosaurus | Twitter:


Like a few of you, ST:B is what I'm most excited for. I'm concerned with EA and Dice's treatment of Battlefield 4. Dice said that they won't waste their chance with Star Wars and it definitely won't just be a Battlefield with a Star Wars skin but still.

I'm also very interested to see what Halo will become. I fully expect Microsoft to unleash the (current) full potential of the Xbox One in terms of resolution, framerate, Dedicated Servers and other *Mystical, secret* abilities of "The Cloud".

Since I'm a huge Ubisoft fan, I'm looking forward to Ac Unity and the Division. From Unity, I want to see and have confirmation of the long rumoured 4 player co-op, on top of Single player and the standard multiplayer. I'm excited to see what they can do with the first AC developed exclusively for new-gen, with all 3 platforms fairly similar.

Out of the new IPs, I was most interested in Quantum Break but Sam Lake said that we will see lots more at Gamescom so an E3 showing looks unlikely which makes me very said. I'd also like to learn more about Sunset Overdrive.

There's tons more I want from E3 but I'll just say Batman:Arkham Knight, Dying Light and what I want to see be revealed is a new Crackdown and a sequel to the fantastic Sleeping Dogs.

Pure Xbox
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Knowledge is Power.

Xbox Gamertag: Ubiquitous Doom | Twitter:


Well, since it was made official recently and we know it will be at E3, I can say I'm most excited to see Mortal Kombat X get a proper reveal.



Um, I can't say I'm that familiar with MS exclusives (this is the first time I've ever owned an Xbox console before), but with that said, and knowing FF15 and KH3 are years away still, here's what I'm anticipating for each of the three consoles:

Xbox One:
I'd like to see Halo Masterchief Collection confirmed for this year, as well as release dates for Sunset Overdrive and whatever other exclusives they have planned for this year.

Well, I'm just curious to see what they've got for 2014 besides Last of Us Remastered. If nothing else, some firm 2015 release windows for The Order and Uncharted. As far as Vita is concerned, Gravity Rush 2 would be nice, heck ANYTHING would be nice.

Wii U:
I'm looking forward to release dates for their 2014 exclusives Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros 4 (both 3DS/Wii U), Monolith Soft's X, Shinen's exclusive Fast Racing Neo, and a release date for Watch Dogs. I'm also anxious to hear more about SMT x Fire Emblem, and of course, Zelda U. As for 3DS, a new Metroid would DEFINITELY be in order.

3rd Parties:
Anything and everything coming to PS4 and X1 over the course of the next 6 months. I'd also like to hear some more info on Beyond Good & Evil 2 and Mirror's Edge 2

[Edited by JaxonH]

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John

Xbox Gamertag: ActionJaxonH



Quantum Break looks ridiculously good. When I think of the now current gen, that game looks like the kind of experience I've been waiting for. I thought Alan Wake was a great game and in a way it laid the groundwork for what Remedy seems to be going with in Quantum Break by fusing the tv episode stuff with the actual game narrative. I think this may even top Halo 5 as my most anticipated game for the current consoles but yeah, unfortunately we're probably not going to see anything at E3. Whenever it gets a proper showing though, I can't wait, it seems just phenomenal and if Remedy executes even near perfectly, Sony can only dream of a PS4 game that will match it.



I had a chance to play Evolve at PAX East, and I am ALL about that game this year, so I really want to see if they've anything new to show us regarding that. I've been intrigued by The Witcher series for a while, although I haven't played it yet - interested to see what the new one is all about. Might make me invest my time and money in the franchise

Also looking forward to Borderlands The Pre-Sequel, Tetris Ultimate, Destiny, The Evil Within, Far Cry 4, and lots of others.

I'm suuuper excited.

Kathryn Johnston

Twitter/GamerTag: TheBase287

EU Lightbringer: Amarante (Lvl. 90 Blood Elf Paladin)

Xbox Gamertag: TheBase287 | Twitter:



Oh definitely! Quantum Break will (hopefully) be ground breaking stuff and a true show of new-gen potential. Although now, we might have to wait until Gamescom to get solid details.

Pure Xbox
Our Creed teaches us to be wise.
Sometimes for things to change, people have to die.
Knowledge is Power.

Xbox Gamertag: Ubiquitous Doom | Twitter:


So, liking what has been presented so far?

Emma "Tito" - the Swankee speaking Swede and quirky blonde.

Xbox Gamertag: PeTitosaurus | Twitter:


MS' show was fantastic. Xbox is back, baby, I love it.



@Gamer83 Agreed. They put on quite a show: it was games, games and games all the way through. But little things such as the badge wristbands lighting up to create ambiance to trailers was just incredibly innovative!

Emma "Tito" - the Swankee speaking Swede and quirky blonde.

Xbox Gamertag: PeTitosaurus | Twitter:


I thought today was all pretty good.

I'm going to say for me, MS 8/10, Sony 7/10, Ubisoft 8.5/10. I don't want to give Ubi a 9 but I thought its conference just barely topped MS, mainly thanks to Rainbow Six, so gave it a slightly higher grade. All three companies showed a fair amount of stuff I want though. Even if most of the PS4, X1 great stuff is multiplat, that's fine, a good game is a good game. For exclusives, looking forward to Sunset Overdrive, Crackdown and Halo 5 on the One. On PS4 it's LBP 3 and Uncharted 4. I would love to throw Bloodborne in there but for some reason, awesome as its games are, I can't get into stuff from From Software. Wish I could.

Oh and that Layden guy really slowed Sony's conference down. Never thought I'd say this, but please Mr. Tretton, come back!

[Edited by Gamer83]



I'll be catching up on Sony today as I was pretty darn shattered by the time it was on last night.

Emma "Tito" - the Swankee speaking Swede and quirky blonde.

Xbox Gamertag: PeTitosaurus | Twitter:


Sunset Overdrive was Microsoft's best showing, IMO. Sony disappointed me majorly, though it was great to see new footage of No Man's Sky. Nintendo surpassed all expectations this year, though. Everything looked great to me. Xenoblade Chronicles X's showing made me break down in tears, it was so good.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


@CanisWolfred Totally agree. For me, usually the Nintendo, EA and Xbox/Microsoft are in the bottom as I've found them either slow and boring or confusing and not very well thought-through. Sony is usually the one putting on a better show, but year it felt like Microsoft had realised that viewers want games. Games, games and games and that what they served.  Sony's briefing felt slow. Though I have to say that the Dead Island trailer they showed was pretty cool-looking (though they're usually good at putting out trailers and have the actual gameplay lack).
Nintendo kept a pretty good pace and it seemed more put together than I usually find them, a pleasant surprise.

Emma "Tito" - the Swankee speaking Swede and quirky blonde.

Xbox Gamertag: PeTitosaurus | Twitter:


I've had some time to think about all the pressers now and two words keep going through my head... Devil's Third. It looks awesome, brilliant score for Nintendo.



Even though this E3 has kind of been lacking in the BIG SURPRISES category, I've been tremendously pleased all-around. I don't recall the last time I felt so positive about Microsoft, Sony, AND Nintendo's E3 presences in the same year. It's pretty awesome.

Speaking of Nintendo, I think they've established a successful format this year. Ever since the Digital Event aired on Tuesday morning, I've been tuned into their Treehouse Live coverage. It's very refreshing to see these games in action while receiving a thorough walkthrough/explanation of the gameplay. Very smart move on their part.

Reviews Editor, Pure Xbox
Reviewer, Nintendo Life

Xbox Gamertag: holchasaur | Twitter:


Even though this E3 has kind of been lacking in the BIG SURPRISES category, I've been tremendously pleased all-around. I don't recall the last time I felt so positive about Microsoft, Sony, AND Nintendo's E3 presences in the same year. It's pretty awesome.

Speaking of Nintendo, I think they've established a successful format this year. Ever since the Digital Event aired on Tuesday morning, I've been tuned into their Treehouse Live coverage. It's very refreshing to see these games in action while receiving a thorough walkthrough/explanation of the gameplay. Very smart move on their part.

You pretty much summed up all my thoughts. I'm surprised I've seen so much negativity about this E3, all around. I would've liked some more big surprises and Sony to announce some more first party games, but on the whole I can't really complain. This year isn't the strongest but there is some stuff coming out I'm excited for (Destiny in particular) and 2015 should be excellent.


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