..but not just any photos. Inspired by Kens 80stastic mashup, I've been looking through some photos of me from that era, and think it would be worth a giggle to get you guys to post some up. What I'm looking for is pics of you lot, when you were young and thought you were cool...
This is about the oldest I've got. Trip to ECTS back in 2000. The hair was a wonderous combination of orange, red, and blonde, and I distinctly remember that I was wearing a moody Nirvana hoody that looked like the logo had been designed by a 6-year-old with cataracts.
Ah, the obligatory "student with a stolen road sign" shot! (@ Josie) And the same tights?
Except, not a student because I was 13
Ah. Sorry, basing it off my experiences, where a drunken night out provided us with a lovely new lamp in the living room, as we ahem borrowed a light traffic bollard and I then wired it up. Good times!
Yeah, 'Twas a long time ago. Strange, two weeks before that photo, a doctor told my wife she probably wouldn't reach 30! Still waiting on that insurance payout 😀😀😀😀😀
This thread is the best thread! I wish I had any pictures to share, but my guess is that all the good ones are either at my parents' place or on a tucked away hard drive somewhere I don't know. I had a very profound love of the Spice Girls, I'm sure there are plenty of good pictures to be had from that.
The oldest picture I have is from the mid to late 90's. It was when I preferred climbing trees and go for hourly expeditions with my cat Sumo instead of playing with the girls in my class. They were so mean and I was an outsider.
Fun fact: my big brother had the exact same haircut at the time.
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