Assassin's Creed has gone through quite a few changes since its introduction to the Xbox 360 scene back in 2007. Ubisoft has changed the formula quite substantially since that first (for lack of a better term more 'simplistic') outing, all the way to where it's basically a full-blown RPG these days.
We've always categorized Assassin's Creed into four core 'eras' up to this point, each with a different approach to missions, combat, overall world design, general scope and all the rest of it. Of course, the games within each era do have more subtle differences, but broadly speaking they follow a similar blueprint.
The first Assassin's Creed is sort of its own beast with a more stripped-down take on the AC idea, but we'd still slot it in with 2, Brotherhood and Revelations as the starting era of Assassin's Creed. Then, you've got the late Xbox 360 era that delivered Assassin's Creed 3, Black Flag, and Rogue, as the series' world design opened up.

Moving to the beginning of the Xbox One generation, Ubisoft built more 'dense' cities with a focus on verticality with Assassin's Creed Unity and Assassin's Creed Syndicate. The direction was more 'classic AC' than the previous era, but it didn't quite land with core Assassin's Creed fans, especially Unity.
That brings us into the modern era, where Ubi went full RPG with its series' reboot: Assassin's Creed Origins. That formula has largely been followed with both Odyssey and Valhalla to form three sprawling RPGs as the last three AC titles.
As Ubisoft showcases the next era of Assassin's Creed during its Ubisoft Forward event, we're keen to know which of these existing groups is your favourite.
Vote in the poll and let us know!
Comments 27
First 2 are good after that it just went boring and downhill
I only played AC 2, Brotherhood and Black Flag, out of those 3 I'd say AC 2 is still my favorite so far.. Which reminds me that i need to play Revelations..
I've played the entire series (even Bloodlines on PSP). From AC1 all the way to Syndicate I was hopelessly addicted. There was just something so fun an exciting about having actual cities to run around and climb all over in. Blending in with the crowds, exploring the rooftops (or trees if we are talking AC3), having well thought out assassination missions... I just loved those things about the originals.
Origins and Odyssey kind of lost that spirit the older games had. I still got through them and thought for the most part they were okay but definitely my two least favorites. Valhalla however felt like it at least tried to implement (granted not executed as well) some of those classic elements along with the RPG elements so I actually ended up enjoying that one much more.
Mirage has me super hyped though. Looking forward to the reveal!
It is an interesting choice to break it down this way.
It probably goes without saying that Black Flag is my favorite. However, I didn't love the other games grouped into that era.
Both Unity and Syndicate are great games so I went with that era.
Unity is an interesting game in that when it launched, it was in terrible shape. It had tons of bugs and the technical scale of them game was more than the hardware of the time could handle. Surprisingly, Ubisoft fixed the bugs and now that hardware has caught up with the game it is one of the best games in the series in my opinion. For an 8 year old game, it looks pretty amazing on a PC at high resolution.
I didn’t like Unity but loved Syndicate. The map was imo perfect. It was like a GTA/AC crossover taking place during the industrial revolution.
Actually being able to ride vehicles (carriages) in the open world was awesome for the series. It’s sad Syndicate was seen as a failure, because it wasn’t its own fault. Unity shipped so buggy that everyone was just skeptical about the next release. I keep imagining how the series would had evolved has Syndicate been able to separate itself from the Unity fiasco. Would we have a ton of actual urban, true open world AC games now?
I ended up voting for the AC3 to Rogue era because I liked most the games in the era, but not necessarily because I loved the format that much. Sea stuff was kinda cool, but a bit repetitive.
This. I stopped playing after that. I might check out Mirage if it's like the first games. If not, forget about it.
Assassins Creed IV Black Flag is the peak of the series in my opinion. I dropped out of the series after not liking Unity but lately considering trying out one of the latest, and hopefully get back into it.
I've been a fan of all of them, the first one is probably my least favorite. I hope they do a staggered release from now on. Old style then a big rpg like odyssey/valhalla.
Very skeptical of an ongoing assassins Creed game.
Ezio Auditore!!
I prefer the ones from Origins on. I tried ACII years ago just couldn't get into it mainly cause the stealth mechanics. III and Black Flag were definitely better but I prefer the RPG gameplay from Origins on.
@Korgon did you play the one on Nintendo DS? That was my first AC. It sucked, made me skip over the series until Black Flag. Maybe I’ll go back and play the OG first few games this winter
I prefer the open world rpg trilogy. Much more my type of game than the first few, tried the old ones back in the days but never got into them really. Not a big fan of too stealthy games I prefer action combat and then here and there some stealth like I could play odyssey, which is by far my favorite. But I understand the older fans which aren't happy with the latest games, totally different games this way. But yeah infinity seems to be more a mixture so let's hope that one can please both the old fans and the open world rpg fans. But will be tough
Hard to pick,
For me it whas the first asassing creed game for sure, but playing asassin creed Odyssey, just blew me away. That game is THE proof for me, not to trust "fan opinions" lol
@Kaloudz Yeah, they're designed in such a way that you can't comment like you usually would. If you're on a PC though, you should see a "live comments" section to the right where you can chat with other PX members in real time.
As an alternative, I suggest commenting on the "Everything That Was Revealed" roundups that we do - normally live on the site just a few minutes after the show is over!
@Kaloudz oh I would absolutely love that, but the problem with a Japan setting is, it will be compared to Ghost of Tsushima. And no offense to the ac games but Ghost was absolutely brilliant. If they manage to make it as different enough from that game im all down for it, there are way to few games set in Asian countries and those countries are awesome for historical settings.
Funny to see such an even split between the classic and modern games (38 and 39 percent when i voted) just shows there's a big audience for both styles.
...there was one on DS? Well I feel stupid. I thought I played them all. 😅 My bad! Sounds like I didn't miss much at least!
@LX_FENIX Certainly. It makes sense that both would have fans. It is just very odd that the post-Syndicate games are basically a completely different genre.
Everything after Revelations minus Black Flag was gold for me.
But the new trilogy without a doubt.
The Ezio trilogy was something special too me. Watching that character from birth to death was rewarding and I'm surprised AC hasn't attempted this since.
My second favourite era would be 3-Rouge. Conner was almost great. Ac4 didn't really deserve the 4 but I see it as a brilliant spin off, best pirate game ever!
Unity and syndicate to me are the worst. Unity at least attempted some ambitious stuff but ultimately callapsed on itself. Syndicate was just so bland it hurt.
Origins-Valhalla era, I really liked what Origins was beggining but Odyssey and Valhalla didn't built of it in the ways I personally wanted them too. Nowadays I've fallen of the franchise but that's fine, not like there's a shortage of games or anything.
@Korgon it sucked, bad. Side scrolling platformer iirc
I played the first game last generation on Xbox One X, so I'm late playing all the AC games, which I intend to do. I played it after Breath of the Wild and I liked AC more. It's a great game but, obviously, the interactions with characters and the environment and the combat are somewhat clunky by today's (and I think that day's) standards. I liked the graphics, the smooth horse riding, the story and the gameplay ideas.
I’m sorta mixed because I loved the first game, hate Ezio but enjoyed brotherhood and revelations. I prefer most of the side games like liberation, Chronicles, over popular games like black flag or Valhalla. I enjoyed 3 mostly except chasing down Lee (that was poorly designed). But I really like Kassandra (aside from the forced storyline)’s game even though I don’t consider it to be AC. I want something with the stealth and persistent consequences of AC 1 but with the size and cool (female) main character of Odyssey. But no boats.
I remember when the first Assassin's creed was being made I was so hyped ..but truth be told despite completing the majority of the games i don't actually enjoy them to much.... possibly because I don't think I've ever found the story atall interesting in any of the games...so just turns into a slog
I've played all of them except the DS and PSP games. My favorite era is definitely the classics but Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla all bring some good stuff to the table too. Can't say I've really disliked any of them, even Unity I didn't think was too bad once it got sorted out after the rough launch.
Anything apart from the worst assassins creed game ever made Valhalla
Definitely the early Xbox One era. I absolutely loved Unity and Syndicate!
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