Well well well, we just can't seem to go a week without another rumour about that darn Oblivion remake - with the latest reports suggesting that this Elder Scrolls re-do could be out in a matter of weeks. While we'll be happy to see a nice little modernisation of the Bethesda classic, there's also plenty of other projects we think Xbox should have greenlit since acquiring the company a few years back.
Of course, as the picture up at the top suggests - something Fallout-related is the obvious answer here. With Fallout 4 becoming 10 years old this year (yes, 10), alongside the massive success of the recent Amazon Prime TV show, it feels like we should be getting something new from Fallout to be honest. Remakes or remasters of Fallout 3 and New Vegas would be fantastic, Xbox - they both deserve a proper glow-up on modern hardware!
While we've focused on actual Bethesda Game Studios titles here so far, that doesn't have to be the limit. We've talked a lot about Fallout here, and we're going to continue to do so - what about reimaginings of the earlier games in the series? Fallout and Fallout 2 could do with proper console versions, and although the originals are beloved experiences, there's lots of room for Bethesda to re-release these in some fashion for modern audiences.
Outside of those mentions, you could go further back within the Elder Scrolls IP of course - or maybe even something more niche? Bethesda at-large has lots of other IP it could pull from for potential remakes, including stuff like the original Prey on Xbox 360 or some of the older Wolfenstein games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It's a treasure trove, really!
Aside from Oblivion, which classic Bethesda game would you like to see remade? Tell us your ideas down in the comments.
Comments 28
All of them but fallout 3 and morrowind should be front of the line
I'm interested in the Oblivion one because the original is not available in my region.
But if they do a good job, maybe Morrowind. Maybe.
It would have been very smart to have some kind of remaster New Vegas ready for season 2 of the show. I played it last year its pretty buggy and still crashes a lot on PC. Another missed easy win cross promotion.
The original Prey is also available for free on myabandonware for PC people. Easy instructions on how to install it on modern platforms.
Classic game that sadly has been lost to the sands of time and can’t be bought anywhere (I bet the licensed music plus lack of interest probably prevents it from making a comeback).
It did some things with the Id Tech 4 engine that people didn’t even think possible. I want to say it used portals before Portal was a thing. Really a cool game! I bet any modern computer could run it at this point - even with just an iGPU.
Maybe Bethesda should look into the Daggerfall Unity project as a means of getting that game on consoles. I’m not a fan, but I am sure console players would love to try their hand at pre-Morrowind Elder Scrolls.
I agree with the article about Fallout 3 and NV. Though exentensive remakes of the first two games could be cool. Not happening, but since we're dreaming I'm saying it.
Literally just daggerfall and Fallout 1. These games don’t play with modern consoles.
So remakes are good now?
Would love to see a remake of Fallout 1 and 2.
Morrowind definitely. It was the first ES game I played and while I walked away from it early on, I did eventually go back to it and loved it. Of course the expansions for it are a must as well.
After that then Fallout 3 with the DLCs. I recently replayed it on PS (minus the DLCs) and it really is missing a lot without them.
After that then maybe Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Remake fo1, 2, and tactics into FPSs.
Remake fo3, nv, 4 into turnbased/tactics/isometric games.
I'm currently playing oblivion now and I don't think it needs a remake(though I am biased). I would love a remake of morrowind that gave players a choice of having map markers or disabling so both newer players and old morrowind fans could play!
@Doublecell It really depends how they are done. If we take for example how Sony is doing them, it is really bad for gaming industry and gamers. They are just money hungry and milking gamers with remakes that could barely be called remasters and they ask insane amounts of money for them. The way of Xbox is the way to go. They honor the orginal games and elevate them to new heights, it is great that there is still a company that doesnt go money first with the easiest route.
Fallout New Vegas! Make it the way it should have been at launch if given the time it deserved. (Obsidian had just 18 months to turn it around).
Fallout 3 as well. Morrowind too, but that's a MUCH larger job, would need a lot of updating.
Different opinion, none, get them all on ES6 and a more modern engine and game zero loading screens and helpful intuitive UI, with modern systems interface.
Cutting edge graphics, great biomes and weather effects etc.
superb gameplay and music to die for.
That will do me.
Fallout 3 full dlc included!!
I'm one of the few who didn't enjoy new Vegas the capital wasteland with 3dog all day for me!
Absolutely Return to Castle Wolfenstein!!!
Obviously people are going to say Morrowind, but I worry they would throw the baby out with the bathwater there. Todd has said many times how there would need to be too many changes for modern gamers. Unfortunately, that's the policy, to try to smooth the edges for modern gamers.
What I'd really like is to see them do something with Daggerfall. But, again, if it was too heavily remade, it wouldn't be the same anymore. Instead they'd want to add voices, do it in Unreal 5, overhaul everything...
@VoidPunk Have you not tried Daggerfall Unity? It plays on modern PCs! Not modern consoles, though...
@Onlyboxmatters You mean like Demon Souls, Ratchet and Clank, Shadow of the Colossus and the Last of Us part 1? How were these bad for the gaming industry and gamers?
No but sounds cool.
While an official remake of Morrowind would be welcome I'm content to wait for Skywind.
They're weren't "really bad for gaming industry and gamers", in fact no remake is, just some are better than others.
This Onlyboxmatters character is just a childish little troll. Just look at his comment history, embarrassing to think that an "adult" is at the end of the keyboard.
Unfortunately the mods here seem content to let him continue to post inflammatory nonsense.
@VoidPunk Check out Daggerfall Unity. The GOG version of Fallout 1 should run just fine on modern PCs, too.
I'd like to see Fallout 1 & 2 either remade or ported.
I'd like to see Fallout 1 and 2 remade or remastered!
Not a big bethesda fan, only game i truly like from that part of the biz is oblivion, which was great.
So id prefer they work on new games over remasters
New vegas remaster for me as never got around to playing it
New Vegas, Fallout 3 and Morrowind, in that order, hopefully with Obsidian's involvement with New Vegas.
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