Welcome to the weekend! It's been a quieter week in the world of Xbox after an exhaustively busy November, but we've still got a batch of new Xbox Game Pass titles to check out, over 600 games included as part of the Xbox Black Friday Sale 2021, and Halo Infinite is still in the middle of its first special event! Plenty to enjoy as always.
Here's what we're diving into this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, News Editor
Another week over, another growing backlog of games to try and catch up on! To be honest, I'm probably going to spend most of my time with Halo Infinite's multiplayer over the weekend, but I'm hoping to try and finally sink some hours into Psychonauts 2 and Judgment as well, both of which I've been neglecting these past few months.
I may get a chance to try Mortal Shell on Xbox Game Pass, but it doesn't really look like my type of game. If I have any time left over, it's more than likely going to be spent on the excellent Forza Horizon 5 instead. Oh, and I need to try and finish off my Microsoft Rewards tasks for the month - the December 6th deadline is fast approaching!
Have a great thanksgiving weekend, folks.
PJ O'Reilly, Freelance Contributor
Well. I said I'd never go through it all again, but Alien Isolation is on Game Pass and I'm not sure I'm strong enough to resist a fourth playthrough. It's easily one of the greatest horror games (or just games in general) ever made, so I reckon I'm locked into that over the weekend, with a little side-helping of AI: The Somnium Files. Game Pass is amazing!
Oh and there's Mortal Shell and Halo Infinite to get stuck into too. Deary me.
Liam Doolan, News Reporter
Unsurprisingly, I'm playing Halo Infinite multiplayer (again) this weekend. A few weeks later and it still feels just as great, the battle pass progression still needs some work though.
Apart from this, I'm also replaying Halo 5's campaign with a friend. We've replayed all of the other Halo games in the lead-up to Infinite's launch, so it's nice to finally be making our way through the fifth game. Over the weekend, we'll be tackling missions 3 to 6, and hope to have the whole thing completed well before December 8th.
That's probably it for me this weekend. Have fun, everyone.
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 34
We're skipping over the poll again this weekend, folks. Let me know if you want to see it return - it'll come back next Saturday if so!
Shin Megami Tensei V - continuing my playthrough of this! Enjoying it so far, much-needed challenge!
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond - On the other end of the spectrum we have a very easy game I'm playing lol. Coming up to the second gym!
Death Stranding - Starting this one today! Heard mixed opinions about it, but I'm finally playing it for myself.
Garry's Mod - Drunken mayhem with friends later tonight!
Have a good weekend everyone.
Next gen? I'm playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Unreal Tournament 3 on my Xbox Series X360 😁 Enjoying both immensely. Have a good and healthy weekend all!
Nothing at the moment as my son is on my Series X and he is also on the Switch for YouTube! 😭
Back compat stuff, Max Payne 3 and Aces of the Galaxy with some One Finger Death Punch 2 on PS4. Have a good weekend all!
I'm playing more of Forza Horizon 5, it's so good!
Will be playing a lot of RPGs this weekend. On Switch I'll be continuing my playthrough of Pokémon Shining Pearl, while on PS4 I'll be playing Kingdom Hearts 3 and on 360 Fable Anniversary. It's good that these are all different kinds of RPGs though, otherwise it would be hard to maintain a good focus across these games.
@FraserG Just my two cents: I personally don't really care about the poll but the thing is that hundreds of people who visit the site like to participate in the poll but don't necessarily write a comment. Like there could be 40 comments but 400 votes in a poll, so you kinda miss out on a lot of engagement from your community by not including polls. I do understand that it takes a fair amount of time to make them though!
I'm still playing GTA San Andreas, I think I have about 24 missions left. Also enjoying Halo Infinite.
Series X: Mortal Shell, indeed, and some BioShock Infinite.
PS5: Deathloop. This game definitely deserves a spot on Game Pass later. Yes, the AI is still awful but the game itself is actually very enjoyable.
Mainly Disciples: Liberations, which is a great game that I am really enjoying. The replayability in it is also astounding...
I may also get a couple of games of Gears 5 Horde in too, if my mate is around.
I've been hoping to dive into Forza Horizon 5 before the Halo Infinite campaign drops (I'm not particularly fussed about the multiplayer, but may give it a shot when I have time), but Disciples is much longer than I anticipated, and so I'm not quite sure when I'll be finished with it, and I had been hoping to run through both Halo 4 and 5 before Infinite drops too..!
Too many quality games, and just not enough time to get through them...
Halo, forza (both I imagine will fill many of my weekends going forward), mortal shell (a unexpected game pass surprise, seriously helping with the Elden ring wait) and pillars of eternity (my fourth attempt getting into this game)
Dragon Age 2. I never played the series whenever it originally released because I was so focused on the PS3 after buying one in the middle of that generation, but obviously that problem can be easily rectified on Xbox. I played Origins last year, but now that Dragon Age 2 got on the latest FPS Boost list, it seems to be the perfect time to finally experience the sequel. Not only is it amazing to be playing a 10 year old game in 60 FPS, but it was shocking that Quick Resume actually worked for a 10 year old game too.
I know it wasn't beloved when it came out, but I'm highly enjoying it so far. I don't mind the fact that some parts of the game are streamlined, and the story is interesting already only a few hours in.
Just Halo Infinite for me but thinking of giving it a bit of a break until next week. I did all the challenges a few days ago.
I prefer to get these things done as soon as possible to avoid missing out on the Capstone reward but the current system does little to reward people after those challenges have dried up.
@Roqka Don't worry. Deathloop will be on Game Pass whenever it can finally be on Xbox, which would be a year from it's September release.
FH5 and Far cry 6 for now
Might change in December.
I’ve got to admit, the more I play Forza Horizon 5 the more I find myself agreeing with PureXbox’s review (8/10). I think Playground games have played it a bit too safe, with hardly any changes to their usual FH template. As someone that’s played FH since the very first game, it’s starting to feel a little stale. Still, it’s early days and who knows what they have planned for their roadmap. Hopefully they will start to mix things up a bit.
Wayyyyy too many games at the moment.
Series S: Halo Infinite, FH5, Tales of Arise, Back4Blood (coop with friends) and Forgotten City.
Switch: I would be playing Metroid Dread but my gf is still wrapping up the Pokemon Shield DLC's.
Ps5: Ghost of Tsushima DC and Death Stranding DC, I'm doing all the grinding possible before finishing the main story.
There's not enough hours in a day right now I swear.
@Razputinman I personally love Death Stranding. Im playing the DC version right now with big plans of earning the plat for it again. However, its also a game I never actually recommend to people because it will definetly test your patience. But if you get into it the gameplay loop is fantastic and the story is utter insanity. I hope you like it! Keep on keeping up!
Just playing Far Cry 6 as time permits. Mostly enjoying it.
For the guy who mentions that physical game sales are usually cheaper than when a game is on sale digitally.
I am just going to have to assume that you do not have a friend to game share with then??
I used to be all about physical games, and my collection, but once Xbox announced game sharing, My best friend and I used to go to the store together and pick up with same game for full price all the time.
Now we just trade off buying games and it essentially makes every game half off, or buy one get one, how ever you wanna see it.
You can't game share a game that you own physically unfortunately.
Plus, you get verrrry used to not having to get up to change the game... It is kinda like Quick Resume but for changing to any game haha.
Come to think of it, I have not once used the disc reader on my Xbox Series X and I got it on launch day.
@FraserG no need for a poll. Everybody always comments what they're playing anyways and usuallt state what they like about it, which is somewhat interesting and helpful at times. I enjoy that way more than a poll.
I bought 5 games from holiday sales, but this weekend probably just getting through more of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond with a little Wolfenstein 3D (ECWolf mod) to break up the monotony. Maybe some Back 4 Blood or Halo Infinite tonight if my friends are available.
I'll be playing some call of the sea as i try and get it completed before it's out of gamepass. I'm also at the last third of Halo 5 so I'm hoping to get some more progress in that.
Speaking on Halo 5, it's a great game. I was expecting a crap show based on everything I've heard about it. The game looks amazing, gunplay is smooth and i actually don't mind the story...whats the actual problem with it? I haven't completed it yet so maybe it's the ending? I'm thinking that because I'm just playing through all the Halos sequentially now vs having so much time in between the games and nostalgia I'm not seeing any problems. Clearly everyone can have their own views but i think for new players 5 is going to be a lot higher rated than what vet Halo folks are saying.
Pokémon which is the hole I’ve been ima do will be in every November o.o
@Royalblues oh You get the updated content to with this play through. I have to go back; kind of bummed the updated content came after I beat >.<
@PJOReilly You are in for a treat AI: The Insomnium Files has become one of my favorite games of all time.
This weekend I'm working through Far Cry 6's new title updates, a bit of Vanguard's multiplayer, and starting yet another Skyrim playthrough. Busy schedule.
Haven - finishing this sci-fi romance before it leaves game pass next week. Unique, captivating story and characters crossed with very average gameplay. Art reminds me a little of Gravity Rush.
Marvel’s Avengers - finishing this to free up some space on the SSD for Halo: Infinite. While there is the odd decent moment it’s one of the most disappointing games I’ve played in years. Almost there now but it’s a slog. Ultimately you just don’t feel like an Avenger
Quantum Break revisiting this for Game Club. Really interesting plot and premise, sometimes clumsily and too cryptically delivered, gameplay is only ok. You can see the beginnings of Control’s much improved gameplay but this is far more one dimensional and less fun in that area.
Exo One quirky indie flow state game tasks you with exploring Jupiter and it’s moons. It’s not brilliant yet it also kept me enthralled for its short game time, it’s got a sci-fi mystery X-factor that made it greater than the sum of its parts.
Mahjong by Microsoft (Android) - Daily challenges and also still working on puzzle packs.
Bad Piggies (Windows Phone) - Still really enjoying this.
Burn the Rope (Windows Phone) - Need to get back to this, as I've not played in a few days.
I found a true hidden gem called Kingdom two crowns, and i honestly cant stop playing it. Game came out of nowhere!
Right now i'm currently playing Shining Pearl.. After that i think i wanna give Sonic Generations a go, I really wanna see how that game plays at 60FPS
Guardians otG for me. And hey, somehow a 4 day weekend is almost over, wtf? Lol.
Have fun everyone!
I’m playing Halo 4 as I’m trying to make my way through all of them before Halo Infinite. I’m halfway through 4 then it’s just 5 Guardians left. I got a a Series S back in august and I’m having a blast with GP.
Playing DEEEER Simulator. Wasn't easy for me at 1st to figure out the camera view. But finally got it. A very funny game
Forza and Halo for me this weekend. The same pairing of games that will probably be my weekend games for the next few months.
Also decided to replay Gears 3 again too.
@mousieone Yeah, I actually reviewed the Switch version when it came out for Nintendolife, absolutely loved it. Fancied blasting through it again.
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