Welcome to the weekend! As always, there's plenty of new content you can check out on Xbox over the next few days, including the free-to-play release of Fall Guys, various new Xbox Game Pass titles, three more Free Play Days additions, and a wide set of currently active deals on the Xbox Store, complete with some amazing bargains!
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, News Editor
It's definitely a Fall Guys weekend for me. I've been playing the game occasionally on Steam for the past two years, but now that it's on Xbox, I really feel like I'm going to get hooked on it all over again. Plus, the addition of cross-play and the free-to-play format means there's a much better chance of getting more friends and colleagues involved!
Elsewhere, I really want to give the Shadowrun Trilogy a go, now that it's on Xbox Game Pass. I've never played any of the games before, but I'm definitely intrigued, so at the very least I think I'll boot up Shadowrun Returns and see what all the fuss is about. If I have time, that is!
Have a great weekend everyone.
PJ O'Reilly, Staff Writer
Fall Guys, Fall Guys. Sorry, I've let my kids pick and type in what they want to play this weekend, and it seems like we're gonna be playing some Fall Guys. If I get a chance I'll also get a little more time on Sonic Origins, but I think it's gonna be mostlyFALLGUYSSSSSSS, FALLGUYSSSS.S Have a good wEEkeNd. weekend.
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 33
This weekend I’m playing a few different things. First up:
Diablo III (Xbox Series X) - I just reached Act II at level 40 on hard difficulty, and sometimes switching it to expert. The moment to moment gameplay is so satisfying. The game encourages player agency each time due to its randomly generated map and quest system. I’ve heard people knock on this game due to its story, but I find it quite serviceable and compelling. I really can’t wait for Diablo IV.
TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge (PS5). I’m chipping away at the Platinum trophy. I just got the trophy for the 250-hit combo without being touched (I did it legitimately, too, which was a pain), so now I need three more trophies. This game is absolutely excellent. Each character feels unique and are fun to learn, but Casey Jones is the best behind Michaelangelo. I would love to see the developer tackle an X-Men beat-‘em-up some day.
Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes (Nintendo Switch) - I haven’t touched my Switch in months, but this game intrigued me. I’m a fan of Musou games dating back to Dynasty Warriors 2, and particularly 4, in which I used to play cooperatively with my best friend on the PS2 for hours a day during summer vacation.
Neon White (Nintendo Switch) - I started the game last night and it is absolutely incredible. I haven’t been able to put it down. Before I knew it, four hours had gone by. Everything about this game is so well done. The writing and characters are goofy; the controls are tight and responsive; the soundtrack is fantastic; and overall the game is incredibly addicting. I haven’t played a game like this before, and it’s very special. In fact, it might be my GOTY so far.
Playing Fall Guys and Lost in Random
I have been playing through halo: infinite campaign, It was initially very fun, but I got a little bogged down with all the collectibles on the map. If I play anything again, it will be to play more of this.
Finished off the excellent RE8 and now I've started RE1: HD Remaster. Already stuck relatively early on!
Busy this week but the time I do have to game will mainly be Fall Guys on Series X and Yoshi’s Crafted World on Switch.
Strange Brigade and Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
Finished LIS true colours earlier this week on gp, and still playing Ghostwire Tokoyo, which im very much enjoying.
With the ps+ relaunch this week ive streamed a bit of motorstorm apocalypse too, as I have fond memories of that title.
Playing lost ruins and metal hellsinger demo. I'm actually surprised that lost ruins actually a metroidvania survival horror game, it's hard compared to other metroidvania games but I like it.
Also the game sounds effect are amazing, I have 5.1 surround and the game clearly differentiate the sound of footstep to my back left and right speaker, while waterfall sound and other environment (plus weapon) sound is in the front speaker.
I'm disappointed in metal hellsinger, the gameplay is good, the music is great but I didn't know this is a rhythm based game. I just want normal fps game with good gameplay and great music without the rhythm part 😕
Fall Guys with friends. Still having fun being terrible at this game.
Fire Emblem: Three Hopes is really great so far. I like musou, and love Fire Emblem, so I'm really enjoying this one.
Little Hope - It's so bad, but I'm enjoying it for exactly that reason.
On my Xbox I'm playing Dq11. What an absolute gem. The artstyle and music are all pretty cheerful and that combined with the easy to understand gameplay make this a very relaxing game. I can totally understand all the praise this game gets.
On my ps5 I finished the story in fist of the north star. Since I'm not done with the game yet doing some side stories and mini games and such getting a few trophies here and there on the side. I'll skip the plat because of the difficulty requirement but that's fine.since this will become a side game now I started Spiderman. Having acces to it now with the new playstation plus. Let's see how I like this one it's supposed to be very good.
On the switch il be yet again playing xenoblade chronicles 2 which I don't think il complete in time for number 3, there's just so much side quests and blade quests that it's starting to drag. Il also be playing some monster hunter rise and hopefully my copy of fire emblem warriors three hopes comes today.
On PS5 il hopefully complete Scarlet Nexus so then I can fully concentrate on trails of cold steel 1 and hopefully get it done before the new digimon game comes out at the end of July.
I only get to play on the weekends, so hopefully get the majority of the way through Tiny Tina's Wonderlands story. Sprinkle in some Assassin's Creed Origins as I try to complete that story as well. I'm looking at The Park for a game that I can maybe complete during the week when my time is limited since the game is on sale and I've been curious for a while.
The only game I’m currently playing on XSX is Mad Max, which is great with the 60fps boost, and the graphics still hold up well for a 7 year old game. Other than that I’ll be browsing the PS+ extra library for games to play. So far I’m enjoying Returnal.
Shadowrun Returns.
Game is good, but a bit janky for sure. I’m about 75% through my first playthru. Good stuff, regardless of the few bugs I’ve encountered.
Fall Guys, R6 Extraction and Dead by Daylight for me!
Im going to check out Citizen Sleeper now I completed Sniper Elite 5. I got Outriders Worldslayer on pre order so looking foward to that next week. Completed TMNT and loved it, waiting for Cowabunga Collection now
Had a go with Blade Runner, but is a little dated for my tastes. Am also getting nostalgic playing Steve Jackson’s Sorcery!, which is pretty fun so far!
Xbox Series X: TMNT Shredders Revenge. Finished my first playthrough now I am working on leveling up Raph.
Mobile: Diablo Immortal. Took a short break from this to play a few games I got on my Series X, but I am back now leveling up my Demon Hunter.
Almost finished with Halo 4, then I'll be moving onto Halo 5. (Played all the campaigns 1, 2, 3, ODST, and Reach). Halo Infinite multiplayer as my usual.
On another playthrough of RE8. Hoping to clear all difficulties and mercenaries.
And Fall Guys too.
Sonic heroes, sonic origins, sonic sonic sonic
@Dydreamr a bit like far cry…
@AudioTerror for the first time?
@Baler I played 1, 2 and 3 years ago when they originally came out. This is my first time playing through ODST, Reach, 4 and 5. I've been having a lot of fun through all the campaigns.
Sonic Origins, but Metal Sonic is destroying me in that Race Battle. Literally screaming at my Screen
Also i am a new series X owner, downloaded a bunch but not sure where to start
Back to the ps4 after a lot of x360 gaming.
Mainly Resident Evil 3 and a lot of downloads.
@AudioTerror I just played reach and am halfway through halo. Really great games.
@AudioTerror all amazing apart from 4&5 in my opinion. It just goes down hill. I like playing on legendary the best. Takes me ages but I just love it
@Baler So far, I like 4. Very different from the games before, but I like a lot of the Promethean weapons. (To be honest, I tend to like things easily)
Bought the ori collection a few days ago so it's Ori & the will of the wisps for me
I was playing Mass Effect 1 for Pure Xbox Game Club and rolled straight into Mass Effect 2, it’s been wonderful to return to these characters and this universe, which still stand up amazingly well despite some aged game mechanics. Pure Joy.
However I got completely distracted this weekend by a game I wasn’t planning to play. Unsighted is an indie gem, it’s the closest thing to a top down 2D Zelda that Xbox has, crossed with metroidvania and a bit of Souls - you die and you lose half your credits and have to return to that point to pick them back up. But it’s also got some great ideas of it’s own, most notably a time mechanic where everything is ageing and dying and the faster you get through the game the more you can save. If that sounds stressful and you like to take your time exploring like me, them you can completely disable this feature, as I have done, but it ties in closely to the interesting narrative.
I originally only played it only because it was on the weekly Xbox quests/ rewards but soon fell completely into it. Probably the first time this feature has worked as intended. A hidden gem that sadly isn’t getting much attention. It’s got an 84 on Metacritic.
I've been pouring time into Red Dead Redemption 2 this weekend. Also having fun being a hero in a half shell.
Finished "Guardians of the Galaxy" yesterday, had a blast from start to finish! Think I'm gonna play "STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order" next.
Ooh, after checking out the weekly Forza Horizon 5 challenges, I'll also check out some Fall Guys again. Want to try the Turtles game as well.
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