Welcome to the weekend! It's been a fairly quiet week for new releases, but we've got the likes of MultiVersus and Digimon Survive to check out over the next few days, along with the new Game Pass release of Inside, three Free Play Days titles including WWE 2K22, and the Summer Sale also ends on Sunday/Monday!
Here's what we're playing this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, News Editor
I've got a few things I want to focus on this weekend. The first, as you can see from the picture, is WWE 2K22. I've been having so much fun with the MyGM mode in that game for months now, to the point where it's pretty much all I play when I boot up 2K22. The rest of it is good too though, so consider downloading it with Free Play Days.
I'm hoping MultiVersus will command my attention as well. I've heard great things, so fingers crossed.
Finally, I'm playing a couple of upcoming games for review which I can't talk about until next week, but needless to say I hope they live up to the hype! They'll probably take up the rest of my time this weekend...
Have a good weekend, everyone!
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 22
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - finally getting into this series with this game! The story sounds hauntingly beautiful.
Omori - starting this one as well this weekend. Heard really good things about it so I thought why not.
Yume Nikki - absolute cult classic. Also heard that this inspired Omori so it'll be good to play it again!
GTA Online - multiplayer with friends tonight!
Have a good weekend everyone!
I'm on the last chapter of Vestaria Saga and it is extremely difficult, but I am determined to get through it.
Other than that, I started Stray last night and will probably play that to relax inbetween frustrating VS sessions. Nothing like a cute kitty to put my mind and soul at ease.
I finished Firewatch the other day now it’s back to AI: The Somnium Files, and if I have time, I might play the long dark to take my mind of this heatwave by venturing into an frozen wasteland.
Xenoblade chronicles 3 for me , started last evening and stopped playing at 1 am , hard tu put it down.
Got Xenoblade chronicles 3 and Digimon Survive yesterday so will be playing them most of the time, I still need to complete Star ocean Last Hope 4k but I'm burnt out on that, it's just way too grindy. Will also continue with Rune Factory 5 in between
Xenoblade 3 and MultiVersus
These two will realistically keep me occupied for months honestly, not just this weekend.
My main course this weekend is Xenoblade Chronicles 3. This franchise might be my favorite as far as JRPGs go. These games know how to balance quirky anime tropes and heartfelt moments in ways most games are unable to. I’m currently two hours in and I’ve already gotten misty eyed. The characters so far are relatable; and there is a certain scene early on that really resonates with me. The combat arts and talents is very much improved, and the animations are really cool. I already know there will be twists and turns and I’m excited to discover them.
I’ll also be progressing more in Monster Hunter Rise / Sunbreak. I’m currently 80 hours in, just reached HR40, about to hunt one of the Elder Lords in Sunbreak, and the game continues to surprise me, particularly with new monsters. The gameplay loop is so addicting, and respects your time because you get as much out of it as you put in.
I was thinking about it yesterday - MH: Rise might be the first game in probably a decade (maybe longer) that I’ve played repeatedly for the sheer fun of it. Typically, I play games for the story. If there are side quests I do my best to complete all of them before I beat the game; however, once I see the credits roll I have no desire to go back and play more. This is the main reason why I haven’t got the Platinum trophy for Spider-Man Miles Morales - I can’t stomach going through the game on NG+ despite having every single trophy aside from that. And yet, MH has done the unthinkable and is constantly rewarding me with new things that actually compel me to continue playing. For me, this is a game that I consider “essential,” and it may go down as one of my favorite games of all time solely for that reason.
I'm playing Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth..
Killzone: Mercenary (Vita) - I'm back on the multiplayer until the servers close in two weeks.
Mahjong by Microsoft (Android) - I'm done with July and just waiting for the August events to start.
Make It Rain: The Love of Money (Windows Phone) - Still great for playing in bursts.
Multiversus, Destiny 2….that’s probably it for this weekend
TMNT Shredders Revenge (Xbox Series X) Now that I finished GM mode on WWE 2k22 this game is getting my full attention.
Diablo Immortal (Android) Still playing this one when I am at work or the TV is in use.
Dungeon and Dragons (Tabletop) My players are finally entering their first Dungeon what evils await for them inside?)
Unfortunately I'm at work until tonight, but after my belated dinner my friend should come over to continue our Divinity: Original Sin II campaign on PC.
Other than that, I'll be playing D&D tomorrow and if I have some spare time I'll be continuing The Outer Worlds.
I just started it the other day on my Series X and I'm ready to wrap up the first area. I'm enjoying it so far 😃
I started As Dusk Falls and I must say I’m really enjoying it. I enjoy playing these games by trying to make the worst decisions possible and I’ve done pretty well at that so far I think 🤣 finished book 1 in one play through will probably start 2 tomorrow if I get time.
Halo Infinite. More multiplayer and slowly working through campaign. I know it's not everyone's favorite, but I'm still having a blast with it.
I tried Multiversus a bit, but it's not for me.
PowerWash Simulator continues to be very zen, and I've been in an RPG mood. Might give Octopath some time, or start digging into Tales of Arise.
(This makes it sound like I have free time, but really it's an hour or two of gaming and I have a lot of choices 😅)
Just got Iron harvest. Its similar to company of heroes but with ww1 style units and mechs. I do love a good rts game. And it's also good controls on controller.
Played through Inside - first time for me, a very nice addition to Gamepass
I must finish stray. Im loving it, but Im reluctant to finish it cause im enjoying the vibe so much.
Very sadly, myself and the misses wore plastic guitars last night and played Guitar Hero Van Hallen (im not even into van hallen). Its a sad addiction we have not been able to shake off!
Im on the S2 races in Horizon Forza DLC, so im keen on getting back into this today as the hotwheels stuff is much more fun in the faster classes.
Whatever y'all playing, I hope you have fun!
@Fenbops I keep hearing good things about it. I'm gonna give it a go this weekend.
@AudioTerror Same here. I had a blast with the campaign.
@Feffster Great game. If you haven't played Limbo, I recommend it! Puzzles can be a bit tougher though.
@DominoHurley - thanks, yes I enjoyed Limbo. I also found it a tougher challenge and to my shame it didn’t get completed before it was removed from GP. Hope it makes a return one day.
I’ve been enjoying Unsighted so far. Really cool game!
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