Welcome to the weekend! Next week is looking particularly tasty for Xbox Game Pass, but we've still had a couple of games added the service this week in Spelunky 2 and The Anacrusis, and we've also got another batch of Free Play Days titles to check out, along with the usual set of Deals with Gold and Spotlight offers.
Here's what we're checking out this weekend:
Fraser Gilbert, News Editor
I'm still hacking away at the same few games at the moment — the two I'm most focused on right now are Hades and Mass Effect Legendary Edition. I'm pleasantly surprised by just how good the latter still feels in 2022, and the ability to play it at 120 frames per-second on Xbox Series X is really nice. Plus, I never really played Mass Effect back in the Xbox 360 days, so it's pretty much all new to me.
You can never keep me away from sports games for too long either, and at the moment, my obsessions are the NHL series and PES 2021 (the less said about eFootball 2022, the better!). Plus, I just bought an old copy of LMA Manager 2007 for Xbox 360 — anyone remember that series?! It's been a long time since I last played LMA...
Have a good weekend, everyone!
Ben Kerry, Staff Writer
Since Serious Sam 4 was added to Game Pass out of nowhere, I've been meaning to give it a whirl. Well, it's now installed and I'm ready to give it a proper go this weekend. I've heard mixed things, but Serious Sam 3 was big dumb fun and that's what I'm after this weekend. Other than that, I'll probably keep chipping away at this month's Forza Horizon 5 festival playlist, that'll keep me busy.
Enjoy your gaming this weekend!
PJ O'Reilly, Staff Writer
This weekend I'll be continuing to blast through Scarlet Nexus and Tales of Arise, two games I should not have started playing at the same time, and I'll be complicating matters further by adding Yakuza: Like a Dragon to this heady mix. I had picked this one up at release and was loving it but got distracted by something or other and set it aside. I am now back in the mix though and thoroughly addicted, it's such a clever, well-written and engaging game, maybe even my favourite Yakuza in all honesty, and I 100% think the turn-based battles are a change for the better.
Have fun whatever you're up to or playing!
What Xbox games are you playing this weekend? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 37
Sleeping Dogs on 360 to get the final achievements.
Cod Infinite Warfare on ps4 to finally give it a go.
Metroid Dread on switch to finally make some progress for first time in a few weeks.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - still hunting down those Koroks...
Shin Megami Tensei V - put this one down for a bit before the new year for unknown reasons, now I'm picking it up again!
God of War - replaying this awesome game on PC this weekend! Can't wait!
GTA Online - as usual, with friends later tonight!
Have a good weekend, everyone!
Just now starting to playing Fallout 3 to give idea about how BGS game feels before Starfield, and woah how i couldnt know this game, its so amazing, from world building, story buildings, and immersion and freedom of choice they give it to player. Still in 13 hour playtime, and wouldnt stop soon.
Finished outer worlds last night, now I'll probably pick up tales of arise.
I tried Mass Effect a few days ago. I found the game extremely boring and the combat to be very unsatisfying. I'm probably in the minority but those games are just not for me. I'm currently playing Doom 2016.
@Chaudy Yeah... I'm playing the first one at the moment and around 3 hours in I'm not loving it. Very slow pace, long dialog breaks every 5 minutes and combat feels rudimentary at best. Will persevere for now as it should be right up my street, but I'm hoping it gets better.
Finishing up my 2nd playthrough of Horizon Zero Dawn on my PS5 and then I will likely continue The Gunk on my Series X if I have time. I played it for a bit last night and enjoyed it. Seems like it's a fairly simply but solid game, which is not a knock of course.
Played some Fallout 4 on XSX this morning and may play some more later.
On Switch, a bit of Astral Chain and Mario Kart 8 DX with my kids.
@Chaudy Same here. Mass Effect might not be for me afterall.
Series S: Halo Infinite online and Tales of Arise (I can't wait for Hitman next week).
PS5: Ghost of Tsushima DC
Switch: Fire Emblem Three Houses (my fifth playthrough, gameloop is too good).
Recently finished: Platted Spider-Man Miles Morales which I borrowed from a friend. Short story but overall the perfect lenght for 100% completion. I recommend it on sale.
I jumped into Guardians of the Galaxy, which I’m really enjoying. The character interactions are some of the best in a game I’ve seen. Plus, there’s a hilarious Easter egg if you try to shoot your guns in populated areas.
Still playing Halo Infinite and still playing Forza Horizon 4 on my X until i get a Series X then i will get 5. Also just started playing Gears of War Judgement having never played it before. One final thing on Halo Infinite - this game really is beautiful graphically even on an X .
I use an external SD drive to further cut down on loading times and i have also read it improves the visuals too.
I will also echo that I'm finding Mass Effect to be extremely slow paced and boring. Story and world building seems vaguely interesting, but not enough to push me through. I was talking to a coworker about it, and coincidentally ME is his favorite game series, and he said I should definitely keep going or even skip the first game entirely and watch the recap that plays at the beginning of the second game, assuring me that it's worth it. I'm not sure. I put it down for now to focus on the other game I'm playing, which is Metro: Exodus. This game is really good. I'm not sure the open world elements do it any favors though. I prefer the more linear style of the first two games, but that's probably just me. Loving every minute of this one. Also played some Aliens: Fireteam Elite with the guys last night. Fun stuff!
KOTOR, Bloodstained and Halo 5 / Infinite mp on XSS. I reinstalled Infinite to give it another chance. I still think it pales in comparison to 5 for mp.
I may try to push past the blitzball tournament on FFX on switch.
I'm also getting the urge to start SMT strange journey redux on 2DS xl.
I’m still playing through no more heroes on switch. I found the first 30 minutes boring, the. Really got into it, then got bored again. I have to see if want to finish the game.
Tokyo Xanadu Ex+
Finally made it to the last stage of DOOM Eternal and have all collectibles, cheats, and other stuff completed (need to get pulse blast kills and the gun challenges are done too). Have been whacking at that game in between many otherssince I got ny Series X last March & intend to finish off my Nightmare mode run tomorrow. Otherwise Halo Infinite is keeping me busy & just started Blasphemous which is incredibly gruesome, so not sure how long I can handle that 😂 I don't want to desensitize myself to such violence and gore, so it's been a struggle (funny I am saying that after playing DOOM I know).
I really want to get into a JRPG and have Ys Lacrimosa and Bravely Default II just waiting in the wings
I rolled credits on Mario Kart 8 deluxe last night, continuing with Chaosbane.
Also, about to hit level 100 on the Halo Infinite battle pass…just waiting for the dailies to reset
Update: aaaaaaaand done. No new battle pass for over 100 days, now I can pop in and out of mp for fun. Glad I was able to finish up before Extraction releases
If I get to play on the X likely carry on in Infinite, if on xcloud more Gunk.
I'm still hooked on Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I'm taking my time, looking into every nook and cranny of the city. I just love the world-building in this series.
Also, I've just played through Day 1 of Firewatch and I'm really liking it so far. Can't wait to play more of it this evening.
Gears Tactics on my Series X. And Final Fantasy II, the PSP remaster. I'm finally (har) going to play and beat all of the mainline FF games. And going to do them all in order. Something I've been wanting to do for a while.
@isturbo1984 that sounds daunting. I wish they’d re-release Tactics in the same vein they did with 9 and all the rest on current-ish consoles.
@Kilamanjaro I’ve heard good things about Lacrimosa. Next time it’s 20 on the eShop I’m gonna snap it up.
I've been playing the campaign of Call Of Duty Vanguard and it's really good! I recommend it to anyone who has the game and is yet to play it, great story in it.
I'm gonna start Assassin's Creed Brotherhood this weekend to continue Ezio's story. I loved Assassin's Creed 2 so this is exciting..
I have just finished It takes two with my daughter and I must say it’s one of the best game I have ever played full of diversity, fun ,touching, well done not too difficult and it runs great on series s 9.9/10.
Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita) - Time to save the damsel in distress!
Mahjong by Microsoft (Android) - Dailies and puzzle packs like usual.
Tiki Towers (Windows Phone) - Nearing the end.
Series X - Halo Infinite, Forza Horizon 5
X360 (via backwards compatibility on Series X) - Dead or Alive 4, Rumble Roses XX, Saints Row 1
@Dusk_Actual More daunting now than it was back when I first wanted to do this. I think X/X2 were the newest titles at the time lol. Been dragging my feet hard.
@Dusk_Actual yeah I've started the game and unlocked the first character in the party and was actually impressed with the voice acting & visuals, didn't expect as much since I never played the franchise before. I think I got it at $24 during a sale in May, so any lower is a good deal
@Medic_Alert Elden Ring is coming out in a few weeks!
What type of games do you like to play? I'm sure a few of us could provide some solid recs
@Medic_Alert analysis paralysis for sure! Feel the same way sometimes.
I'll push DOOM Eternal on anyone who will listen as the core gameplay loop & graphics are great for a single player shooter. Can also recommend the Metro series if you haven't picked it up. It's somewhere between a B to AA Game depending on which one you're playing & the story is bonkers.
I have been offloading games to try & stay focused on a few core games but always end up just loading more on XD
My current playlist: Doom Eternal, Outriders (not for everyone), Halo Infinite, The Ascent, and Ys Lacrimosa but may swap for Astria Ascending or Scarlet Nexus (gotta have one JRPG at a time). That list keeps growing and shrinking so I guess I have the same problem haha. I've got Resident Evil Village and AC Valhalla sitting in unopened boxes so the backlog is real
I've just finished Firewatch. Sure, it's a walking simulator but with a great artstyle, captivating plot and interesting characters. Also, it takes 5 hours to finish. Can't recommend it enough. Personally, because of Firewatch the next game I'm going to play will be What Remains of Edith Finch.
I get you, but it's on Game Pass and it's 5 hours long. I wouldn't regret that time investment even if I didn't like the game. By comparison, I truly regret wasting 20 hours on Assassin's Creed Oddysey. To each his own.
I'm finishing the Halo Infinite campaign hopefully! I think I'm up to the last level, been trying to get the skulls as I go along too
@gollumb82 I've played both of those and they both have good mystery filled stories. Would recommend them too.
Nothing unfortunately, away till 29th. But after constant Xbox 360 Halo boosting, a break is good.
@Medic_Alert Octopath is great! Huge time sink but loved all 90 hours with it. Since we messaged I beat DOOM Eternal on Nightmare (finally!) And am on the last boss for Outriders, that game still looks amazing. I found it helpful to leave my games on a sticky note with time to beat in 2020 and crossed them off one at a time, got through maybe 13 games that way. Might help you feel even less guilty & focused on just a short handful
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