Earlier today, we caught wind of Asobo Studio's new 'World Update' trailer (up above) for Brazil and some surrounding areas - adding an array of fresh locations to both Microsoft Flight Simulator and MSFS 2024 this month. The update looks a beautiful one, and will no doubt provide players with some nice new locales to explore across both titles - however, we want to know one thing: are you still playing Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 at this point?
We ask because, well, the game famously struggled to take off late last year, with its cloud-based nature proving difficult to get off the ground. The developer had its experiences with the prior release to pull from, but the pivot to loading in almost all of the game's data from the internet was one that didn't quite work right out of the gate.
Truth be told, we haven't really gotten back to this one since - even though we enjoyed the 2020 release, this whole cloud-based debacle prevented us from putting much time into the new version. So, we're genuinely curious - has it all been sorted out since? Are you enjoying the game almost six months on, or are you still struggling with it?
Anyway, one thing that is pretty cool, is that Xbox and Asobo are still updating the older game as well. This month's South American-flavoured update is for both MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024 - so those of us who are looking for a more offline experience can enjoy these newly updated locations across the previous title as well.
Is MSFS 2024 worth playing yet? Have you been enjoying it since launch? Talk to us about your experience down below.
Comments 16
Yes. I still have it installed on the x, s, and pc. I love this game.
Career mode really transformed the 2020 game into something much better. The weekly leaderboards are great too, I have even won a couple of weeks.
I even forgot FS was on Gamepass as no one really talks about it… I am sure it’s good now but rather play RPG’s at the moment….
No. I waited for the first major update. I did a career flight for the parachutists but the last one wouldn't jump out because they were too big to get out of the door! This game is very broken but I do think it'll be sorted out, it just needs another six months.
No. Though I actually played this one far more than FS2020, but it's still too unfriendly. I do enjoy just flying the skies and "visiting" places from time to time though, especially places I know.
Playing it on a (almost) daily basis but as long as I keep going back to 2020 if I want a smooth , bug, glitch and problem free flight , there is still a lot to be done. It is kind of funny , before 2024 i thought 2020 was still filled with little bugs but now , it feels like smooth sailing compared to 2024.
The last sim update was a major step in the right direction but there are still a lot of little quirks and ( for me ) game breaking bugs. ( like a lot of my planes fail to steer on the ground which makes taxiing nearly impossible. ) Even with my strong internet speeds occasionally I have cybertruck-like vehicles on the airport , planes that look like square tubes or other graphics that pop in.
The career still needs some balancing. They toned down the penalties but flying for a couple of hours without skipping and just get 2500 credits for your efforts seem a bit harsh. Especially in the beginning before you have your own business.
However , IF it works and everything falls into place it is a marvelous game worth putting time into. It is just too bad that there is almost always something that bugs out.
It could be the ATS just stopping completely to (mentioned above) parachutists not jumping after 45 minutes of preparing and flying to flying 2 hours and your landing gear just does not work. That is just frustrating.
I wish I could but my very slow internet connection means it’s unplayable for me. And sadly there’s no option at the moment to upgrade to a faster connection where I live. A real shame, it looks like a great title.
Nope. I can't wait until it's out of beta but let's be honest, this should have been MSFS 2025/26. I have over 800mbps and it sometimes looks much worse than 2020 and that's before the numerous bugs. The smaller install size is nice but I'm not sure the infrastructure and technical side is quite there yet. The new features are great but I held off buying and cancelled Gamepass until some titles of interest come my way (it's admittedly been an incredibly strong year for GP so far, just nothing for me yet).
I tried again last week, waited for 20 minutes for the game to load in. Still at 18%. Gave up.
Yes, still playing this daily. I uninstalled FS2020 when the new one released, as it was taking up about 3/4 of my storage space on Series X.
FS2024 is great - if everything comes together, which unfortunately it often doesn't.
The streaming is potentially great for xbox, with it's limited memory, but at the moment it's just too inconsistent. Even the menus appear to be streamed, which gives everything a slightly janky feel.
Things are improving though. The marketplace is finally live and steadily filling up with new products and updates for 2020 ones - and apparently, with sim update 3 we should be able to choose to physically download various elements of the sim to reduce the streaming load.
So yes, I reckon it will be great in time, but using it at the moment can often feel like the sim is actively fighting against you.
I'll give it another 6 months! Great ambition. But needs some time.
Never played it and never will. It's not at all for me. Glad it's being worked on for those that do though 😊
I was looking forward to this, to have some events and objectives and so on, but it takes too long to load, and once you are finally in it seems you have to do loads of tutorials and tests before you can get anywhere close to doing the exciting looking missions from the trailers. Beautiful graphics but I won’t go back to it unless there’s a ‘quick play’ way to access the fun bits.
I was loving the challenges, then I had to take a break and haven't returned. This spring maybe. Right now, I'm about to complete Metaphor.
I just got a dope ass new $400 flight stick thing from Turtle Beach for $1`75 off Jawa.gg. The game is downloading presently and I'll be flying my ass off for a while! Looking forward to trying out some of the crazy jobs they added to 2024.
I haven’t gotten around to trying it yet. No rush, and it’s probably a lot better now than at launch.
I mean I like it and all but what really turned me off was the fact that there wasn't really any upgrades from 2020 moving into the sequel basically. Yes the addition of having a career mode is a huge upgrade in its own self however, the fact that it's the same imagery that we're seeing in areas there was no upgrade there. I would expect the game that uses basically satellite imagery from Bing/Microsoft what actually have updated satellite imagery instead of having imagery from at this point is 5-6 years old. And I'm only saying 5-6 years old because 2020 imagery was also outdated depending on where you live at. Gameplay wise I'll play it if there's nothing else that I want to play but it's nothing that I'm going to jump for joy about until some major upgrades happen in a course once the store is open.
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