In typically-random Rockstar fashion, the team today announced an upgrade for GTA 5 on PC - bringing the game's recent Xbox Series X|S enhancements to that version of the game. Glossing over the fact this is free while we had to pay for such upgrades on Xbox (curse you, Rockstar), we're trying to gleam some positivity from this - maybe the team can finally get around to some Red Dead Redemption upgrades for us?
You see, as much as we love Red Dead, both the first Redemption title and its follow-up Red Dead Redemption 2 are still only 30FPS on modern Xbox consoles. While this 30FPS fate is a reality for both console versions of RDR 2, the first Redemption recently got a 60FPS version on PS5 - and potentially an even smoother port on PC, depending on your hardware. Seriously, we need this on Xbox!
Microsoft's backwards compatibility program meant that we could enjoy RDR on modern Xbox consoles long before PlayStation players - but we've now fallen behind, and that needs to be remedied at some stage. As for Red Dead 2 - Rockstar was apparently working on a version of the prequel for current-gen consoles before it moved onto other things.
Of course, those other things will primarily be pumped into GTA 6, but with today's announcement for GTA 5 on PC - clearly, the team still has some room in it for enhancing older titles. Rockstar, please prioritise Red Dead Redemption next - replaying those games at 60FPS would be a fantastic experience on Xbox.
Do you agree with us that Red Dead needs some attention on Xbox? Talk to us about all of this down below.
Comments 8
If they re-released the game, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. If they think they're gunna charge me for an upgrade to the original. No thank you. I agree though, an update would be much welcome either way.
That would be amazing to get a series s/x upgrade but the 4k 30fps one we have is still very good nobody should be put off by it!
Red dead redemption 2 is the goat so far in gaming for me!!🌌
@Kaloudz that's exactly what they did with GTA5. Premium just to get better textures and a higher frame rate, which is why I think the rumors are true that they will charge $100 for GTA6
@Blastfemur If they do, every one else will follow suit eventually. And let's face it, Rockstar are probably one of the few that would get away with those numbers. Despite making gazillions off the last game.
Red Dead Redemption on PS5 for 60FPS
Red Dead Redemption 2 on Series X for native 4K
Win win
Please give me RDR2 upgraded on console. I could play RDR and Gear of war only for years on end without playing anything else. Yes those two IP’s mean that much to me. I have 2000 hours in Gears 5 multiplayer. RDR2 i was around that or a little under i believe. Point is those are my two games that i would pay for any major update to and would buy new hardware or anything else needed to play them in the best way possible that’s not PC. Even tho the 8K RDR2 that looks photorealistic made me strongly consider tapping into the retirement funds to build that rig HAHA
Black Ops 2 and New Vegas next please.
My Eldest has just gone back to this (after beating it when he was much younger), Still an Amazing Game!!
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