It's no exaggeration to say that Starfield represents one of the most important releases of the entire Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S generation for Microsoft and Bethesda, and we're now just a few short months away from launch!
The sci-fi epic officially arrives on September 6th, 2023, and in case you've been living under a rock over the past week, Bethesda treated us to almost an hour's worth of new gameplay and info as part of the Xbox Games Showcase 2023.
Of course, everyone's hoping this is going to be the 10/10 masterpiece that Bethesda has the potential to provide, but the expectation level is extremely high right now, and the level of ambition going into this project is unprecedented even for Todd Howard and his team.
So, as we begin to approach September's launch, we're interested to know what score you think you'll be giving Starfield when it finally arrives. Will it be a 10/10, could it hover in the 8/10 or 9/10 range, or might it even fall lower than that?
Let us know what you think you'll be giving Starfield in the poll and comments below.
What Score Do You Think You'll Be Giving Starfield? (818 votes)
- 10/10 (Outstanding)
- 9/10 (Excellent)
- 8/10 (Great)
- 7/10 (Good)
- 6/10 (Not Bad)
- 5/10 (Average)
- 4/10 (Poor)0.4%
- 3/10 (Bad)0.4%
- 2/10 (Terrible)0.2%
- 1/10 (Abysmal)0.7%
- To be honest, I doubt I'll play it!
Comments 97
just can't give a high score with 30 fps only on xbox. give me a 720p/60 option.
I mean, it’s way too early to answer this right? That said I hope it’s fantastic and lives up to expectations.
Why is this article even a thing? Talk about a slow news day. We're guessing at future scores now.
This is the fire, wait for the moths (Sony cultists)
I gave 10, but honestly I'll be playing it for years and years. I've been waiting for a game like this my whole life. What it's doing already to my autism is pure joy and just absolute medicine
This is a strange article for sure, we don't even know what state the game will be in at launch, I'm sure laods of people rated Redfall highly until it came out and was a disaster. Although I'm quite optimistic with what was shown the other day I still hold some reservations especially with the 1000 planets as they are most likely been done by a randomization tool like No Mans Sky used, so many will feel the same and quests will be basic fetch/kill quests on those planets (if there is planet quests). So I'm saving my judgement until atleast two weeks after it's launched, let me explore most of what the game has to offer before I rate it.
You need to add a 12th option "Too early to judge"
Skyrim and oblivion are 1 and 2 on my top 5 list so I'm hyped for everything they make. Im expecting to give it a 9 or 10.
This does look like it's on a scale not really seen yet this gen. I know review scores tend to favor the cinematic story driven games but hopefully reviewers are blown away. I'm sure some already have their negative talking points figured out 30fps, "bethesda bugs," something about the delays, etc.
Starfield will be a game that shows up once in a decade! Its a gen Defining game and will have a 10/10
Removed - trolling/baiting
This poll will be easy to sum up:
Xbox fanboys: It’ll be a 10/10 and change the face of gaming.
PlayStation fanboys: It’ll be 0/10 and trash.
(Nintendo fanboys are too busy with ToTK to look up)
I can’t possibly say. I’m hoping 9+ but won’t take that for granted.
@TakeItEasy it's funny isn't it, haha.
@Zoidpilot4 I've been wanting a pure scifi game for years and I hope this one lives up to expectations.
@Zoidpilot4 Same. This feels like the one game that was made for me. If it’ll have any weak points I’m convinced I can’t even be bothered by them. I’m just going to enjoy every second of this, turning every stone of every planet.
I suspect Starfield will prove to be a strong GOTY contender in various magazines and on various websites, but I feel it's still too soon to say with any real certainty.
@EvenStephen7 You’re forgetting one group: adults that don’t care about brands and just want to enjoy good games.
I was hoping they would release a playable demo.
@Darude84 100%. I’m in that same camp as you.
@UltimateOtaku91 Todd Howard was giving an example of testing the game and he tried to board a ship and he got on and then the ship took off unexpectedly…. Just for that I give Starfield a 10….
@rustyduck you got to be joking. 720p? Maybe go play on PC if you want 60fps.
@Darude84 wow that sentiment sums it up nicely
What is this: Video Game Journalism Simulator 2023? We just assign expected review scores 3 months in advance based on the level of marketing and perceived social buzz around a game?
I would like a 9/10 but have some doubts about its performance...
Possibly a few technical hiccups giving it an 8/10 I can see happening, I hope I'm wrong..
@Kaloudz I wouldn’t even bother with a review - it’s would be like “it’s a 10 …its too hard to explain as the game it so big - just play it…”
I’m hoping for a 10 but going to be cautious and go with a 9.
@rustyduck I suggest you to watch Digital Foundry's video on why Starfield is 30 fps. Is not just a matter of reducing resolution in order to get higher frame rates. It seems that the fact that you can interact with the objects in the game, steal everyone's sandwich and stash them in your ship, that has an impact in the frame rate.
Would you trade 60fps for a static world where you can't interact with everything? And sacrificing fidelity for frame rates can also impact draw distance and pop-in for example. In a linear world where you're mostly bounded between walls that's not a problem, but in a game with planetary exploration and beautiful landscapes and moons and distant planets within the planetary system being simulated in real time ? We need all the draw distance that we can get.
@NEStalgia and now the poll for Avowed tomorrow …
I will give it a 10/10.
If it was a Nintendo game, it would be 98/100 on Metacritic.
But since it's an Xbox exclusive, the best we can hope for is 89/100.
9/10 for me but I wouldn't be surprised if reviewers give it a 10/10
If everything works as intended and based on hype alone its a 10.
That said I'm not building sh** ! Pirates life for me
I prefer to play games BEFORE scoring them, personally.
@Kaloudz. Some people get offended if you enjoy doing something they dislike. It's ok and I enjoy these articles more so than another Abk tit for tat
@Kaloudz It's illegal to have fun on here and we must criticise everything Xbox does, even if they achieve world peace and made contact with aliens from a different planet.
@Solidchief which with the power of Todd they may find them 💚
@old-dad Starfield is secretly a space simulator to train recruits
11 out of 10 and I'm selling my PS5
@Solidchief I knew it would be ! Power of the cloudz
Phil needs an 11/10 vote category please.
I mean, let me play the game first and then I'll judge it but I am very excited to play it
Obviously, I will award it with 11 Todd's out of 10. I'll give it 12 Todd's if he throws in some extra bugs.
@Ralizah @x3King84 Playing the game before scoring is so 2005. If you don't know the score by the end of the reveal trailer you don't belong in games journalism in 2023. We already knew either Botw2 FFXVI was GOTY back in 2020. Keep up.
We got a new Fable trailer, 7.5/10 for release year 20xx. Not a Goty nominee. Technical issues and a middling campaign hold it back. What's your score?
TES6 is definitely GOTY though. 10/10. Amazing graphics, really a step up for BGS.
what's the point of 10 /10 ?
It's not possible in real life with humans..... Besides, you can still improve a concept, an idea, or a precise technical point...
perfect score isn't possible because those products are made ... by humans.
@johndoe89 As the scoring uses whole numbers; a 10 technically is a value between 9.5 and 9.99 with rounding. Works for you?
@Ralizah maybe the editors here are getting excited as well… or at least trying to judge how keen we are to more Starfield related articles…
@taternuggets I don't understand the need for these sorts of articles at all either.
This is probably too much game for me. I’ll be holding off and watching it all unfold.
@johndoe89 It's a 10, but it's 30fps.
Might have laughed too hard at that.
I can say without a doubt I have not been this excited about a game since Skyrim.i still vividly remember them showing that you could duel wield magic and a sword and going out to buy a new PC that week. -700+ hours later between PC and PS5.
FO4 just didn't hit that sweetspot though I still had a blast.- Kudos to the music director including classical guitar music that did drop my jaw
This just feels so much more Bethesfa, PS5 night get ignored a bit.
Will be super curious to see if the SteamDeck can pull anything off
Could honestly be rated anything. Bethesda is hardly a reliable enough developer to rate anything. I have rated, to date, three Bethesda titles a 10/10, so I believe in the possibility of another 10/10. If they are able to finally recapture the magic of what made Skyrim the zeitgeist it is, then we’re there. However, the last Bethesda title was Fallout 76 and I rated that one a 3/10 at launch. And the game in between Skyrim and Fallout 76 was Fallout 4 and that was an 8/10 for me… 8 years ago… and that was before it was a MS Studio, which doesn’t build my faith either, as Ori 2 is the last MS game I rated a personal 9 or better. I want it to be a 9 or 10 though. I want to see Bethesda and Xbox have a big success and one that I actively enjoy as well.
I mean, I can acknowledge Flight Sim is a rousing success for what it is and who it’s for, but I’m getting maybe an hour or two of fun out of that and I’m good, you know?
I want to believe in Starfield’s success.
If Arkane can add a little magic to Redfall, I'll be set for shooters for a good minute, Cyberpunk DLC too, what a time to game
So much goodness
Is it just me who thinks it looks/sounds so generic? Sophisticated gizmos aside, the plot seems little more than buttered bread... I truly hope I'm wrong with my 7/10!
@rustyduck Doesn't it run at 4K/30? I think it could run at 1440p/60 easily, since they said it hit 4k/60 most of the time.
I think it would make more sense to rate IIVI excitement level. I don’t understand how one can guess a rating for this. I’m giving it a TBD.
A more accurate rating might be, 'Will you be no-lifing Starfield?' I expect to not get a single productive thing done from launch day till the end of the year.
I went with 7/10. Mostly since feel lot the planets will just be boring and incredibly rehashed over and over after about 10 them. The story I'm anticipating to be lot of fun though.
@rustyduck Oh god, first comment was a 60fps immortal eye of the gods already complaining about 30fps.
60fps is without a doubt the official trendy thing to complain over at the moment.
I mean.....I see no reason to rate a game in advance.....
That being said, I am looking forward to it.
I am more likely to play this one at launch. My GP expires in January and I probably won't renew it so I will probably try this one at launch unless it launches in poor condition.
Okay, let's have silly fun with this.
I'm gonna predict a 9.5/10 from me (keep in mind that my favorite game of all time, KOTOR, is also a 9.5 for me) and anywhere from 92-95 Metacritic.
I think it's going to be a GOTY contender.
I think the game will end up about 82 on metacritic...even if the game is brilliant there will be some reviewer's who will be going into this not wanting to like it and that will reflect the scores
that's gonna be an easy 11/10 for me
Everything seemsto be too big, in the game. The stress and lack of feeling that something has been accomplished, is the -2*s from 10.
Im definitely playing it and hopefully its atleast an 8. Like others have said 1440p 60fps would have been nice
Based on hype and a controlled presentation, its a 10.
But I was hoping for a 10 with fallout 76 and look what got delivered. That was their last title.
This game is being set up for a huge fall. No one title should be 'the saviour of xbox' and I expect that in the state it launches it might be an 8, rising to 10 6 months later. Hope im wrong and it smashes it out of the box..
Since Microsoft acquired Bethesda I've seen numerous (salty) people that were upset by the move call Bethesda Bugthesda. I've always felt the title to be somewhat disingenuous when you consider the shear scale of their games, but my hope is that Starfield has been polished until it positively gleams, and that there are far fewer bugs than many will expect. I always play games such as Fallout and Skyrim upon release, and in all honesty, I've not encountered that many bugs, so I do think the issue is over blown. Just because there are a 1000 bugs in a game does not mean that you will encounter all of them, and in a game with this much scope, some slipping through the net is inevitable.
I biggest hope is that Starfield is a game that those that play on other platforms will look upon with envy, rather than laugh at...
Wait..no 11/10 option oh well guess i will have to vote nine
@Kaloudz Shew without a doubt it will be the most discussed topic here and social media over the next few weeks. I do enjoy it when we have something ABK worth discussing but for the sake of enjoyment this was a fun article on a slow news day and that is ok too 🤣.
10/10 based off their extensive showcase. And If it’s less than a 9 - 9.5 I’ll be disappointed as BGS games come around once in a blue moon and are some of my favourite experiences in gaming. Even Fallout 4, which was my least favourite recent BGS RPG, was an 8.5 or a 9 imo. Nothing else quite like them.
I really hope that this game is a good one. Fallout 3 and 4, and Oblivion, Morrowind and Skyrim were superb despite their many, many technical issues. I'd be very surprised if this doesn't require numerous patches and updates before it hits its potential. It would also be nice if Bethesda have forked out for a decent writing team. For once.
@Zoidpilot4 not so sure about that. I've been a PS guy since PS1, but been watching the Xbox evolve over the years. I'll be getting an Xbox X just for Starfield Disc edition and will probably subscribe to game pass next year.
Are there still people out there who religiously stick to one console?
@nathanSF my personal belief is that most outraged ps fans have an xbox, but yes, there are those who own one console out of loyalty and financial circumstances. It's pretty obvious, otherwise console sales would be equally matched.
I own all 3 consoles and love them all. I generally just love gaming. It's a shame there are groups out there who try to contaminate it with negativity
@Solidchief no need. We are already here. Have been for centuries.
You don't understand how people can take a guess at what a game will score? I don't understand how you cant understand that.
My guess, either a 9 or 10. Will just depend on that Bethesda x factor.
@RIghteousNixon They can guess but it’s meaningless, hence the reason for not understanding.
@FatalBubbles it's just a bit of fun you numbnut.
@Barry_Biscuits Thanks, Barry. I understand since you resorted to low IQ name calling. Please make sure to harass the others who don’t share your view!
From what I seen at the showcase. The minimum I think this game will be for me is a 9. I voted 10 because I think it will hit that. This I think will be xbox best effort at a firt party game. And I have so much doubt in them pulling thise off yet....with this one specific, all the hype, all I've seen....I think they finally for once hit an absolute home run. 10 out of 10 is what I see in the future. Guys let's really really hope this is the case!!!!!!
I will be giving it much of any available time!
There’s no way this scores below 8/10, and that’s assuming it has major performance issues. Anything less will just be Sony bots review bombing.
It’s just a bit of fun. Jesus… some of you people really need to lighten up. It’s comments like these that make me thankful that people like you do not run gaming sites.
And according to this criteria, all subjective opinions are meaningless after all, it’s just someone’s opinion.
@RIghteousNixon I too am thankful I don’t run a gaming website. I’m sorry I don’t find this fun.
Depends how thing go. It's a Bethesda game so key elements are there you either like them or not. The world and tech is nice.
If the 900 or so procedural generated planets don't benefit for resources, structures and such then while cool for the tech may be either good or a waste depends how each player uses them, ignores them or sees much point in them other than tech pushing and again we barely see this type of procedural generation from AAA.
But I mean like with many things recycling content or just not enough depth or certain things only fulfilling so much purpose and things being a 'do we need this, this needs more it's empty' and other factors/responses that can be made then just 'scale, looking at it and immersion' if it literally doesn't do much at all then 1 thing maybe 2 or not enough things when it could be better with them and they are things that make sense not tacked on reasons I mean proper reasons to justify it.
In terms of humour/tone it seems on point so far.
In terms of combat who knows when playing but seems good.
Graphics are what they are they work, it fits what Bethesda does. I won't deny the environments at times at least for what I assume could be the hand made seem eh.
Like sure some structures of settlements make sense, but the showcase recently seemed to push many grey or facilities, the more colourful made me think they were the procedural ones. Nothing against lived in planets but if they aren't on the outside I'd be very disappointed if that were the case.
Sure living on an acid planet doesn't make much sense but I mean a forest planet that's orange would I don't care how realistic/nasa punk it is some elements make sense than more dullness to them of believability.
I already find some realism/potential lost in games and some seriousness being ok to sometimes too heavy for me to care. Not saying they all need humour or silliness but I mean more breaks from intense or drama or whatever else and not just 'walking segments or whatever else they can think of do to that'.
The building even in a mech shape is cool. Some building systems can be limited. So glad it's very expansive but then again compared to Indie survival games that it can have competition with not sure.
Like I thought Fallout 4 having more building was nice. I'm fine with survival game elements in games most RPGs can benefit from them than being pretty standard and I never cared for them but do survival games as a step up in many cases no matter how tedious, more challenging they can be opening up possibilities more.
Otherwise I don't know I'd say maybe a 7-8 and the 1-3 points being how it performances, not knowing how it is in execution besides understanding the yes we have 1000 planets marketing and a bunch of other stuff because as a gamer we see elements that are common in marketing, gameplay, graphics and get a general idea of certain elements in all games or each dev/publishers key elements.
I am not going to play the game it only interests me in the tech side that's literally it but it doesn't mean I don't think there is a lot of cool, some done before (AAA or Indie elements you can see the lines of) and some AAA flare to it.
@GiveMeMoney if all major reviewers give it 10/10 across the board an user placed reviews hammer it then that will be obvious. I’m really hopin it lives up to the hype, it’s games like this Xbox needs to really compete with Playstation. If they can pull it off over an over we all win.
@Zoidpilot4 it’s always been like this! ZX Spectrum v Commodore 64, Amiga an Atari ST, Master System v NES, Megadrive v SNES, etc, etc. i actually find it funny, it happens on both sides. There’s a guy on here often, i won’t mention his name, he has a deep routed hatred for Playstation an Sony. About 30% of his posts are slagging Playstation an Sony. Sony exclusives are boring, interactive movies, Sony bribe devs to keep games from Xbox an to hurt Xbox gamers, Sony are evil liars!!! He’d really love Playstation to go bust, not realising this would actually hurt Xbox fans. No competition means they could release wat they want an charge wat they want.
I imagine it'll be a mess at launch, and this site will be full of reports of bad performance, loads of glitches, and server issues. Then they'll push lots of expensive monetisation and paid mods. The game will have a lot to do, but a shallow and unengaging story.
It'll get 9/10 reviews.
You don't need a crystal ball to see that this'll happen as it's how so many of the games they've made and published over the past few years.
@Lastatopiny I think it's safe to assume console centric sites will attract those passionate about said console, so long as they don't go over to the other sites starting up crap, I don't see the problem. Purexbox, implies it's an xbox fan site. Pushsquare, implies playststion, though their site meake headlines about xbox to stir up their demographic.
It makes it hard for someone who enjoys all consoles, but I suggest blocking them. That's what I do to the Sony fans who come here to try negate everything about xbox.
Personally I love all video games, all consoles. Owned and played nearly all of them. Love them all. Simple
@PhileasFragg you're so wrong hahahahaha
@Zoidpilot4 I'll keep this in my pocket until September like the reply of the person who pre-ordered the special edition of Redfall as Arkane had a great track record of releasing games so there's no risk
@PhileasFragg but all said games were pre Microsoft. They’ve had far more time and money than previously. I’ve been one of the biggest doubters over the last 12 month or so an i’ve been openly vocal about my doubts on here. However, after wat we saw at the showcase, i’m thinkin they just might pull this off.
@PhileasFragg Redfall ain't Skyrim, or Fallout, and you know very well those games were huge sucesses, still adored today, played by over 60 million. Redfall and 76 do not equate the high quality of their other games. So obvious where your head is at, and that's cool but don't push your cogntive troubles on the rest of us. Let's leave it there, or I'll block, my life is too good and I'm far too happy to interact with trolls, negative agents, and fanboys
Well with all the hype it is getting and after watching the Starfield Direct... it needs to be outstanding, otherwise Bethesda will get so much negative feedback... and they don't want that, especially after the Redfall disappointment as well.
You don’t have to find it fun. In fact, you don’t even have to click on the link and partake at all. You can pass right by such articles altogether.
There are tons of things in the world that others enjoy that I do not. I don’t run around asking why people enjoy them just because I do not. I focus on what I enjoy and leave the stuff I don’t to the people that do. You should try it.
Says someone that clearly has no experience with Bethesda games. The vast majority of bugs for Bethesda games are not game breaking and aren’t even a hindrance to playing and enjoying the games. In fact, many of them are downright hilarious and only added to my overall enjoyment of their games.
It’s ok tho, it’s easy to spot the people that want it to fail. It wont. This is Todd Howard’s team and they excel at making compelling and amazingly enjoyable games. Bugs have NEVER held their games back from being amazing and the only ones claiming otherwise either never played them or are just trolling.
@RIghteousNixon Really appreciate the life advice. I often find people don’t really want unsolicited advice from strangers, you should try that.
@FatalBubbles That’s cool. You do you brother. If you want to continue wasting time making comments about how you don’t understand why people enjoy things you don’t, have at it. It’s your life, you can waste it as you see fit.
And while I certainly appreciate your advice on not giving advice, I’ll continue to comment as I always have, especially when people seem utterly confused on basic common sense things.
@Zoidpilot4 @PhileasFragg , @RIghteousNixon . Fact is we don't know what it will be like at Launch. What we can say with some confidence is that it won't be as bad as Cyberpunk 2077. Microsoft and Bethesda have invested as much time, money and energy into Starfield, so if it is the same kind of Clown Car as Cyberpunk at launch, I'm confident they'll fix it. I played Cyberpunk on the PS5 from launch and lived with the hourly crashes etc until theyt fixed it and carried on with it after because I loved the game. Starfield has me preordering the game and closer to the date I'll be buying an Xbox X.
Ever the optimist.
@RIghteousNixon Agreed, some of the bugs in Cyberpunk were hilarious.
Besides, the whole point of games are to have fun. Some people seem to forget this.
@nathanSF I LOVE Cyberpunk, played it day on on series X and was one of the lucky ones who didn't see any game breaking bugs, or barely any glitches, it ran well for me. Such an immersive game.
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