It was a long time coming, but the first Call of Duty game finally arrived on Xbox Game Pass earlier this week! Yes, Modern Warfare 3 is now officially available to Game Pass subscribers across console and PC (but not xCloud).
We're sure that many Xbox fans have been trying out MW3 over the past few days - even if just for curiosity's sake - so we're keen to hear what you think about it so far! We didn't give it the best rating back in November of last year (it got a "Not Bad" 6/10 from us), but to be fair it's added quite a lot of free new content since then.
The main course properly arrives this November when Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 launches day one on Xbox Game Pass, so Microsoft will be hoping that Modern Warfare 3's arrival is enticing a bunch of new and returning players.
But has it enticed you yet? Let us know what you think about Call of Duty: MW3 down in the poll and comments below, as well as whether you're eagerly anticipating the arrival of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 later this year.
What Do You Think Of Call Of Duty: MW3 So Far? (1,215 votes)
- It's awesome, I'm loving it!
- It's pretty good so far, yeah
- It's OK, not bad
- It's not that good really
- I think it's terrible to be honest!
What did you vote in the poll? Come and give us your thoughts in the comments section!
Comments 47
Been a while since I played the PS5 version, but think it looks better on the series X.
Played for just a bit to see how it's changed. Wow! I am terrible now! Used to play a bunch between 2008 and 2012. Now I'm 42 and a noob again!
wait 'till you finally get a bit better, then SBMM will kick in and make your life miserable
@Cheesyman Ha! I'm just into single player right now. I hate to admit it, but I was getting torched in the Campaign on normal...
Pretty wack, plays like cod alright but not enough playlists.
I'm just playing the campaign, and I'm actually surprised, it's pretty good, I expected it to be a lot worse after what I had read.
MP is Gold. Zombies is fun with friends. Single player is average. Ultimate Gamepass game.
Can't get it (campaign) running for more than 5 minutes without crashing my ROG Ally tbh.
I've just ordered a new Series X. Thought I'd never go back at first but my handheld phase has not entirely been all that successful tbf.
Nice when it works. Doesn't always work.
I'll hop back onto mw3 when my sx arrives on Wednesday. Ponied up for a monitor too.
How long is the campaign, say on medium difficulty please?
Not gonna bother downloading if it’s to short.
Found it about 5 hours as a median.
Will not bother with my ultra slow Internet.
There isn't a not enough space to download option.
@Nexozi dolby vision
@DukeeDukems That's the difference! Forgot the PS5 doesn't have dolby vision.
Ok not bad I voted the menus have way to much going on it's way different from the games I remember from when I used to play it but not bad campaign is crap though don't like the open level stuff miss the action movie feels from the older games
I'm really enjoying it. It feels good to be back into call of duty after nearly a decade.
It took longer to download than I actually played before uninstalling.
For me it's just not a fun time and it all feels copy paste, generic & tired.
@NeutronBomb It does play very well on the Series X
Great multiplayer but I really miss getting new invasion maps.
There's still only 3 with no new additions since launch.
That was my most played mode on previous Call of Dutys but I'm bored to death of playing the same 3 maps since launch.
I have no interest… If this is the typical day one release I think I can lower my tier and wait for ones I’m interested in. It’s not like there’s ever a shortage of stuff to play.
Shocked at the positive comments ...makes me think all the people who usually bash it just haven't played it and are just on the hate train ...Cod always has been a good game...just obviously very repetitive when you are playing it year after year
I only play campaign but I'm loving it so far. Modern warfare version is my favorite of the franchise
Personally I think it's terrible. Everything is a convulated mess to navigate and then the gameplay is just a bunch of slide cancelling freaks.
It's aight. Played first 2 missions.
I'm actually really enjoying it so far but
1)only touched the campaign
2)playing the game on the hardest difficulty collecting everything as I go along
I think if I started on a easier difficulty I would enjoy it less but saying that I've not finished it yet there still time for me to hate it when or if i get stuck
No and the way its been dev updated is a joke also the issues the hackers its just not good enough imo il save myself the brain damage.
Spent 5 minutes in the multiplayer lobbies to see how sweaty the SBMM is (very sweaty but enjoyable) now on hardest setting and doing the campaign before jumping back in to MP, which is ok, but glad I never paid full price for it back at launch. Looking forward to Black Ops 6.
When it is Call of Duty it’s as good as ever, but the “classic” cod experience doesn’t last long, most missions are just maps with a few markers, multiplayer equipment scattered all over the place, and enemy waves dynamically added when you press x on a given marker. That’s it. It can probably be done by a modder in a few evenings, or rather with ai tools even quicker. The levels are empty, they didn’t even take the time to add some weather effects here and there just to give a more organic look, and they use a lot of repeated assets; my guess is they are ai generated as well with just a bit of supervision by humans, provided they are new at all.
Multiplayer is as good as always, but most of the time I ended up in old maps often remade with custom post processing or shaders, which should be relegated to specific playlists and not belong to the regular one. I don’t know the numbers but there are probably not many new maps. I will only mention here how oppressive the whole battlepass garbage feels and how it has sucked the fun out of the old progression system. Fortnite truly has ruined the game industry.
As Phil Spencer would put it, slimy platform(agnostic) things.
What on earth have they done to zombies? It's absolutely dreadful.
At an estimated 300GB to download I'm not going to play it for a while, plus i'd rather play MW1 and MW2 first, odd they added the third first.
@themightyant It's probably not 300GB but when you have MW, MW2 and MW3, all the campaigns, MP, Warzone and whatever other modes all downloaded and available in 'CoD HQ', it probably is.
It makes sense to add MW3 first and 'now' too. MW and MW2 are not really 'supported' right now and MW3 is the one with a Season Pass and Season 5 has 'just started' too. Therefore, this is the one that is most likely to bring in the money as they sell the Season Pass for MP, Zombies and of course Warzone too.
If you go back to MW2 today, some of the content is now gone forever as it was tied to Season Passes - some Cosmetics and even weapons (at least the blueprint) maybe gone for good too.
MW3 and Warzone are in Synergy at the moment. In other words, the weapons and season pass are all linked. You can earn XP in MW3 & Warzone 3.0 to unlock Season Pass rewards, share the same weapons, movement etc.
The only reason to bring older games is because they can, but it makes sense to bring MW3 'first' as that is where the bulk are playing, has support from Season Passes and developers and the only one linked to the 'current' Warzone mode too.
Even if you don't play Warzone, MW3 the only one that is being supported by Season Passes, has 'events' etc which may bring in more revenue and get people interested in BO6 too...
Played multiplayer for the first time in years and I actually really enjoyed it. The only thing I really dislike though is the amount of adware in the menus! There is too much going on for my liking.
Played it on my Rog Ally and it was buttery smooth at 90fps, but I can’t justify the size of the download while I only have 512gb storage. When I finally upgrade to 1 or 2 tbs then maybe I’ll consider it.
Couldn't navigate the menu screen. Gave up. Last one I played was original modern warfare
@NeutronBomb I have a Legion Go and it crashed twice before I even got into a game so I haven’t tried again since. Will just download in on Xbox. Consoles are so much simpler.
Top notch multiplayer as expected...
Anyone mentioned xdfiant??😁😁
so much hate on such a super fun game...
This game should only be reviewed on multy and from experienced gamers...
In other words if you don't(cant😋) play multiplayer shooters you have no right to review this game
Nope most of the content is locked through scummy scamwalls i mean we used to be able to get most of the stuff by playing but now they want 15-20 for a weapon skin.
Sbmm would just make the game unplayable for me, i recall in cold war i had to blow myself up 20+ times in a match to get into matches where I wasn't against wannabe shrouds using bumper jumper and xim to spoof input based matchmaking, also the netcode for modern warfare games is terrible I have no issues with black ops games. Call of duty should just be free to play for years because they've practically taken all the unlockables and are overcharging for them like a free to play game, haven't purchased since cold war and will continue to not purchase their trash until they stop ripping people off selling stuff we used to get for free.
@BAMozzy that might make sense for multiplayer bods. But for anyone who only wants to play the campaign it’s a weird decision to being the third game first. So why not bring all three at once? It seems they want to drip-feed us ABK content
@themightyant Whilst I do agree that it makes sense from a Single Player perspective, that 8hr or so Campaign maybe all they'll play.
But for CoD and it's growth as a 'Social' game, it makes sense to offer the latest and the one that can still make them money. You may not play the MP, but others likely will 'try' Zombies or MP, maybe even buy the Season Pass to enjoy unlocking all the extras that come with it, buy cosmetics etc...
They want to make money too - not just from Subscriptions and the 'latest' is more likely to bring people in that way too. Game Pass too is 'social' as well -play games with Friends/Family 'together' without that barrier to entry. If you all have 'Game Pass', you can all play together, not wait for everyone to buy the game and spend money on 'extras' whilst they are still relevant...
It's rare - unless its an MS or Indie made game for Single Player games 'Day 1'. It maybe because Online games generate income as well...
@OldGamer999 About 10 hours imo
I love that its on game pass, but its a crap game for my use. I only like the campaigns and this one is terrible. Its so bad they even buried it in the menu system to avoid people finding it.
Really hoping gor a solid return in blops6
@BAMozzy I didn’t say don’t bring the newest game now, just they should have bought MW1 & MW2 as well so we can play the whole story in order.
@themightyant And I agree - for the 'Single Player' story and for those that only play story - but that is unlikely to see a 'big' increase in Subs for 'the Single Player' who also won't spend 'money'
If they can drop the Latest game where pretty much all the attention is. MW2 is a 'horrible' grind to unlock attachments, weapons etc without getting them from 'season pass' or paid money for a bundle - Some are almost impossible to 'find' by other means to unlock them.
All the 'Warzone' Gamers will want MW3 because all the new 'Warzone' and Season Pass will benefit them in MW3 - some unlocks are for Zombies which is in MW3.
So my point still stands, from MS's perspective, they want to get people into the 'CoD' community - that Online Player base. Those that 'only' play the Story are unlikely to buy the game 'Day 1, they'll likely pick it up in a sale years later and not 'spend' money on Extras...
They want you to play 'CoD' beyond the Single Player - if you don't enjoy PvP, they also offer a PvE mode too, something you do with 'friends', become part of that 'online' Community and spending money on Season Passes, Cosmetic Bundles and CoD Points...
It would have been nice to have the full suite of CoD now MS owns ABK - but launching into Game Pass the day the new Season Pass starts - Day 1 - you can see what the purpose of ONLY MW3 was. If you are looking forward to BO6 dropping, this may get you hyped to also 'pre-order' the Vault edition which comes with the 1st Season Pass in that and some extras you can use in MW3...
They want you in for Online and where they can also make money from those who choose to play on Game Pass - extra Season Pass, cosmetic Bundle Sales etc to 'prove' that CoD can still make money despite all the 'lost' sales - its the 'boost' in that revenue to offset the loss in sales revenue...
Complete dog 💩
I don't mind the whole heap of multiplayercrap and enjoyed the campaign propably more than I should've. Looked and.played great on Series S. Would've not bought it on full price.
@K1LLEGAL Agreed. The handhelds are nice but not the xbox portable experience touted. Not 100% anyway.
I played a match on saturday. I have not played a COD since BO3. I went 18/11 so not too bad lol considering after the match i went from level 1 to 6 and the top playing on my team was level 678 and he went 20/20
Terribly misleading trash... What's the point of it being on game pass if not to be able to stream it on the cloud ..... Many already own the game
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