We're fast approaching October and the arrival of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 on Xbox Game Pass, which as things stand is the only game confirmed for the service next month... it's probably the only one that matters for some people as well!
This is a massive get for Microsoft, and it's going to be fascinating to see just how many new Xbox Game Pass members crop up following its release. In fact, this is surely in the top five biggest Game Pass launches of all time!
That's not to say everyone's excited though. There are plenty of Xbox fans, including some of us here at Pure Xbox, who don't really have any interest in Call of Duty - and with that in mind, October's lineup has nothing for us at the moment. We expect that to change in the coming weeks of course, but for now Black Ops 6 has the spotlight.
So, which camp do you fall into? Are you extremely excited to check out Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, or are you probably going to give it a miss? Let us know down in the poll and comments section below.
How Excited Are You For Black Ops 6 On Xbox Game Pass? (1,155 votes)
- Are you kidding?! I can't wait for it!
- I'm pretty excited, yeah
- I'm kinda excited, but not massively
- Not much interest, but I might still try it
- It's not for me to be honest!
Are You Signing Up To Xbox Game Pass Ultimate For It? (857 votes)
- Yes, I'm signing up mainly for BO6!
- I'm already subscribed, and it'll stay that way for BO6
- No, it's not really worth the money for me
What did you pick in the poll? We'd love to hear from you in the comments!
Comments 54
I may give this a whirl simply because I already have Game Pass Ultimate subscription.
Doesn't hurt to try - even though I know nothing of the backstory of this particular story arch.
I can’t wait to do other things!
Paying more for a game I won't play? Sign me up.
Thoroughly enjoyed the beta. I haven't bought any COD new for many years, and never will in future as not paying £70 for any game, but since it's on a service I'm already subscribed to, I'm in. It's very slick and the gameplay is magnificent on BO6.
@GamingFan4Lyf it's just a perfected gameplay formula, and the meta for weapon and killstreak etc. upgrades is very enjoyable. The COD app is terrible though. Campaign? We'll see if it's any good.
I am really excited for it. I'm already a gamepass subscriber but I don't normally buy Duty. Not since black ops 2. Playing the last game on gamepass and the bo6 beta were awesome. I feel like I'm back into Duty again and wouldnt be without gamepass.
Depends on the campaign for me.
Shall wait for the campaign reviews and game length.
I lived through that time setting with Maggie Thatch etc so might be interesting.
Removed - inappropriate language
@Lrapsody Oh I won't play online - as lame as it sounds, I have zero interest in playing with people who sit around all day and play COD. It's just not fun dying every 2 seconds when I only have about an hour of game time per day.
I'd rather just play the campaign. If it stinks, I'll uninstall it with zero loss to my bank account.
My "git gud" tolerance really only extends to Souls-likes.
They removed 4-player, split screen, Zombies.
So I'm not even wasting the bandwidth to download it. I'll stick with BLOPS4.
I'm excited for the campaign. I'll give multiplayer a shot unless it's a seperate download.
I’m interested in trying the campaign.
But truthfully it depends on the install size as only have an S
No excitement whatsoever. I could not care less about CoD.
The beta was admittedly fun, so I may track down a used copy down the line. (I don't have Gamepass and I like my games to be physical lol)
Haven’t played COD in years, so not really interested. Could give it a go as it’s on GP, but the install size always puts me off. I already have GP ultimate and keeping it, but that’s more for titles like Stalker 2 and MFS 2024.
Idk. I'm not gonna play it. I just don't enjoy fps games at all. I am excited however to see if this game boosts subscriber numbers for game pass. Gonna be really interesting how that plays out
I have a few hundred other games that give me a better reason to keep my subscription going. Black Ops 6 is not one of them.
The multiplayer beta was really fun great maps great guns so far and the new movement in gameplay is great in use really looking forward to this before call of duty dropped on gamepass the last one I bought/played was on the 360 and this has got me back into it hopefully it's a proper campaign aswell not just an open maps I want an old school campaign MW3 campaign was 💩
@clvr That just how I like my intercourse funny that!🤯
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Get a expansion card buddy its worth the money talking as a series s owner aswell 🙏
The answers for me aren't available. I'm "buying" the game and it's no reason for me suscribing for Gamepass.
Will beat the campaign and done.
Nope never bothered with cod.. Bought the two that came out on wiiu. Campaign was kind of fun on the first one. Didn't bother finishing the second one (Call of Doggy). Tried the free one on ps and the auto aim shooting gallery is not for me. Still don't get why it's the biggest thing since sliced bread. Plenty of more interesting stuff to play. Better than fortnite I guess?
@Ricky-Spanish I usually only have one or two games on the go. So I’ve not felt like needing one.
But I’m also abit loathe to download 300gb (was it?) to play a couple of hour campaign.
Still on MW3 since it joined game pass and really enjoyed zombies on it. I’ll play campaign but not huge fan of multiplayer on it for few years now
I feel like Treyarch has lost their touch when it comes to MP, but if the campaign is as good as Cold War, I might use points to get Ultimate and sneak in Senua too
Why would you get Game Pass to play this couple of years time it will be under £10 and you can return it when you're done and get most of your money back
GP ultimate ends in December and after that it'll be the cheapest option only so my son can play multiplayer on FC 25.
Only day 1 game I've liked for last 2 years was Hellblade 2 and that was finished 100% over 2 nights.
Might try out PS plus extra for a while.
This will be the first year I won't need to buy it since it's part of Game Pass. I'm pretty excited about that.
Probably the first CoD I’ve been excited about in a decade or more. I got Vanguard and the MW2 reboot to play with a couple buddies but they quickly stopped playing and I got bored playing alone.
The beta of BLOPS 6 I played alone and actually had a ton of fun. Not sure what it was but I liked the maps, the movement, and graphics. The UI also wasn’t garbage once you get into the BLOPS 6 section of the CoD launcher. Looking forward to the full release!
Campaign will probably be as boring and generic as always, so I will quit after 30 min. Pvp I will play for hours, until they release some stupid skin with a giant bunny, cat or whatever, so they can take all the teenagers money 😀
I stopped playing CoD around WW2 but DMZ in the 'new' MW2 brought me back. I also prefer Round Based Zombies and Treyarch's Call of Duty games. The new Movement in BO6 is exciting and the modernising of the 'boots on the ground' movement the game needs.
Of course a lot will likely focus on the sliding/diving Hollywood Blockbuster Action Movie style moves that are possible with this new movement but they are high risk and often don't end successfully. They are more for Show, maybe more for 'Play of the Game' if you manage to be successful and/or to look good in Theatre mode.
I'm looking forward to BO6, I have the Vault upgrade pre-ordered and already completed Season 6 of MW3 in readiness...
Best cod since bo4 just from the beta😎 every cod since as been 🐶💩. This one should be good 🙂
Every single year I buy CoD and only play the campaign. It's not a cheap game to buy for something that only takes around 10 to 20 hours of my time each year in total (that's encapsulates 2 or 3 runs of campaign on different difficulties). Truthfully, each time I have bought the game, I've known that I've not really been getting my monies worth, but I've done it anyway.
So, after buying Call of Duty every year, on release, for the past 20 years (since the release of the very first game), this will be the first time that I will not be buying it. No matter how good the campaign, at least this time I won't have that nagging feeling at the back of my mind telling me that I have wasted my money...
I have no interest in this game in the slightest not even the campaign. The entire ABK purchase has been a complete waste of time for me personally in terms of games i want to play.
Not happy with the complete 50 GB COD MW III campaign wipe because of the beta ... And I'm not the only one it seems!
Multiplayer seems like the best it's been in 4-5 iterations, no idea about the rest of the game. Definitely will be playing but don't have to play day one or anything.
There are so many gamers stating they are not interested in COD, yet every year, it's the biggest selling game. Lol.
Always online, no thanks
This will be the first COD I ever play. Unless the reviews are terrible.
Wish they slowed the speed down a little and hope they don’t have wack colabs like snoop dogg and Nicki Minaj
The merger has yet to benefit me in any appreciable way. It may be the opposite in fact.
@Romans12 most of the people who play it don’t come on here to state anything one way or another. We’re not really representative of the wider public
Not switched on my Series S since I finished Hellblade 2 but will be giving this a go for the 4 hours or so single player campaign on offer. Hopefully its good. I may possibly be tempted to try the multiplayer although last time I did that it was no fun at all, surviving no more than 5 seconds at a time!!
@GamingFan4Lyf honestly, play an hour or two for a few days in a row you tend to improve very quickly as your muscle memory and reactions improve. I'll admit that after 2-3 days off you do lose it haha, but the matchmaking has been generally good
@Fiendish-Beaver it's probably not helpful for developers, but I'm usually happy to buy a game 2-3 years after release, fully patched with any dlc for like £10-20. Just not willing to spent £70 on any game. Only time I buy full price is for smaller devs who are great and I want to support.
I've never played a call of duty game and i am not starting as of now.
I've never played a CoD except the first one briefly on someone else's 360. Already a game pass subscriber. No interest, I haven't passed on this game over the years for a lack of money.
I’m going to be playing Black Ops because it’s on Game Pass on release day. Don’t think I would have bothered had that not been the case to be honest.
@Techno92LFC Same here... I've played a few COD games over the years, but never from day one. This will be a first day one for me too... quite looking forward to it.
I play the campaign and zombies. Good value with gamepass, not so much if paying full price. Ultimate for the 🏆
I could care less about BO6 coming to GamePass tbh. Probably wasn't going to play it either way.
I'll play the campaign and I'll rage in the multiplayer like i raged in the beta, to enjoy this game you need to be hyperactive and constantly drinking gfuel so I'll have to quit running around and adopt a playstyle of sitting behind doors with a shotgun to compete.
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