Starfield Shattered Space has been out for a few days now, which means a small selection of early reviews have started to trickle out online. Heading on over to aggregate platforms like Metacritic and OpenCritic, early impressions seem quite mixed, and we're wondering if this has put you off from buying the expansion at all.
Here at Pure Xbox, we went with a 5/10 score in the end, after ultimately being quite disappointed with the new Bethesda DLC. It looks pretty, sure, but Shattered Space introduces no significant new characters, we felt the story lacked substance, and it was quite buggy when we played through it as well.
Heading back over to those review summary sites, the expansion currently has a Metacritic score of 54 and an OpenCritic rating of 52 - both of which are far lower numbers than the base game pulled in last year. There aren't loads of reviews out there yet, which is worth noting, but these scores do signal a bit of a damp launch for Starfield's first major DLC pack.
So, is all of this putting you off buying Shattered Space? Will you wait for more reviews to drop, or on the flip side, were you never going to pick this one up anyway? Head on over to our polls down below and tell us your thoughts.
Are You Still Getting Starfield: Shattered Space? (1,320 votes)
- Absolutely, it's more Starfield!
- I got it with the Premium Edition / Upgrade
- Maybe, I'll wait for more reviews
- Possibly after a price drop
- I don't think so to be honest
- Nope, was never going to bother!
If You've Played It, What Do You Think Of Shattered Space So Far? (854 votes)
- It's amazing, I'm loving it!
- It's pretty good so far, yeah
- It's alright
- It's a bit disappointing to be honest
- I actually think it's really bad!
Feel free to tell us more down in the comments section below!
Comments 31
What happened to all that “now that we are with Microsoft, our games will ship with far less bugs”. Bethesda are no better than when they were independent. At this rate, I fear for Elder Scrolls 6 (in ten years time).
Although Star field is my favourite games from last year this DLC was already a bit hard to swallow as I am not into horror... Then I tend to not buy dlc in the first place (or wait for a sale) as I find that 99% of them are highly overpriced.
Already have it.
Seems like Dead Money from New Vegas in space and I'm here for it.
And this is coming from one that played Dead Money for the first time this year. Though that extends to all of New Vegas, if we wanna be technical.
And that's to say nothing of Oblivion which set the future of all Bethesda games. Reducing TES to mind numbing simplicity both in plot and gameplay. This continued into Fallout 3, as well as Skyrim.
It is honestly insulting to TES how they handedled both Mehrunes Dagon and Alduin despite how big of deals they were prior. And don't even get me started on the borderline insulting writing of the Skyrim Civil War which was written with all the nuance of a 12 year old.
I already bought it, but got it cheap as I had a Microsoft friends & family account access, so it cost me about £8. At £30 I would wait for a sale. I'm about half way through and it's OK, nothing special, which is disappointing considering Bethesda's brilliant expansion history.
I hope they start selling the premium edition as the game of the year edition. It would really rile up those twitter people that can't stop talking about this game they claim to not like. I absolutely love the game but i also like watching the wild Twitter discourse. This game still trends regularly.
I was never going to in the first place. 💀
I already own it via the premium edition. However after all the faff I had to go through just to get the first quest to start my desire to play it has disappeared.
I am sure I will get to it at some point & who knows they may have actually patched it by then so I have an ok time.
Just for clarity I thought base Starfield was ok. I mean I liked it enough to level 4 separate characters to level 79, 47, 35 & 25 respectively. So I put in the time & mostly enjoyed it but the dlc mess has soured things for me somewhat.
I’ve got the premium upgrade bundle, but whether I play it or not is another matter as I haven’t touched the base game since last year.
I thought about getting it, but decided not to bother. Too many other games to play that I feel much more confident about enjoying.
I got the physical upgrade for the patch and the steelbook. So far I am really enjoying it. First impressions were amazing.
I dont read reviews when it comes to Starfield because most of them are just full of crap
Enjoyed the base game and now I'm enjoying the dlc.
The hype train was massive….train wreck followed by train wreck. Oh dear
I finished Shattered Space yesterday, as well as all sidequests and achievements and I must say I really enjoyed it. I feel like expectations was too high for this release. I came in thinking I would get a new story, new location and new sidequests.
While most negative reviews seem to be mad about frame rate issues, bugs, lack of new spaceships, companions etc. I agree on the frame rate dips being annoying at times and I hope they fix it, but the way I see it, this was supposed to be a story dlc and not a big bug squash. Speaking of bugs, I got no bugs at all in my playthrough, none.
My only complaint about the DLC now that I'm done with it is that I wish the final reward for finishing the questline would be new weapons, and an OP spacesuit on top of the reward we got.
Everything else was good or great in my book. Planet was beautiful, story had me hooked and exploring was fun, especially in the buggy. I played with Andraje as my companion even though Sarah is my main this round.
Last time I commented I said its a 7. Now I feel like its an 8. And I'm really looking forward to more upgrades in the future.
Sidenote, I would love if Bethesda hosted a contest where creators/fans/modders could win a solar system to create story DLC'S in.
Why is there no " I bought the dlc but the damn mission to start the thing wont trigger, so I cant tell you how I feel about it" option.
I will get it next BF (2025) unless it goes on sale this year. Since there is more DLC coming it is better to wait for a definitive edition. Besides I am playing on series x now but will migrate to PC when I actually buy the game. So no point in buying twice.
@BIG3 Question: does anything in Shattered Space push the main quest forward? Like explain who made the temples/artifacts/starborn tech?
@Ryu_Niiyama No. Its a standalone affair.
I have the DLC due to buying the special edition upgrade, but I don’t own the game because I played it on Gamepass and I’m not subbed anymore. Maybe I’ll sub again in December. Never have I had DLC but not the main game. Definitely not subbing for Shattered Space. I fell asleep playing the main game four times. I’ve fallen asleep playing zero games in 2024 for comparison.
I also don't like Horror, my least favourite genre. So I was annoyed when the Premium Edition got me this Horror-esque DLC Story Expansion.
Ironically 666 (see your name) and The Truth of The Holy Bible are mirrored in this Shattered Space Horror Story. When God's Holy Spirit protecting people from The Unholy Evil 666 Spirit is taken away from those that Worship Satan (great serpent) and don't know Jesus, they go insane and kill each other and themselves.
@TheGiraffe I obviously know the meaning of the 666 😅
@Actionhank89 have you downloaded the Shattering Space DLC via the store? (It’s another a 10gb download on top of the 18gb update) This tripped me up, the quest wouldn’t start for me, there is no DLC section on the menu. It’s bad UX. (Unless it’s “creations”, but that won’t open, is bugged, and says can’t connect to
I've already bought it when I got that upgrade thingy because I was impatient and wanted to play it at launch. I'm not going to download the game to play the dlc given what I've heard.
I have Shattered Space, as I bought the Premium edition of Starfield. Have not got around to playing this new expansion yet, though. But I will soon. I would prefer to make up my own mind, than read reviews.
@themightyant juppp downloaded everything twice already. Been flying system to system but it just wont trigger
Ill give this rubbish expansion a miss to an average game anyway
@Actionhank89 That sucks. Sorry can't think of anything else. Except do you have a recent earlier save to try? (make a backup first)
Maybe they should have titled this shattered expectations?
@BIG3 Ah. Thank you.
I finished the expansion and i liked it. It's quite good actually, not great. I felt it's like a 7-7.5. After I did all the side quests and all the achievements yesterday i am leaning more to an 8, since some of the side quests were fun and had some interesting narrative. I played the base game on 30 fps, so now it was a welcome surprise playing this with better graphic options. The sweet spot for my setup was 60 FPS Target with Visuals prioritized and VRR on (i have an OLED VRR TV). There were framedrops at specific areas in the world, but still it runs much more smoother than the 30 fps mode and with good visuals. No way this is a 5 for me. I think that's another miss from PJ. I used to like his reviews, but there were many of his game - reviews which i would politely say were "misses" such as Suicide Squad (got 8 here! - tried the game and it was crap, more like a 4 for me), High on Life (got here 4 - i 100% the game and its dlc and i found it great, more like a full 8+ for me), Hellblade 2 (got 7, metacritic is at 81, i 100% it also, more like an 9 for me) and now this dlc got a 5. Anyway, playing a game is always the best way to see for yourself if you like it or not. PS.: A tip: if you find it expensive for 29,99 € from the xbox store you can buy the Steelbook Premium Upgrade which includes the DLC code. I bought it months ago for 13 €. I checked the stores, they sell it in the price range 8-16€ which is a good deal if you want to play the dlc of course.
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