It's time for another round of Pick One! This week, we're looking at the upcoming Xbox first-party games that don't have release dates (or even release windows) yet, and asking which of them you're most excited for right now.
There are some games with huge potential here, so what's your pick?
Remember, you can only pick one!
Let's take a look at what we're working with:
Our next epic first-person RPG set in the fantasy world of Eora.
Bethesda's Indiana Jones Game
The standalone adventure starring the legendary archaeologist will tell a wholly original tale set at the height of the career of the famed adventurer.
Everwild is a brand new IP in the works at Rare, where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world.
Explore a land of fantastical creatures and wondrous places.
Hideo Kojima's Xbox Game
Xbox Game Studios & Kojima Productions are partnering to create a video game for Xbox like no one has ever experienced before, leveraging the cloud.
Perfect Dark
A secret agent thriller set in a near-future world.
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II - the next entry in the Hellblade franchise from developer Ninja Theory.
State Of Decay 3
STATE OF DECAY 3. Undead Labs is proud to announce the next evolution in the State of Decay franchise.
The Elder Scrolls VI
Currently in pre-production at Bethesda Game Studios, the acclaimed developers of Skyrim and Fallout 4. The highly-anticipated next chapter in the iconic The Elder Scrolls series.
The Outer Worlds 2
New solar system, new crew, same Outer Worlds.
Let us know which of these "TBA" Xbox games you're most excited for below.
Comments 63
I went with Avowed, really interested in this game, despite not seeing much at all of it. I hope its good
You expect me to decide which one I'm most excited about ??? Most of em !!!! making that kind of choice is like asking me which kid is my favourite
Avowed, but also really looking forward to Fable, Outer Worlds 2 and ES6.
Just Avowed has one of my typical favourite settings and one of my favourite RPG developers...
We know so little about these games right now.
I don't why but I have this feeling that Perfect Dark will end up as a mess, I hope I am wrong.
Indiana Jones, Fable and Everwild all seem worth looking forward to at this point.
Fable far and away.
Hang on where are the following they have no release dates and should be sooner we all hope.
Forza Motor Sport
I gotta go with Fable
From what I know from the games probably avowed. But almost all of them are high on my list except Everwild, state of decay and the Kojima game. The Kojima game since we know nothing about it,. State of decay is like a survival type of game which isn't my thing, tried 2 for a bit but mweh. Everwild I have no clue what it is supposed to be now especially since it supposedly restarted with a new idea. But who knows I'll get excited about those 3 in the future as well if we know more. For me the most exciting ones are the action adventure rpg games or a combination of those that's my favorite game type.
Indiana Jones, Everwild, Kojima, Perfect Dark, ES6.
State of Decay 3 because my wife and I loved playing State of Decay 2 together. The only thing that concerns me is, will it have true co-op this time around, instead of the "oh, it's my camp and new society and the other players are just along for the ride"?
Also, I'm not expecting to truly get into it until 18-24 months into its life, once most and/or all of the inevitable bugs and jank get patched out
@Dezzy70 I think the reasoning is that Forza, Redfall and Starfield are all known to be releasing (or intended to be releasing at least) in 2023, whereas the games in the poll are simply "TBA".
Hellblade 2. This game alone will make it worth it to have an Xbox.
True, I was just being pointed as they don’t have release dates.
I thought they might soon as come Jan 2023 6 months of the Xbox showcase next 12 months show release thing has passed. That means all three should release Jan 2023 to June 2023.
If that happens on Xbox current track record then fair play.
Lol there's so many to choose from...
We shall see, what we have seen so far is absolutely nothing to go on being honest.
They need a proper Sony type GOWR real ten minute gameplay showcase.
One day Xbox will learn how to PR, then the general public outside of the USA might go, wow I want that game.
I went with state of decay 3 as I love post apocalyptic games and zombies, I hope this one has a good single player story as well this time. Surprised to see it only have 2% of votes (currently).
Close behind it though is is avowed, really been craving a good Western rpg for a long time.
Being fair there actually potentially some amazing games there but currently I have little faith in Xbox producing either developers or higher management.
The only studio in two years for that has given me a top end AAA is my faithful playground games.
Remember I go back to the original Xbox days and the Xbox360 glory days, wow what a quality set of game the Xbox 360. Remember showing gears of wars off to friend the next month a couple had Xbox360, Xbox was then top the game and UK.
Fable is awesome
We know so little about most of these thats its tough to pick, especially as so many are good ideas and sound promising.
I guess Fable is the one im most interested in seeing come to fuition. Im sure it will be technically competent, but it remains to be seen if it can capture the essential 'britishness' which made the original so memorable. Im rooting for it!
Very difficult decision considering I'll be buying at least 10 of them.
Dezzy, I know you want Xbox to succeed as much as I do, but you've got to try to be more positive. I'm referring to your remarks on Push Square specifically. As for Hellblade, you're right. We only have one trailer to go on, but it was a damn good trailer and the graphics might just be the best I've seen this gen. That alone warrants some cautious optimism, I think.Fingers crossed that Xbox finally shows its potential in more than just hardware next year. God knows Sony need a kick in the butt for all their shenanigans and greed of late (that doesn't mean I don't appreciate their games, mind you).
I went with Avowed cause I’m getting serious ES vibes from it and just feel like it’s going to be great. Everwild, Fable, Indiana Jones, Kojima’s game, Perfect Dark are also on my list of games I plan on buying. Kinda surprised Forza Motorsport ain’t on this poll.
Probably avowed. I do like fantasy and RPGs. And even though I'm not the biggest fan of isometric RPGs I played through pillars one so I feel prepped for this one lore wise.
Kojimas I'm interested in but without knowing anything about it it's hard to be too excited.
I'd honestly go for Forza Horizon 5 Expansion 2 to be honest, that is technically TBA meanwhile all the games listed here at the moment I'm not interested in.
Goldeneye …because it’s eventually going to happen
I get your point but being from the 360 glory days you remember the pure Xbox games and passion from those games, continuous top AAA hit after hit from Xbox studios or their close associates second party.
I get frustrated with Microsoft Xbox organisation now and the lack of big AAA games and what maybe Xbox could have been now and most importantly what the games could have been now.
You wonder what gives me the right to moan, but I’m asking to start with was maybe 3 big AAA of the Xbox 360 days quality, of course of todays standards and equivalent. First 2 years.
Instead 2 years in we get one really FH5.
And then god knows next year, no release dates and more importantly are we gonna get Halo Infinite, not great overall or FH5 top end AAA, especially after waiting all this time.
Now let’s not forget this is a trillion dollar company with a massive management structure with Phil as well, paid who knows how much just simple to their JOB, it is their JOB.
At the moment purely on new AAA game releases in the first two years in some businesses they would be on the verge of YOUR FIRED 😂
It's a tie been Avowed and ES VI, for me.
Though I hope Fallout 5 is a return to form.
Indiana Jones I suppose? Not that pumped for any of those tittles. Hope they all end up good nonetheless.
Wow no love for state of decay, did people really not like it?
Thought about Avowed, then also Hellblade. But State of Decay is just one of those games that are so darn addictive, so I had to choose that. Loved the second game, it just needs a little nudge to become the perfect game, hopefully the 3rd will be just that!
Avowed. Unpopular opinion but I didn't like Skyrim that much. So after that, I'm not interested anymore in TES. But I kinda want a classic medieval open world RPG.
Forza Motorsports 8
I feel all these lists should be “pick 3”
Anyways, I avoided ES6 since that might be 10 years away. With that in mind, my top 3 would be
Outer Worlds 2
Indiana Jones
No contest here whatsoever, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2!
I voted for other - project Cobalt, the next game from inXile. How could you leave it off the list?!
Avowed is a close 2nd
Apart from almost all of them I went for Avowed.
Indiana Jones getting some love!!
It was a tough call between Hellblade 2 and Elder Scrolls VI. I chose Hellblade 2 as I really liked the first one due to its bold premise and tight story-driven gameplay.
As for ESVI, I most likely hold off for a year or so after release for Bethesda to sort out their usual amount of bugs on launch.
@BartoxTharglod Good choices there. Pretty much my list too.
@Dusk_Actual You get a like on the strength of your profile pic.
Kojima 100%. I’ve been really critical of Xbox lately, but this list reminds me of why I bought a Series console in the first place.
You have a right to moan. I'm frustrated, too. For context, I was in camp Playstation the entire 360/PS3 gen, but I remember being jealous of the exclusives that Xbox had back then.
As for no release dates- do they really mean anything these days? I'd rather MS did what Bethesda did with Fallout 4, announce the game when it's a couple of months away and then release it with no delays. You think Phil is not doing his job- he got Xbox back on the map. The games will follow. I mean, I've got a PS5, an XSX and a Switch and it's the PS5 that's the least exciting console for me. I'll play through TLoU1 next week and consider selling it. I'm fed up with GoW, Horizon, GoT to the point I haven't bought any of them. GoWR is GoW 4.5 and Horizon is just more Horizon. Sony are going the GaaS way and there's nothing new on the horizon either. Sorry for this long tirade. I get you but at the end of the day, there's two sides to this coin.
ES VI. But it’s just so far away. Avowed and Fable next. Also looking forward to Hellblade 2, outer Worlds 2 and more. Sadly I don’t think Everwild will ever become a game in the wild.
I wanted to vote for at least 4 games. There are many good projects among these announcements
(Which made me really happy)
Yes I think with Sony PS5 you have to want their exclusives to get the most out of your console.
I got more into the PlayStation at the back end of the PS3, when the Xbox360 started slowing down a little after an amazing four years or so.
I got PS4 and Xbox one, day of release but overtime the PS4 took over with those Sony exclusives.
I enjoy the exclusives on both so it is easy for me.
So of course PS5 is keeping me happy now and Xbox Series x very quiet now on the exclusives front.
Always had the Nintendo consoles and the Switch for me was amazing the first couple of years, but their top in house AAA studio games have slowed massively, Can’t believe we have had only one real Mario odyssey type new AAA platform game out of them. Of course not including remakes and Bowsers Fury. From their own in house studios. Don’t forget they are not making games for separate home and handheld consoles anymore. They probably busy at the theme park or making Legos 😂😂😂
Time will tell if Xbox actually deliver anything worth while AAA exclusives of desired quality like FH5. Halo Infinite was ok but it could have been so much more on a lot of levels, even the multiplayer is not even in the top 100 concurrent players list on steam I think or whatever it is, after only 6 months after release.
I can see your point. In my case, I had a PS2, PS3, PS4, PS4 PRO, PS5. Sony have transitioned from a company that makes lots of varied games (in terms of genres and mechanics) into a play-it-safe and by the numbers type of digital entertainment. The only games I'm keeping my PS5 for are Naughty Dog games. I'm waiting for TLoU3 and TLoU2: Factions. Maybe Uncharted 5 if it comes. The others I might play on PS Plus Extra when available.
With Xbox, I haven't played Fable yet. I'll give Gears another look, still haven't played lots of X360 era games. Guess that's a big factor in my case. Same with the Switch. It's my first Nintendo console so I have a lot to catch up on 😁
All in all, a lot if it comes down to your personal preference and gaming history/backlog. I'm confident that once Starfield comes out, the narrative around Xbox and games will change a lot.
We are a little different as I have had every console since day one, so I play the games I want on all consoles I have had when they release day one roughly. I never really go back and play again. Even amazing as Gear of Wars is for example or any other game I don’t replay, I’m a sort of move forward next game play new experiences gamer.
Which being honest is proving a little hard lately but I’m doing ok.
I hope Starfield is a trial blazing top end as you can get AAA, but as I mentioned before a little Xbox cautious at the moment.
As where say BOTW2 and GOWR are simple dead certs for me AAA wise, I trust and know what I’m getting game and AAA quality wise. Even if others don’t like the games, that’s cool but I will know the level and quality and gameplay will all be top end AAA.
A bit the FH5 pure top end AAA in all areas for that type of game.
Definitely id's next game (hoping it's a Quake reboot)!
Right then, now I understand completely. I do like to dabble a bit in games of the past, as I like to revisit older titles, find some hidden gems I've missed. Even more so as the new games often are disappointing and aimed at earning money with MTX, lootboxes etc, or just suck in terms of plot, repetetiveness. That's how I've grown to dislike open world games. To conclude this interesting exchange, you do you and I hope you'll find some joy courtesy of Xbox yet. Cheers
I’m really excited for most of these games. It was tough to pick just one. I picked Everwild just because of my love for Rare, but I’m equally excited for most of these games.
hideo kojima's mysterious xbox game for me
I like his games
@UltimateOtaku91 “Wow no love for state of decay, did people really not like it?”
I absolutely loved SoD2 and almost picked SoD3, but I’m concerned that I won’t like the new direction they are going. Though I’m not sure since we haven’t seen any gameplay.
I picked Perfect Dark, in the end. I enjoy PD, and I typically love Crystal Dynamics games. I even enjoyed the single player portion of Avengers quite a bit.
That said, State of Decay 2 is one of my favorite and most played games this gen. I popped the game in again after every update and played through a couple of times. I’m hoping I love SoD3 that much.
I chose Avowed. Looking at this list gets me excited for the Xbox platform. The series S is the first Xbox I have ever owned and my friends (Sony fans) are surprised every time I tell them that the Xbox is going to surprise a lot of gamers this gen. Everwild is absolutely gorgeous, and a new Fable? I can't flipping wait.
Elder Scroll VI is the game I look forward to the most, but Avowed is the game I’m most excited for which I feel are two different things. It feels like ES6 is still way too far from release to be excited about yet.
For me, I had to vote for Perfect Dark - although in truth I am not really 'excited' for any of these yet! I have not seen 'enough' or heard enough about these games to 'be excited'. I am looking forward to seeing/hearing more in due course and know I have a lot of great games coming in the 'future', but I'm only excited by 'Games' - not 'projects in development' (too early to be a 'complete, cohesive game)
It just shows that MS are committed to Gaming and 'much more' than Gears, Forza & Halo. So many of these I am quite eager to hear/see more now I know they are in development.
Perfect Dark has so much potential and with the power of modern day Hardware, deliver something truly great and unique in the current landscape. It can't be worse than Zero and it's been so long, they are able to start from scratch keeping within the theme of course. Its that potential - a sci-fi stealthy secret agent with cool gadgets and guns - on the latest hardware that convinced me to vote for it over the others but that's this moment - tomorrow, it could be a different title LOL
I'm excited about most of them and it reminds me how much is yet to come but I chose Fable.
State of Decay 2 became eventually one of the best games on any platform but we're forced to choose one.
Of course, I love Rare but I want Banjo-Kazooie, Viva Piñata or Conker.
Fable. I consider Playground Games to be MS' best first party studio and though this isn't a racing game, the team deserves the benefit of the doubt that it can deliver.
Got to be Fable. Avowed my honourable second.
@gollumb82 I find most Sony games boring, too. Xbox exclusives have more variety and fun. I don't know why Dezzy thinks that Horizon is sooooo wonderful. I still don't get it, any Assassin's Creed game is better and any modern Tomb Raider games is more impressive visually.
I picked Fable but Perfect Dark was close competition. I’m pretty hyped for both.
I guess a lot of people think the same (at least you have to assume that based on sales figures) but I agree with you. I played Ghost of Tsushima 2 weeks ago and found it to be just what I expected- Assassin's Creed in Japan. I probably have to add that I find AC games some of the most bloated and repetetive games ever made. I'm currently trying to get into FF7 Remake and it's tough. The levels of cringe in this game are making me wonder why I'm doing this to myself. In other words, it all depends on the preferences but I'm wondering if there's enough games on PS that I care about to keep it in the long run.
Elden Ring DLC and then FromSoftware's next game
I went with Fable, I'm interested in what the Forza people will do with it. Also interested in Avowed and Indiana Jones... Elder scrolls vi would be far and away number one if it was anywhere close
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