Comments 16

Re: Rise of the Tomb Raider Exclusivity Deal Is Only Good For One Year


I'm alright with games being exclusive to specific console because it allows the developer to take advantage of that console's hardware and its capabilities. While you won't get that with multiplatform titles, it's alright because when a game is multiplatform more people are able to play it. However, when a game is a timed-exclusive, you don't get the benefit of a better game because the developer only had to develop for one console, and at the same time the game isn't available for more people to play until the timed-exclusivity runs out.
But I guess I'll go back to playing the Wii minigame I was playing before I typed this comment.

Re: Ubisoft Sales Decline, Xbox One Games Underperforming


Ah, yes, yet another person to mistakes me for a Nintendo "fanboy". Your statement has several flaws, so let's take a look, shall we?
I find it funny how certain people always love to make the argument that "Nintendo fans don't buy third party games" yet somehow at the same time they are the ones that buy all of the unfinished games produced by companies such as Ubisoft. Though there are plenty of Wii U owners that own another console such as a PS4 for third party games, claiming it is them that bought all of Ubisoft's disastrous games form last year doesn't seem as likely. However, nearly one third of PS4 owners swithed from the Xbox 360 to the PS4. I find it interesting that so many people that didn't own a PS3 bought a PS4 when the PS3 has so many better games to offer. I find it more likely that they bought into the hype. Everyone hopped aboard the PlayStation train after Microsoft's mistakes with their reveal of the Xbox One. Even after they reversed their DRM policy, got rid of the mandatory Kinect, and lowered the price, it was too late. This is very similar to what happened in the previous generation. After announcing the PS3 would cost $500-600, everyone went out and got an Xbox 360, which is understandable, but even when the PS3's library started building up (and in the end could be considered arguably better than the 360's) did people go buy a PS3? No, they waited for the next generation and bought the mainstream console, the PS4. And after this year's E3, I know which console will be getting the better exclusives this holiday season. The Xbox One will be getting a lot this year, but most of the casuals and "dude bros" won't care, they'll be on their PS4 and probably buy the next iterations of Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed.
Please point out where I called Xbox FANS casuals. That's funny, I can't seem to find that anywhere in my comment. I said the casuals from the 360 switched to the PS4. There were plenty of true gamers on the 360, but those mainstream casual and dud bro gamers switched to the PS4, and they were the ones I was talking about. I would appreciate it if you stopped putting words in my mouth.
And now we get to my favorite part of your comment. Yesterday I returned home from the funeral of my friend's mother. I browsed some of the usual sites I visit and ended up making a comment on this article. But I'll be sure to inform my friend of the "Wii minigame" I was playing during his mother's funeral.
I find it hilarious that people like you get so defensive so easily. You immediately attack me based on my profile picture and use the same worn-out "Wii was full of shovelware minigames" argument. But let's take a look at a comment you made above. You take a shot at PlayStation fans on Push Square. Should I tell you to go back to playing Kinect games now? The best part is on the Push Square article I don't see a single comment saying "yeah, I love all of these unfinished Ubisoft games!". In fact, there were comments that said thing such as "I just bought Unity and have buyer's remorse."
So what one can take from this is that you have no problem attacking Nintendo and PlayStation fans yet you are quick to defend Xbox fans when they weren't even the ones I was talking about in my comment.
Next time, put aside your fanboy ways before you reply to me.

Re: Shovel Knight, Slice Zombies for Kinect Dated for Xbox One


I got this for the Wii U when it came out, and after finishing it decided to get the 3DS version for the Streetpass arena mode. Now it's been awhile since I've played it and I was going to get it for Xbox One because of the Battletoads, but I may get it for the PlayStation consoles instead since they have Kratos. In the end I'll probably end up with both when the one I don't get immediately goes on sale.
Excellent game, once you finish you're going to want to play it again.

Re: Rumour: Microsoft Has An Exclusive Licensed NFL Football Title in the Works


I hope so. I'm tired of Madden games coming out every year with minimal improvements, plus the fact that they're my only option for a new NFL video game. EPSN NFL 2K5 was more realistic than the current Madden game in my opinion (and I'm alright with sports game that aren't realistic, but when the game claiming to be so realistic comes out every year with few changes and is less realistic than a game from ten years ago, that's when I have a problem). While I don't know if this would be better or not than Madden, there's at least hope that it will be.

Re: Review: Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show (Xbox One)


Pretty sure Skylanders is rated E10+ and that's aimed at kids, so I don't think this will miss its target audience. Not to mention the fact that little kids these days play M rated games.

When I saw this at E3 I was kind of confused on what exactly this was. In an interview after the conference #girlwood herself wasn't exactly sure either. Thankfully this review clarified what the game exactly is. If I find a sale on it maybe I'll get it to play with my nephew.

Re: Editor's Opinion: Our Resolution Resolution


I was always confused why a game running at a certain resolution was considered "news". You could never say what the resolution was and no one would be able to tell what it was. People claim they can tell the difference between 1080p and 720p, but when Nintendo said Mario Kart 8 was 1080p everyone believed them until it was revealed it was actually 720p. No one knew the difference, and all these arguments over resolution are stupid. I ate a sandwich for lunch, is that newsworthy IGN?

Thank you for being one of the last reasonable websites on the internet.