Comments 129

Re: Talking Point: Tell Us About Your First Day With Destiny


@EternalDragonX Hmm. I think this is a slightly unfair statement to be honest; calling people blind, spoilt and/or fools.

Yes, a beta is very much a demo than anything. But personally I know a great deal of people who played it and fell in love with it to an extent I've never seen them fall for a game. Some of them are even 'leaving' their favourite franchises for it. It's not necessarily "blind", it's just like with people: chemistry. Different game genres appeal to different people, different games appeal to different people.

Secondly, lots of people buy games on day one without reading reviews. I used to be one of them.

It's ok to be sceptical about hypes and hyped up games, sometimes the hype is what breaks the game when it can't deliver. But I honestly don't see how that justifies calling what's basically just excited people 'fools' or 'blind'.

Re: Titanfall Update 6 Breakdown


But... my Titans?! They will be so sad.

I would love to see an update to Marked for Death much like the one they made for Capture the Flag; the VIP can't go hide in Titans. Would demand much more team work and support.

But generally I'm usually really happy with the Titanfall updates. Feels like Respawn really try to make the most out of the data they get from game stats and feedback.


Re: Assassin's Creed Unity Delayed Until November


DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN - I smell industry conspiracy. No, not really. Just joking.

With AC3 not being the show-stopper they wished for and AC4 only slightly redeeming that, AC: Unity will have to be well polished for the annual release thing to be justified to players and not only to Ubi wallets.

Re: More Xbox Live Issues Rear Their Heads


Xbox One certainly has its problems, but they're more like hiccups in comparison to what's been going on over on the 360. It's actually quite sad to see, especially in the instances where people are blaming game developers when it's actually the XBL services that causes the issues.

Re: BioWare States that You've Been Chosen


Adding to this: wasn't there a BioWare "leak" not too long ago, with them registering a patent of some sort. Shadow Runs? Was that it? Can't remember and my google skills are failing me. Will continue to look it of it.

Re: Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2 Playable at EGX London


I had totally forgotten I bought tickets all those months ago. Expo tickets sell out way too fast, forcing you to buy them as they go live (and contributing to the hysteria) before you even know that there'll be things there you want to see and hopefully get to play. Anyhoo, I got the 4-day pass so I'll be roaming the floors for that time.

Compared to PAX, Eurogamer feels less of a "show" and more like a gathering of sorts, with lots of playable content and some odd interesting panels, all in all a gathering point for crowds with the same interest... but it's not the big show that PAX is with its massive and crazily designed booths and performances.

@Gamer83 Eurogamer doesn't really bring any announcements. It's too late in the year, too close to the winter launch window and it's also a "not so big" expo. Expos in general rarely give big reveals.

Re: Sunset Overdrive Will Allow You To Play As A Female Character


I wouldn't say that the blowup over AC is a biggie, I'd rather say it's a fair question to be raised. Sure, some people should learn to phrase themselves before going after publishers and developers. But in a franchise such as the Assassin's Creed one, it would seem like a natural progress to have a playable female. I'm happy to elaborate this, should anyone like to know.

I understand that the development process didn't make it easy to include one and I'm not saying I mind or have an issue with male characters. What I don't understand though is the excuse they used. And I think the wording of said excuse upset people as it implied that including women are such an expensive, time consuming and difficult feature in a game that it's not worth it or that there's just no way to fit it in. It also implied that no females were thought of in the beginning of the design process and therefore not in the development schedule. This ties back to why a playable female in the AC franchise would make sense as a natural progression of the series. But I won't take up more space, unless anyone's interested, haha.

Re: Sniper Elite 3 Gets Massive 10GB Day One Patch on Xbox One


Some people say that this is how games are made these days, and sure it's getting more common than not to have a day one patch of some size or importance. However patches of all sorts are expensive to put out there (more so AAA titles than smaller games) and is something publishers are not too happy to do, which is why sometimes a game gets one or two patches and then nothing despite maybe needing more fixes.

Re: News: DLC and Updates for Titanfall


@Headestroyer4 Sorry for the late reply: The links are at the bottom of the article. Both based on their announcement from E3 and then the follow up with an actual date. It's also posted on their forums. I know that their official Twitter has announced that everything is live on the 360, but I haven't seen anything about X1 yet.

However if they're late with the content it could actually be down to Microsoft, as the updates come through their servers and they need to push some buttons over on their end as well.

Re: News: DLC and Updates for Titanfall


@Headestroyer4 Ah. Then maybe their PR, the producers and community managers should sit down and have a talk so they're on the same page. And I'll be more careful with what they say in the future.

My GT is PeTitosaurus, just like here.

My Titans go hand in hand with their matched pilots so Apple - Pie and so on, haha. Wouldn't mind giving some of them another voice than Betty. Curious as to how Jeeves will sound. Hoping stereotypical English butler à la Alfred.