Xbox Fans In The UK Can Now Order Games & Consoles From Just Eat
Image: Just Eat

Here in the UK, Just Eat is one of the biggest food delivery apps going - it competes with the likes of Deliveroo and Uber Eats to deliver fresh (and sometimes not-so-fresh) food to customers across the country. In recent times, these sorts of apps have started to branch out in terms of what exactly they deliver - and today, Just Eat has announced that it's bringing video games to the world of speedy online deliveries.

That's right, popular UK used-game retailer CEX is now operating on Just Eat. Fans can order games, accessories, cables - and even full-on video game consoles directly to their door in record-times. We've checked the app out here at PX HQ, and can get a variety of Xbox goodies delivered to our door in just 30 minutes (supposedly).

We first heard about this absolute revelation from outlet Eurogamer, who shared a short quote from the retailer today:

"We're delighted to expand the reach of CEX to millions of Just Eat customers, making it even faster for them to get the tech treats on demand,

Now, after browsing through our local store's stock, we can say that the selection is pretty limited at the moment - it doesn't even include things like Xbox 360 games and consoles. However, with CEX being one of the most convenient ways to pick up older gaming goodies here in the UK - we're hoping that the retailer expands its Just Eat selection in the coming months.

Even with the limited options so far, we're definitely tempted to try this service out. It'll be good to have an alternative way to satisfy that impulse-buy urge we all get sometimes, which is often the reason we've racked up so many digital purchases over the years. Get those Xbox games ready, Just Eat drivers, we need a new copy of Halo at your earliest convenience.

What do you all make of this, then? Tell us what you'd order-on-demand down below!
