Square Enix Seemingly Suffered 'Large Losses' With Life Is Strange: Double Exposure

Late last year, the Life is Strange series made its big return with Deck Nine's sequel Double Exposure - but it sounds like the Xbox Series X|S title hasn't done particularly well for publisher Square Enix so far.

Japanese analyst Hideki Yasuda has shared a bunch of updates from some of the region's biggest game publishers in the last week or so - including Square Enix. Yasuda says that in a recent fiscal year update from the team, it was revealed that Life is Strange: Double Exposure suffered "large losses" for the company.

The report doesn't go into much more detail on this particular Square Enix release, other than to say that these losses were "offset" by Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake - which was apparently a "huge hit" for the publisher, selling two million copies since launch.

Anyway, this certainly isn't the first time we've heard Square Enix be disappointed in sales figures, particularly for a Western-developed title like Life is Strange: Double Exposure from Deck Nine Games. After all, the publisher did sell off a bunch of its internal Western studios in 2022 - including Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics.

Opinions on this, PXers? Tell us whether or not you played and enjoyed Life is Strange: Double Exposure down below.

[source kabutan.jp, via eurogamer.net]