Avowed is coming to Xbox Series X|S and PC in February 2025, and ahead of that nearby launch, the team at Nvidia has showcased how the game will look with its 'RTX' ray tracing features enabled.

That look, as it turns out, is vastly different to the game without ray tracing enabled. It's god rays galore with RTX switched on, and generally speaking, the game looks much brighter and more vibrant with the tech running in the background.

Nvidia Comparison Shows How PC Ray Tracing Will Look In Xbox's Avowed
Image: Nvidia / Obsidian Entertainment

Now, it must be noted that this specific ray tracing technique is only applicable to the PC version of Avowed - the Xbox consoles are built off AMD tech and don't use 'RTX' features. We haven't heard about any confirmation of ray tracing in the console version of Avowed yet, but we should get more specifics on the technical makeup of the game on Xbox closer to release.

This RTX tech does look rather nice overall and adds clarity and depth to most scenes, but some sections of the above trailer are a much closer match - and we actually like certain elements with RT off! Anyway, it's worth a watch to basically see the world of Avowed in a whole new light, but given how taxing ray tracing is on pretty much any hardware, we're not sure we'd run with it switched on in the main.

Avowed hits Xbox Series X|S and PC, including via Xbox Game Pass, on February 18, 2025.

Would go for RTX on or off? Tell us which you'd pick down below!