Random: Xbox Owner Turns Original Console Into Powerful Gaming PC
Image: Subject-Historian-70 on Reddit

It's amazing what you can do with an original Xbox! Almost 25 years since the console first arrived, it's still getting plenty of use in 2024... and for one person in particular, it's even being repurposed as a powerful modern gaming PC.

That person is Subject-Historian-70 on Reddit, who has taken to the platform to show off their modded Xbox. Thanks to their efforts, they've now built themselves an Xbox PC that runs many games on High or Ultra settings.

Here's exactly what they used:

Clearly they've done a superb job on this, and they've advised that in the future, they're hoping to reuse the original Xbox boot-up animation as well! You can check out a few photos from Subject-Historian-70's Xbox / PC setup down below.

Of course, it goes without saying that modifying an original Xbox should only be done at your own risk, and you should definitely take all the proper precautions if you decide to do so. It can be a difficult and dangerous task!

Random: Xbox Owner Turns Original Console Into Powerful Gaming PC 3
Image: Subject-Historian-70 on Reddit

What do you make of this PC build inside an original Xbox? Tell us down in the comments below.