Capcom has today announced the first ever digital discount for Dragon's Dogma 2, along with a brand-new free trial! Yep, Xbox players can now go hands-on with Capcom's 2024 RPG for two hours at no cost - and if that convinces you to pick the game up, there's a 30% off sale running right now as well.

Now, there's no massive rush to take part in all of this. The Xbox free trial is available right the way through to July 18th, and the 30% discount will also be available for the entirety of the free trial period - so you've got plenty of time to try the game out and see what you think.

This trial/discount double whammy comes hot on the heels of a major patch for Dragon's Dogma 2. Capcom has added a brand-new graphics toggle, a new 120Hz mode for compatible displays and more to the open world title this week. This all sounds like a pretty good time to jump in, then!

And, if you need any more convincing, we happened to give the game a straight 10/10 earlier this year - and that was with the launch day performance issues present! It's safe to say that we can recommend Dragon's Dogma 2, and this free trial is a great way to give the game a go without much of a commitment.

Is now the time to try Dragon's Dogma 2? Tell us if you're giving this free trial a whirl!