Microsoft's Undead Labs has created a new dynamic background for Xbox Series X|S users, to mark the six year anniversary for State of Decay 2. The background itself stems from the team's 'Juggernaut Edition' artwork for the title, and you can take a look at the dynamic version of the art down below.
This marks the second State of Decay 2 dynamic background currently available on Xbox Series X|S, following 2022's downed-plane scene. We must admit that we'd like to see a bit more animation to this new one - but it's another welcome addition to an ever-growing lineup nonetheless.
There's no hint in this announcement that Undead Labs' new background has anything to do with its upcoming sequel, but we're almost hoping that this in some way marks the end of State of Decay 2-related additions. State of Decay 3 was announced four years ago now, and recent rumours have suggested that the game is coming along nicely over at Xbox HQ.
Anyway, State of Decay fans; enjoy your new dynamic background - and here's some more hoping that we see the third game in action soon!