Earlier this week, 343 Industries rolled out "Content Update 29" for Halo Infinite after officially announcing the game's seasons had come to an end. As part of this, it released a new multiplayer map called 'Illusion' which draws some inspiration from Halo's original experiences.
While we've already spotlighted a cool room featuring a classic Halo Easter egg in it, there's now been another surprising discovery. As highlighted by 'Mr_Rebs' on social media, if you load up Illusion and destroy all the 'ONI' name tags on the map, the elevator doors will unlock granting Spartans access to the...spoiler alert...SL-5 Forklift.
You can check out how exactly to unlock them in walkthrough videos online. Apparently, the forklift is not available in Forge but Forgers have already created scripts that spawn Spartans in them on maps.