A few months ago, a huge leak stemming from Microsoft's Activision Blizzard case outed a potential Xbox Series X console refresh for next year - we covered Xbox's 'all-digital' Series X plans when they first leaked back in September. Those plans seemed believable given that they came directly from FTC files, however a new rumour is suggesting that this refresh may no longer be in the pipeline - and that Microsoft could launch its next-generation Xbox sooner than we might think instead.
A new ResetEra post has dug up some tweets from 'Kepler', a dataminer who's made seemingly accurate claims about PlayStation and its PS5 plans in the past. In one reply, Kepler hinted that 'Xbox-next' — Microsoft's next console — will launch before 2027.
These tweets are fairly old now and should be taken with a huge pinch of salt, and yet, we have more evidence that adds a bit more credibility to this rumour. Speaking on a recent podcast, well-known journalist Jeff Grubb discussed these new Xbox rumours, while also corroborating some of Kepler's past claims about PlayStation.
Here's a clip of this discussion:
Still following? Well, to sum things up, there's a chance that Xbox's Series X refresh may no longer happen and that a new, more-powerful system could launch around 2026 or so. Would this be a 'proper' next-gen console like Xbox Series X|S? Who knows, but it sounds like more of an upgrade than the previously-leaked all-digital system - and Xbox has gone on record to say that Series X is 'basically a mid-gen console' already.
As we said previously, this is all rumour and heresy right now and should definitely not be taken as a concrete plan over at Microsoft or anything. Still, it's an interesting rumour to ponder - there's a chance the next generation could come around quicker than we're all expecting!
Will next-gen really come around as soon as 2026? Go ahead and discuss this rumour down in the comments below.
Comments 40
If Sony launches a PS5 Pro in 2024 or 2025. What will Microsoft do, and what will people here do? I know the rumours that Microsoft did not want a new Series X (pro) model. But.. if Sony releases a PS5 Pro capable of running GTA6 in 4K60 instead of 4K30.. wil you buy a PS5 Pro? I know I would, but if Microsoft can match it with a new version I will buy that instead.
Maybe the round Series X is the pro version with updated specs.
Well better be stronger than a 3060 and have 2tb of memory with dual sense controller
Honestly, I don’t even want to hear this. Xbox needs to focus on getting us more quality software before we think about hardware.
@Ocat If the PS5 Pro is the only console that can run GTA VI at 60fps/4K then Xbox lost this generation. Everyone, especially casuals, will pick up a PS5 Pro just to play GTA VI and they will probably stick with Playstation for the long run.
As I got an S last December due to having an old plasma TV, the timing would be right for me to upgrade both in 2026/27. Would not get a PS whatever as I am invested now and GTA6 for me is not important…
If they can have Xbox Next ready by 2026 then they should just skip a pro console. Sure Sony will have one for roughly a year (maybe 18 months) by then, but this new console will be better than the PS5 pro, and it will give them at least a full year into the next gen ahead of Sony. That strategy seemed to work well for them during the 360 era. Until then, they should stop selling the white/500GB Series S and only do the new black one with 1TB. Maybe still do a system refresh IF it can help cut manufacturing costs or otherwise help drive sales and adoption of Game Pass.
Sorry folks, I know this is off topic so forgive me.. but is there section on Pure Xbox to find/meet new xbox friends to play with? I had a quick look on the forums but didn’t see anything thread etc. I would like to just find some similiar minded & aged players for multiplayer games or just general party chat
I can’t see a new gen by 2026. This one hasn’t started kicked in fully yet.
Plus didn’t they say during all the ABK stuff they were expecting 2028? So that would mean they were lying? I dunno.
A mid gen upgrade is not really that necessary this gen since the Series X is not nearly as outdated as the One was compared to computers. The One X was way ahead of the One. I don't think an upgrade now would be that much better than the Series X.
Think going a year before Sony on the next gen if they can would help - it did with the 360, as they may be able to have exclusive games that take full advantage of it.
But they'd need to respond to the PS5 Pro first - as otherwise this just looks like a 2-year-late response to the Pro to the average consumer rather than a true "next generation", particularly as Sony will no doubt push the PS6 a bit later as "the start of next gen" or something to that effect, which would be lapped up by consumers now conditioned to think high end gaming = PlayStation in a similar way to Apple's marketing for their devices.
I'm likely not the only person thinking if the PS5 Pro is released and Xbox doesn't do one, I'll probably get it to play the games I've missed since my PS4 rather than wait for them on PC.
But I'd need strong evidence that Xbox were going to come out fighting hard with top quality games (particularly if they wimp out and don't match the Pro) as at times I've felt a little burnt getting the XSX over the PS5 despite being an Xbox gamer at heart - we've just had too many quiet or underwhelming years where "next year will be the one", where we miss out on many ports (both due to market share and Sony's deals which Xbox are too nice to do similar) and the sheer number of Sony fanboys on here and IRL makes it exhausting when trying to talk games
@BoiAster I don't know - it may depend on what other aspects are being 'used' to achieve that metric - for example, they could use their own bespoke 'upsampling' (instead of FSR) and its own form of Frame generation. It could still run at 1440/30 for example but use Sony's proprietary hardware to upsample and add frames similar to DLSS to 'boost' the presentation.
As for Xbox, they already have a 'solution' to deliver their games at 4k/60 with RT etc and that's the PC. A PS5 Slim already costs ~£450 so how much would a Pro cost? £650? £750+ to add any 'meaningful' upgrade over a PS5. High end PC owners aren't going to buy a Series X, let alone an 'Elite' version to play games they can on PC.
Of course that doesn't mean they wouldn't create a 'next' gen Console for those that 'prefer' the Console experience and its ease of use so instead of making an 'elite' which is also locked to the Series S/X and therefore won't get 'bespoke' releases if they can't scale down to Series S, it makes more sense to start a 'new' Gen.
But the point of 'Xbox' trying to 'compete' with PC's and their ability to offer 4k, 60+ Frame Rates and much higher RT settings etc too is somewhat redundant as the PC/Xbox are part of the same Ecosystem. Its not GTA6 so much as if people were 'concerned' about Series X performance for example, they'd probably own a decent Gaming PC to ensure they get 4k/60 - same with Perfect Dark, Fable or Hellblade 2 for example.
I'd probably upgrade my PC - I have a 3080ti GPU - rather than buy a PS5 Pro just to play GTA6 at 'better than' the current Consoles can offer. However, if Sony had a few 'exclusives' that would be significantly 'enhanced' by a PS5 Pro and they appeal to me, then it makes sense.
@Ocat I was thinking about this recently. Yes I would/will likely buy a PS5 Pro if it's worthwhile and enables 60fps in more games. To me it's no different than a PC user buying a new GPU or CPU upgrade.
That would also make PlayStation my preferred platform for the rest of this gen assuming Microsoft don't have an upgraded model (at the moment, I typically buy wherever it's cheaper). I know Phil said they never wanted to be behind in the hardware race again, but it looks like they will be, for at least a few years, if all leaks are true.
Might Microsoft then get an early start on the next gen instead? Possibly, but I still think sooner than 2027 is unlikely. My money is still on 2027 at the earliest and 2028 more likely.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I don't really see how that could be considered a lie since it was stated as an expectation. A plan is different from a promise. There is nothing that can be done about a company changing its plans. Xbox would have every right to say actually we want to push that ahead 2 years. It doesn't mean they were lying when they said 2028 if that was indeed the plan at the time. They are not handcuffed to that 2028 plan even if it was revealed in a court case. Since a generation is an arbitrary timeframe set by each console manufacturer they can end this one whenever they feel like it.
Wouldn't it be better for a business to be fluid and adapt to the market/tech instead of saying this generation ends at date x regardless of what happens?
@Widey85 @GiveMeMoney Releasing a next-gen console early, say 1 year earlier, is very tough to time right. Too soon and Series S|X owners may feel they have been short changed, especially considering how many times you hear "this generation has hardly started yet" already 3 years in, making people less likely to buy.
You also end up with 1 year earlier technology. Timed right you might be able to get away with it, but timed wrong you may be stuck with say Zen 5/RDNA 4 while your competitor might have Zen 6/RDNA 5 features and will likely trounce you in performance.
Furthermore cost of components will be higher like for like. It isn't as simple as just coming to market first and getting an advantage, it might just as easily be a big disadvantage.
I'll hopefully upgrade my series s to series x in the new year that will do me to at least a year into new gen cycle no matter what PlayStation do this gen I'm on Xbox since the early 360 to deep in now to jump over slight resolution or fps upgrades
@somnambulance a more true sentence had never been ordered.
I'm ready now, what are we waiting for?
I don't know if people know how much R&D these companies do on hardware. Xbox definitely has or had multiple prototypes of possible mid gen upgrades. It is likely that they concluded at this point and time that it would not be worth the upgrade for them (sales or performance increase would not meet what they consider worth pursuing).
Sony does have a massive audience and many of them have been conditioned to buy hardware (PS4 Pro, PSVR1&2, Portal, etc.) I can see them reaching the conclusion that a pro will be worth doing.
@CharlieChooChoo I am pretty sure I recall reading that too that the Series X was already their pro console for this generation and they just released it at the start of the generation rather than wait. That is the very reason why the Series S is the base model for them and they want all games running on that.
Xbox doesn't need another console, they need to hire the best advertising firm around and pay them a ***** load of money to get the brand out there. For there first time in ages the future looks bright game wise so shout about it ffs
If it’s a proper generational leap this makes a lot more sense than a mid-gen upgrade. XB1 and PS4 needed upgrading quickly but same isn’t true of the current generation. MS most successful generation sales-wise was when they got 360 out ahead of PS3 and they need to try something different.
Hopefully the next-gen equivalent to the Xbox Series S is just as powerful as, if not slightly more powerful than, this generation's Xbox Series X.
@BAMozzy - I'd probably upgrade my PC - I have a 3080ti GPU - rather than buy a PS5 Pro just to play GTA6 at 'better than' the current Consoles can offer.
The problem with that is rockstar said GTA6 is not launching on Pc day one.
GTA5 for example took an extra 18 months to come to Pc and read dead just over a year so I'd imagine the same will happen here as well.
I’m more interested in the new controller that leaked a few months ago with an accelerometer. Would love to get some gyro games on Xbox and make it the standard across the board.
@Kaloudz i think they play at hand here is, MS see’s no reason to add a Pro and instead work on the AI & Cloud powered next gen as something they can sell as new and exciting. While the PS5 Pro is exciting to me and many others simply for 4K/60, MS wants to skip that cause well.. let’s be honest PS5 already won this Gen and will sell more copies of GTA 6 even without a pro console. The other thing at play here is and i am not sure how they will go about this but it could get MS and dev’s away from the Series S before 2028 cause by that time it will be a hurdle no question. So maybe they say cross gen games will work on Series X and Next Xbox and the S is stuck with legacy software and not newly releasing games. Again not sure how to market that better so people aren’t upset. But i think that would allow dev’s to focus on more powerful hardware and get out better performing games. However the thing at play here is Sony could hold off and release later and have much better spec’s. But i don’t think MS cares as much about that as they do getting more hardware out that gamers get GP for. Things are about to heat up after 2024 cause there is the Pro at the end of the year, and this little thing called a Switch 2 that is now being rumored to have Series S in power. Things are starting to move quick and leaks have been largely on point as of late.
@themightyant Oh yeah it's definitely a risk, I'm hoping some cloud processing or something might give it an edge over a newer bit of tech.
Just feels like unless something seriously changes in the next few years Xbox really needs to do something different next gen to have any chance - if they released the same Christmas as the PS6 and Sony had no stock issues I suspect it might be a truly horrific start, as Sony now seems to have the cultural cachet of someone like Apple, a kind of aspirational brand annoyingly.
The current price cuts for Xbox in the run up to Christmas may help, now Sony only has Slims it doesn't want to discount, after selling a ton of the old stock (which admittedly will likely have tilted the balance even further than a good Christmas can help)...
Im in for mid gen machines if they run higher frame rate and with some rt functions.
Id need to know MS will have software to take advantage, as I tend to play 3rd parties on ps5.... so Id be relying on 1st party software to get best use.
Shrugs. I’m good. This gen has been underwhelming. I don’t need a new plastic box, I need compelling games.
Unless Nintendo comes out with new hardware (due to age) my next purchase will be PC components.
Mark my word, Sony will bundle GTA6 with the upcoming PS5 Pro. Sony wants to sell it as hotcakes and the best way to do it is to offer the only solution in the market to play GTA6 at full 4K/60 FPS with RT (Thanks to the new hardware proprietary DLSS like solution Jeff Grubb has referred to).
Especially that PC version will release years later.
@Ocat I don't think I would buy a PS5 Pro for that reason. A mid-gen upgrade feels unnecessary to me, and I would rather they invest into making a next-generation hardware.
A console that can runs GTA VI at 4K60 vs 4K30 of the regular is a huge leap, and in the same gen this can be a problem.
Xbox One X had the same processor than Xbox One, but with a better GPU.
Series S has the same CPU power than Series X, but with less ram and a more simple GPU, so its manageable, and Series X doesn't suffer because of the S.
But if a new Xbox pro, let's say, upgraded to a Zen3 Architecture processor and a GPU way more powerful, the distance between the Pro and the Regular consoles would be difficult for devs to handle.
That means it would be either too expensive (and/or time consuming) for devs to upgrade games to the Pro version, or new games that use all power of the Pro machines would run poorly on regular models or have a massive downgrade to run properly.
If it is going to be a massive upgrade it is better to just release a new gen.
I will buy a PS5 pro. I never owned a PlayStation 3, 4 or 5. My last one was the PS2! So it'll be kind of cool working through all the stuff I missed. 2023 is the year I lost confidence in MS. But I have the series X which will see me through any rabbits MS manage to pull out of their hat. Few and far between these days! But that's just where we are.
There is more than GTA 6.....
XBox "won" allready this generation for me because of their controller. I have a PS5 also but I don't like the plastic fantastic controller.
@Widey85 my view is Microsoft is offering something different with Game Pass and just needs to keep doing what they are doing. It isn’t going to change overnight, or suddenly next gen, but if they keep plugging away they are well positioned to gain ground over time. Especially when cloud becomes a reality for the on-enthusiast masses. Right now there isn’t enough consistency or servers (look at queues for Starfield) for cloud to be big time, to enable anyone who doesn’t want to spend £300 - £500 on a box
As for Sony and cultural cachet, this hasn’t happened overnight or by accident. It’s by bringing out great games and consoles over a LONG period of time consistently. Microsoft has to do the same and is still rebuilding reputation their since XBox One. It will come, but it will take time, but everybody wants it yesterday, or tomorrow
You need to watch a video on Digital Foundry.
About GTA 6 and PS5 Pro.
Basically for you.
Current GTA 6 trailer if running with all that detail on PS5 is actually at 1440p 30K.
So not even native 4K and far from it.
Taking current PS5 Pro spec is gives about a 33% yield over the standard PS5.
Basically there of the PS5 Pro getting anywhere near native 4K 60fps with GTA 6.
It’s pure internet and fanboy hype.
But Sony being the masters of hype and marketing will somehow get everyone’s brain thinking that way.
For me, at least we are getting some hype and rumours about a next Xbox console.
This gives people hope and future for more Xbox consoles to come and that is what is needed right now.
@BoiAster They've already lost it.
"this is all rumour and heresy"
Sounds like you're taking this way too seriously!
@MrMagic Point I was trying to make is that I'd probably buy/upgrade my PC to play 3rd Party Multi-platform releases at 'PC like' Visual Quality and Performance.
GTA6 may come out 'later' on PC but I would make do with Series X or PS5. Besides the fact that games like Perfect Dark, Hellblade 2, Fable etc etc as well as ALL the other 3rd Party Multi-platform release would 'benefit' from investing more into the PC, than buying a mid-gen upgrade. Even games like Cyberpunk, an 'old' game now would automatically be 'enhanced' on PC with an 'upgrade' - no guarantee they'll 'patch' in some pro enhancements in a year or more.
Not only that, there is NO guarantee Sony's PS5 Pro will offer a '4k/60' option - it may still be a 30fps. It may have 'frame generation', but that's like 'motion blur', a 'visual' option to smooth out motion by 'faking' the look of higher frame rates.
Time will tell of course, but I wouldn't buy a mid season upgrade for a 'handful' of games that I can't play elsewhere at 'better' Quality. I am not a fan of GTA anyway - so I certainly wouldn't buy a Console just to play GTA
Always felt - and still do - that mid gen refresh consoles are absolute, unnecessary, incredible waste of time and money.
Much better off using all those resources to simply make the next gen console better and more advanced. It's bad enough Microsoft have two consoles with a lower end, budget, cash grab version, holding back the vastly superior version console.
Please stop with mid gen consoles. I'm a console gamer. Not a PC gamer.
We don't enjoy or embrace generations anymore. All we ever do is look forward to the next piece of hardware then complain about it when it gets here. Lather, rinse, repeat.
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