So, this is an interesting one! Shortly after the launch of Red Dead Redemption on PlayStation platforms, Rockstar has sneakily added a 60FPS option for PS5 users. Yep, as of version 1.03, PS5 owners playing through PS4 backwards compatibility can enjoy Red Dead at 60FPS - marking the very first time that this game has been seen running above 30FPS in an official capacity.
This morning's patch seemed to come out of nowhere, with Rockstar then confirming the new frame rate option in a follow-up tweet.
This whole ordeal leaves us with one question of course, what about Xbox?! Microsoft's platform never received the new Red Dead Redemption port due to Xbox 360 backwards compatibility, but that version is limited to 30FPS even on Xbox Series X|S.
Microsoft could look at using its FPS Boost method to get RDR running at 60FPS, but given that we haven't seen a new FPS boost title in months, that seems unlikely. Rockstar could also give us the new port as an Xbox One title — with Series X|S support — but that seems far fetched as well given we missed out on the launch back in August.
Either way, we're now feeling a bit left out to be quite honest, and we'd love to see a 60FPS solution for Red Dead Redemption on Xbox in the future. Microsoft, Rockstar - where's our 60FPS option?!
What do you think to this Red Dead 60FPS news? Tell us your thoughts down below.
Comments 29
Would love to see a 60fps RDR patch for Series consoles, and for RDR2 also.
At least Xbox owners didn't have to buy a 10 year old game for $50. Still I hope 60 FPS comes eventually.
I’d be kinda surprised if it doesn’t come within the next month or so. They could’ve just been working on both and prioritized the PS5 version cause money.
Maybe Rockstar see Xbox gaming as niche when compared to the instal base of the PlayStation... 😜
I'm gonna have to buy this as soon as its cheaper now. I preferred this to the RDR2 (controversial I know), so I'm well up for playing this @60hz!
No reason this wouldn't work on series consoles, so I expect to see it!
Keep in mind this is the new "remaster" version.
We best get this patch. I’ve been waiting for both game to get 60fps. It’s not the PS4 version that gets it, it’s only the PS5. So this may only be for us series X users. I will be playing that day 1 when it patches. I have a PS5 but am not playing it for 3rd party games cause the controller sucks for me.
It's almost certain Microsoft tried RDR already means either
Hopefully it was the second, and they might now relent... and/or release the remaster on Xbox
It's funny that when the port came out, you were singing from the rooftops that Xbox didn't need it due to backwards compatibility and now you feel left out. 😂
Either way, they should have just released it on all platforms. Better yet, for all the money Rockstar made from it, they could have remastered the thing.
It's a pretty widely known fact amongst fans that the original game was complete spaghetti (or if you prefer, spaghetti western) code — it's practically held together by duct tape and glue, and the smallest tinkering could make the entire thing collapse. Some on the dev team were even shocked that it runs the way it does.
It's a minor miracle that it's on the backward compatibility list at all, but I don't think Rockstar is going to invest the time, money, and energy into trying to achieve 60FPS on a 10-year-old fragile game that you'd as a free update --- especially when they can sell you the $60 remaster instead. This is 2K, after all.
I'd expect the remaster to come to Xbox long before the backward-compatible title gets updated.
@CrimsonRidley I was about to comment this exact same thing lol. That's why some times it's best to shut up.
@themightyant even if they relented the FPS boost program has been halted.
I really don’t see the Xbox version getting patched. In fact, it feels like the PS5 version getting patched was an oops moment. I guess I’ll be pleasantly surprised if it happens but I don’t see it.
I don't see it happening. The version on Xbox is still the last gen version.
The PS5 version with 60fps is the re-release that is current gen native.
@Titntin it often goes on sale on Xbox for $10 or less.
Playstation owners have to pay $50 just to play RDR on their PS5, so go ahead and give them their 60 fps. Lol. I'll keep my very old version and play it on my Series X for $0.
@HonestHick Thanks dude. I usually dont play 3rd parties on xbox for the same reasons you dont play them on ps5. In this case im tempted into the newer ps4 release by 60hz, so it would be pointless buying the original on xbox which is not 60hz.
Once its on sale for £20, ill pick it up. I cant moan I have nothing to play in the meantime! 😁
@EvenStephen7 I'd posit that MOST games are made of spaghetti code and held together by duct tape, glue... and hope. MANY developers have talked about this in the past. When you work on a development project for many years this is almost inevitable whether you are a solo developer or a massive team.
@CrimsonRidley 100% agree it should always have been released on all platforms. Choice is always good.
@mousieone True the program has been halted. But I'd assume for a game as popular as RDR, and in this unique position where the competitor gets a boost, IF the work had already been done and the only thing holding it back was Rockstar's OK then they might make an exception.
@Titntin i am sure the update will come to the Xbox, but since it’s only $30 dollars and the PS4 and Switch is $50, they may make us wait to make it seem like a better value. But yes i understand playing games on the controller you prefer. This is something i consistently mention. Console wars are lame but having an issue with a controller is understandable. I wish Sony would make two controller for the PS6. But i am not holding my breathe haha
@Sifi That's the thing though, as Phil Spencer himself said, MS would need to massively outbid Sony for exclusivity to cover the losses for potential sales on a platform with a much higher install base. To the point where it would possibly end up costing them more than they would get back in return.
@kezelpaso and @fraserg
You've been mentioned and linked to on IGN!
Though I'm not sure if this is a fan site, I'd always considered it to be a gaming news website. A much better one than IGN, at that!
@ralphdibny Thank u for your kind words - we do our best! 🙏
I completed this game like 11 years ago. Too many new games to replay old stuff right now. Not too worried about this.
@HonestHick Thanks mate. Its not just controller though, the updated version has better aliasing and image stability through using amsr 2. Its hardly night and day, but I spent 2 decades looking at game output quality and so im a little more sensitive to these things than most. Certainly not worth £40, but I'll pick it up once its on sale 👍
@EvenStephen7 Love your description of spaghetti code! I worked on a version of the fifa engine for 'premiership all stars 2' for EA once they abandoned Dungeon Keeper 3, and that code sucked. It had code for the megadrive still in it, but it wouldn't work if you removed the megadrive specific code! I had to go through five exports just to get animation code working. Hideous.
I stole the best talent I could and went and formed a new studio rather than work on footie games...
@Titntin yeah it’s my favorite gaming franchise along with Diablo so i would like to see it side by side as i am sure what you said is to be true also. I am sure to a trained eye it looks a touch cleaner. Which i mean in all honesty it should for what they asked for it and the console it is on vs the 360. If it was cheap enough on a digital sale on PSN i might snag it, then complain Sony’s controller gives me pain in my wrist and thumbs haha. Really wish that wasn’t the case, but i am far from alone. There is huge online groups of big PS fans that dislike the shape and layout of the dual sense. I was surprised to see just how many. Well in closing friend we really need Rockstar to do a RDR2 update and make sure it’s done right. That game is a masterpiece minus the tech it’s on. Update it to its fullest and I would buy it all over again.
@HonestHick You dont need to take my word for it, though im hounered you respect the viewpoint. DF did a pretty decent breakdown on release and im sure they would note it too.
As for controllers its personal preference of course and there are many who feel dualsense is best in buisness, and people like my wife who simply dont want to use an xbox controller. In her case its because the raised left thumb stick means she has to rotate her hand to use it from the side and therefore her left and right movement is diagonal on xbox. I can use both for all day sessions, i just dont like the noisy clicky feel of one, and the lack of subtlety on rumble. Oh and the dpad. I cant use it acurately.
Shame both units are not feature compatable so we could take our faves with us to all consoles eh? Sill, its time to jump back into starfield. Ive only put 60 hiurs in and thats just not right!
@Titntin dang you got 60 already into SF? Nice work. I need to get it still when i need a small break from Diablo 4 which i am closing in on 500 hours. Yeah thats a good take, my wife don’t game much, but she likes racing games and say’s her thumbs that low on the sticks on DS make her feel like she is reaching for the triggers and it hurts her hand. So she likes Forza on Xbox every now and again. Not to often. I just think it’s odd some gamers don’t mention that the layout for PS controllers is designed for 2D gaming and not 3D. Off set sticks are designed with 3D gaming in mind. I agree i don’t love the D-pad on Xbox, might be my only area of the controller i could say i would for sure change. I will have to swing over to DF to see that comparison. I owe it to myself to see it considering i am a Red Dead super fan. Thanks for the reminder and enjoy SF. I will get there maybe after season 2 of Diablo 4. I’ll need a small break by then i would think…. Maybe hahaha
@Sifi reverse not possible. 3rd party game sell 70% on Playstation. Microsoft be forced to cover the Playstation sales plus few million for the deal. They signing up to lose money with only 30% sales coming back. Playstation however only have 30% loss sales to cover.
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