We're now fast approaching the release of Alan Wake 2 for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S in late October, and ahead of the launch, Remedy Communications Director Thomas Puha has been speaking with IGN about what to expect from the game's 60FPS performance mode, as well as the limitations posed by the Series S specifically.
In regards to the Series S, Puha explained there are two main challenges that the console serves up during development in the form of the lower GPU and memory compared to the Xbox Series X. Here's a bit of what he had to say:

"Choosing my words carefully here... we like Xbox, we like Sony."
"With Series S, the CPU is pretty much the same as on Series X, there's not a massive difference. But the GPU is an issue, it really is. And then, having less memory is a pretty big problem. And we often get, 'hey, you make PC games, surely you know how to scale?'. Well, memory is not a problem on PC, it really isn't..."
Puha went on to highlight that it's a lot easier to scale for PC (partly because the team is so experienced at it), but Remedy has nevertheless put in a huge amount of effort into ensuring that Alan Wake 2 will run well on Xbox Series S:
"Obviously there's a massive difference in power [between Xbox Series X and Series S], so it's a lot easier to scale on the PC because of memory - and it's not like there's one super PC and one weaker PC, there's like 300 PC configurations in-between, and trust me, that's a massive struggle but we've shipped a lot of PC [games] so we're a bit better about that."
"We've really worked hard on getting Series S to run at a solid 30FPS and trying to maintain a good visual quality, but if you want to see the game at its best in full next-gen form then it's going to be on the machines that have the hardware to enable that."
To be honest, none of this comes as much of a surprise to us. We've long known that the GPU and memory in the Series S aren't as capable as the Series X, and ultimately a "next-gen" console that's as cheap as the Series S has to have a few trade-offs somewhere! Despite this, it's great to hear that Alan Wake 2 should be a "solid" experience on the console.
Elsewhere in the interview, Puha talked about the 60FPS performance mode for Alan Wake 2 on Xbox Series X and why he's super impressed by it (but still prefers playing at 30FPS), along with various other topics.
You can check out the full discussion in the video above, but we've timestamped it to begin at the Series S part. Enjoy!
What are your thoughts on this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 26
Hardly surprising. Having a few trade-offs to get the Series S cheaper is the whole point of it, and the cheaper price is why it has sold so well. Many big gaming fans care about the specs, but a lot of people (myself included) couldn't care less as long as the game is actually playable.
I've always thought the memory was the biggest issue with the Series S. When the specs were originally unveiled for the Series consoles, the small amount of memory they gave the S compared to the X boggled my mind. I just didn't get it. It could've done with another couple of gigabytes, at the very least. That being said, my Series S is in the back room as a backup console, just in case something goes wrong with my X. It's still a great wee console for the price though.
Sounds like I should be doing my part and buying a copy for my series S
To be honest the series s for the price is good can't complain the best option is a series x and always will be though
It doesn’t matter at this stage console wise Xbox is stuck where it is and won’t really progress past the Xbox one days.
There most recent two big titles, Starfield and Forza from in house studios are good games but haven’t set the brand a light like a GOWR and TOTK and that disappoints me.
@BrilliantBill In his defence IGN posed the question about Series S to him rather than as a dev using a platform to moan about it. He had to answer it.
More a case of journos asking it on purpose to put the answer back out for clicks.
@BrilliantBill A lot of the time these comments are being made in response to questions they have been asked about a specific subject. He was asked his opinion on the series S and he just gave an honest response.
His answer is interesting as it deals with the common response about the comparison with scaling for PC and how it isn't as easy in this case.
Three Years of gaming with an 250 bucks console, is for me a blast.
Yeah there are some games struggling, but that is not my problem
@OldGamer999 that's spot on starfield is good but it's not in the same league as them exclusives I think Microsofts exclusives really aren't all that good at all
Not at all surprising.
When you take in account as well the anemic amount and slow memory it has, which is shared as system RAM and video RAM, it all adds up to something of an issue.
Going to be very interesting to see where the S is sitting in another year or two especially when a flagship game like Starfield is running at 900p on it already. Same resolution we were seeing the original Xbox One run most games.
All the way back to the reveal of the Series S my one complaint was always the smaller memory size, that said I don’t buy the “it’s not a problem on PC”.
Sure, you can demand X amount of ram for your game to run at all as a minimum requirement, but it’s not easy to control how much of that ram is hugged by OS, services and other running apps. And honestly, just changing texture quality settings tends to have a big impact on how much memory the game requires.
Again: complained about to the day it was revealed, but don’t buy that it’s not an issue on some system configurations.
I can for sure understand that but there is always a console with an issue in every generation and developers have to code to it. The only way this becomes a non-issue is if everyone uses the same hardware for everything.
I like that MS provided a lower cost next gen console. They tried something new here and I think it is good. Next gen they need to do better but this gen is this gen and developers have to live with the hardware that is out there. People need to stop crying over the spilled milk and move forward.
The alternative would be to skip XB but obviously they think there is a significant fan base there, so suck it up and make the game work on the hardware rather than whining about something that cannot be changed.
Good game Starfield and Forza played both but obviously not that long on Forza.
Know who would have thought turn 10 wouldn’t have released a super top the charts stunner all round.
It’s the way Xbox and their studios are going I think.
Looking forward to seeing how spider man 2 and Mario Wonder in a couple of weeks do.
I get the challenges with Series S, but then again that should be no issue for any developer capable of releasing a game on PC, where you have to make your games accessable to a wide variety of specs, often times lower than ideal.
As for the Series S, I have heard too many people in markets like Brazil praising it's relative affordability to say anything negative about it. I think it's good for the industry to have a decent low-priced offering.
1080p 30fps is fine with me i just want to play the game
@Kaloudz I can definitely see them doing it again as the Series S has been a hit all round. It's cheap making it the best selling Series console. It's contributed to growth in many poorer regions & also helped in Asia. It has attracted new users to the Xbox platform. I'd suspect Microsoft will take the criticism that devs have provided to them & improve on it.
Aye. Richard Leadbetter of Digital Foundry said a long time ago that he was concerned about the lack of memory in the Series S. It can be a challenge for developers, but the Series S does remain a great value for consumers.
For me it’s because they have to develop for so many platforms. Series x, series s, PC with its unbelievable amount of different forms and of course anything to do with cloud.
The reason Sony and Nintendo get their respective consoles to buzz is because they are developing for only one platform PS5 or Switch.
And no one can say that doesn’t make the job so much easier and focused, which in turns creates some amazing AAA results on those platforms.
I don’t blame Xbox in house developers it’s Microsoft that’s has gone this way not the developers.
@OldGamer999 To be clear right away i love Starfield and its easily in my top 5 games this year. I'm amazed at how forgotten the game feels all ready, like as soon as 2.0 dropped for CP2077 all the remaining hype for SF just went and i feel it really shows how little people care for Xbox, Spider-Man 2 is coming soon and it already it feels like the most hyped game since TotK to the point i'm already seeing ads on normal bog standard TV something you rarely see for VG's that aren't Fifa or Zelda/Mario. I think between MS's utter indifference to exclusives and Gamepass making gaming feel like Netflix the hype for Starfield couldn't last beyond a week or two. End of the day like Sony or not but they make games like God of War, Horizon and Spider-Man feel like actual gaming events you must be part off, they market the hell out of them and they keep that hype rolling after, is Starfield going to sell Xbox's this Xmas? Sadly no but SM2 will be making the PS5 to console to own this Xmas. I'm not being anti-Xbox here and i wish things were more equal but i really think the current course for Xbox isn't working, if Starfield barely makes a dent what hope does anything else have?
Unfortunately it’s the way Microsoft are with Xbox and the route they have gone down.
I’ve seen spider man 2 and Mario Wonder getting hyped and adverts on UK main stream TV and both have events coming up as well in the USA, Xbox home territory.
Both have undertaken big console promotions this year reducing console prices or special bundles.
Xbox series x is currently the most expensive console, you can buy a PS5 disc with FC24 for £410 right this minute.
If Xbox doesn’t change it will fade and die console wise and I think we will see the games on PS5 or PS6 or Switch 2 actually made for them not cloud based. Cloud is going nowhere for ages yet.
Maybe they will retract back into the PC market only.
I believe game pass subscriptions are drying up as well and stagnant.
The only hope is buying up big studios, but the Bethesda purchase has done nothing for them and the same with Redfall and Starfield.
I think when they get Activision they will start an internal plan to expand to other consoles not gamepass but like a third party developer.
If Microsoft stay as they are with Xbox they are and will slowly kill the brand off and what is left of it.
@OldGamer999 Yeah i've been thinking for a while that MS may go 3rd party like Sega while keeping Xbox as an actual Gamepass machine instead of a proper console. End of the day they're never getting a bigger game then Starfield until ES6 drops in 10 years time and like you said it didn't really do anything for Xbox, sure it increased console sales for like a week but as i said as soon as CP2077 2.0 update dropped everyone stopped talking and caring about the supposed biggest release this year that isn't called Zelda, hell even Baldur's Gate 3 stole Starfield's thunder. Personally i feel Phil's on borrowed time, his legacy may look very "pro-consumer" but i don't think its done much for Xbox and the likes of Gamepass and BC while great haven't really sold Xbox in the way a big 1st party PS game sells PS4/PS5's or Zelda and Mario sell Switch's. I hope things change but Xbox's fate was ultimately set in the stone with the X1 reveal/E3, they never really recovered from that and it tainted Xbox's image beyond repair.
Yes I didn’t mention Phil but I think he is just doing what the higher ups want, if the higher ups changed strategy then Phil would have to.
Also the series x with its 12tflop really has not shined but it’s the architecture behind it that makes it not shine, split memory pool and slow ssd and probably the way say Starfield was programmed by Bethesda having to cater for series s, PC and cloud as well doesn’t help the developer.
I can’t believe how Microsoft have messed up Xbox from the glory 360 days of the AAA greats to this current day.
I think they thought game pass would be king but both Sony and Nintendo are really showing them it’s about amazing AAA games, advertising, momentum and generating public enthusiasm for the product and brand name that’s wins hands down.
@NintendoByNature Sorry
What dose anyone expect the next gen was ment to be the serise x and I think it was kinda a mistake bringing the series s out to as you just stoped the serise x growth as people buy the series s thinking it's good enuff it rely isent at lest it's not as bad as the people that expect these games to run on a decade old hardware that just makes me Face palm lol
@Kaloudz definitely. I suspect the main reason the GPU & Ram took such a hit is due the cost of the SSD in both Series models. Hopefully that cost should be cheaper by the time the next console releases.
So I suspect if that's the case the lower model would have the same processor like the S does today but will include a similar specced GPU but with lower RAM & SSD.
Chip shortages due to lack of materials as a result of wars abroad. Covid didn't help manufacturing & supply chains again pushing up prices. But prices are dropping now though. Microsoft & Sony using SSD this gen definitely pushed the prices of there consoles but slowly prices will drop the more the tech is adopted.
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