It's been a long time coming, but Atomic Heart is almost here for Xbox Game Pass players. While the title is already live on Xbox in certain regions, its official release date is set at February 21st, 2023.
The reviews are now starting to come in, so here's a quick roundup of what the critics are saying so far!
Pure Xbox (7/10)
"The game's premise remains intriguing throughout, and its main missions provide some great combat scenarios to get stuck into, especially when it comes to using powers and the skill tree system to create character builds. Yet, the game's overworld is largely skippable which is a huge bummer, and its main storyline does little to enhance the incredibly interesting world Mundfish has created.
Atomic Heart is well worth a play for the immersive FPS fanatics out there, but it's wise to temper your expectations when names like BioShock and DOOM are being thrown around in comparison. Atomic Heart is a solid alternate-history shooter, but it takes a bit more than building an intriguing world to become a true great in the genre."
GamingTrend (9.5/10)
"2023 has already been strong with Game of the Year contenders, and Atomic Heart is another one of them. It lives up to all of the hype and all of its promises; an amazing debut game for Mundfish. Nailing down a few things Atomic Heart is phenomenal at is nearly impossible because it’s extraordinary in all of them. This isn’t just my favorite game of this year, it might be one of my favorites of the decade."
Shacknews (9/10)
"Atomic Heart is undoubtedly one of the best first-person shooter campaigns I’ve played in years. In addition to rock-solid gameplay, the game offers an intriguing mystery and a robust upgrade system. It’s even more impressive when you remember that this is the first game from Developer Mundfish. Outside of controversial themes and a lack of enemy variety, it’s hard to point out any glaring issues with Atomic Heart."
IGN (8/10)
"Atomic Heart is a deeply ambitious, highly imaginative, and consistently impressive atompunk-inspired attempt at picking up where the likes of BioShock left off – something it’s done with a lot of success. It certainly makes missteps, chiefly with an irritating leading man and a self-indulgent habit of using the same tired tropes it tries to make fun of, but this stern, superpowered, and stringently solo shooter has worked its way under my skin despite these flaws. Atomic Heart didn’t always blow me away, but it definitely has the ticker to punch well above its weight."
PCGamesN (8/10)
"A story-led shooter that's heaving with ideas and boasts a distinct sci-fi setting in its doomed USSR. There are cringeworthy moments and occasional design missteps, but the way your abilities and the enemy ecosystem combine is a constant thrill."
GameReactor (7/10)
"There really is a lot to love about this game. The graphics are about as "next-gen" as you can get, the world is marvellous, the audio and soundtrack is top quality, and the narrative is thoroughly interesting and engaging. If it wasn't for its clunky and overcomplicated nature, Atomic Heart would probably be one of the year's best games."
Push Square (6/10)
"This mashup of shooter, stealth, and RPG wears its influences proudly but rarely matches them. Its alt-history setting is interesting and there are plenty of ways to approach the robot-killing, but these elements are at odds with messy storytelling and characterisation."
GameSpot (6/10)
"There are quite a few parts of Atomic Heart that just don't neatly fit together, and those disparities create an experience that often feels at odds with itself. That disparity is most evident in how the history of the world in Atomic Heart is interesting and sets up an intriguing conversation about the nature of free will and collectivism, but then the unlikable protagonist repeatedly prevents that topic from being explored. Atomic Heart is certainly going to appeal to some people, especially those looking to relive BioShock Infinite, but it's not an easy recommendation."
GamesRadar (5/10)
"Atomic Heart has a lot of big ideas, but it doesn't do a good enough job with the basics. With an incomprehensible storyline, weightless combat, and frustrating first-person platforming, Atomic Heart is left to stand in the shadow of the video games that so clearly inspired it."
Twinfinite (4/10)
"Despite what is a promising combat formula as well as the supporting systems behind it when it comes to skills, crafting, and upgrades, there are also several equally frustrating aspects of it that hold the game back. The hope is that Mundfish is able to fix some of the more glaring issues post-launch, but right now, it feels less like a welcomed revolution and more like a nuclear disaster."
There's definitely a broad range of scores going for Atomic Heart, then! Right now, the game sits at a solid 76 on Metacritic at the time of writing, which puts the Pure Xbox review pretty close to the overall average.
If you're thinking of diving in yourself soon, check out our Xbox Game Pass release guide down below!
Are you giving this one a go when it launches on Game Pass? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 29
Very mixed bag here! Good thing with GP is that I can try it with zero worries
The dreaded “mixed reviews” scenario. At least we can try it out for “free” on GamePass.
@Sebatrox you are probably the last person on earth who cares about ign reviews
Looks to me like another Game Pass day one crap fest. I long for the day when there is a shooter on GP that is a GOTY contender.
This is where GamePass comes into its own; seems like a 50/50 as to whether you'll get on with it, but easy to give it a whirl if it's thrown in with the sub
@Romans12 I admit their day one drops have tended to be a little underwhelming of late (Hi-fi Rush aside), but in a way I feel that's where GP shows its strength- giving you a free (well, price of sub) chance to give games like this a go
@Romans12 it's a really high hurdle to just find a "shooter GOTY contender", let alone on GP.
Wow, its really all over the board
Add +1 to the PS score because it’s not exclusive and is on Gamepass.
Skim reading a few reviews this seems like a very mixed bag. There are some really good elements that most like, but some things that drag it down for some. Ultimately you will need to play it yourself to find out where it sits for you, which is the beauty of Game Pass!
@Romans12 So now every game debuting on Game Pass should be a GOTY contender to be worth giving it a try?
It’s ridiculous we have gotten to this point where apparently if a game isn’t a 9 or 10 in most media outlets it’s automatically sh*t, a 7/10 is still good game albeit with some issues but some people act as if having a 75 in Metacritic makes the game basically unplayable…
People say this is where game pass comes into its own.
So we now pay for a subscription service to try half arsed decent games.
What is the gaming world coming to, along with games released to early needed multiple patches etc, that’s to all developers.
@Romans12 you clearly didn't read GamingTrend's review then lol! "2023 has already been strong with Game of the Year contenders, and Atomic Heart is another one of them."
There wasn't even a shooter nominated for Game of the Year this last year. The year before's Game of the Year (Deathloop) is on Game Pass.
@Dezzy70 I don’t think Atomic Heart is a half arsed game, it just hasn’t quite hit the mark of greatness looking at scores. I’m gonna try it. What’s the alternative? Pay full price for a game like HFW which is super polished, unoriginal and still needed multiple patches on release but somehow scores 9-10/10 in most places.
@Sebatrox everyone else is just there for the lulz. I should know, I'm one of them.
@Kaloudz He was kinda annoying (I mentioned how often he shouts CRISPY CRITTERS for whatever reason 😄)
A lot of other reviewers seem to have been more annoyed by him though, I just began ignoring his quips I think. He's just your average gruff dude protagonist to me, not helped by the English voice acting...
Not suggesting any alternative.
It’s whatever takes each gamers fancy really.
I did mention that about multiple patches being a typical gaming issue now a days.
Shame how it’s all a bit like that now.
Ah its good to see that the Sony paid media (Push Square, GameSpot & GamesRadar) hold it low. xD
This is the first “expected” good/great games of 2023. The reviews are favorable- let’s go!
@Kaloudz Enjoy!
Well any game that gives off a bioshock or stalker vibe will at least have to be tried out by me lol
@IOI 100% right. And some of the 7/10 games are personal 9/10s
@Kaloudz with the amount of games now for many 7 is becoming the new 5. They just dont have time. Most other 'big' games pass releases this year have been 8/9s. Of course you have to factor in user preference etc also.
I will once again make my own mind up guilt free because of gamepass. Gaming reviews are an unreliable metric in my opinion.
Gaming Trend 9.5/10
Twinfinite 4/10
Sorry but what is going on here? We need to bring back scoring from back in the day which marked graphics, sound, gameplay and stuff separately. All we get now is an opinion piece on how the story's are bad or not to a reviewers taste rather that a true reflection of the game itself. From reading those snippets I think the story is gash but the rest of the game is decent to good. And outside of mass effect and final fantasy, who gives a monkeys if the story is crap? Let's be honest for every walking dead (love you clem and lee) we get 500 weaker stories and some games with none at all. Is the story of Forza Horizon believable... no 2/10. See, absolute idiocy.
Quite a spread of reviews but overall very positive. Looking forward to giving it a go.
There doesn’t need to be a consensus among reviews for anything, they’re just opinions after all. Ignore the scores, read the reviews, form your own opinion.
I played Atomic Heart for about two hours. It felt like alot of effort was put into the development of the game, but the controls ultimately felt broken. Like, getting from point A to B felt very difficulty, especially in some areas where climbing is involved. I had to stop playing. A valiant effort, but definitely falls short of greatness.
I only really care about 2 reviewers these days. ACG loved it, Skillup was very negative on it. This is really a fascinating one and I cant wait to try it.
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