We've seen Halo stuff come to Sea Of Thieves before with themed pirate ship sails, but Rare is going even deeper this week with another big crossover. As part of a new 'Pirate Emporium' update, a bunch of Halo-themed gear is coming to this Xbox seafaring adventure.
Yep, the gaming crossovers just keep on coming don't they? You'll be able to access the 'Infinite Depths Collection' within the Sea of Thieves in-game shop starting today, February 16th. The lineup includes items such as an Energy Sword weapon cosmetic, Master Chief-themed outfits, and this cute lil' Cortana chest. Look at this thing!

When SoT launched almost five years ago, we never expected to see Halo Energy Swords out at sea, but here we are! Rare continues to surprise us with its support for Sea of Thieves as we head into year five - we're expecting more even surprises to come!
Will you be booting the game up to grab some Halo gear? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 8
It’s all very silly and I love it. Halo & Sea of Thieves are my two most played titles on my XSX.
I doubt I’ll get any of this though. My wife had been eying up the energy sword though.
What I’m most looking forward to is the free pancake day emote. Free pirate emporium emotes are always welcome. Secondly the Gold Hoarders bank opened up in New Golden Sands/Port Merrick. I doubt it does anything just yet but it could be a launching point in the future when we get “guilds”.
If only 343 cared as much as Rare about Halo lol
@Kilamanjaro if the leaks for Infinite season 3 and 4 are true we might find out they actually do care quite a bit.
I wish Rare would make a Halo spin-off once. They may not be good at serious FPS, but they could make a groove like the classic Halo campaign that I loved with a sense of humor.
They look pretty fun, but one thing I dislike is when they started releasing "Outfits" rather than individual costume pieces.
In SoT for those who don't play you can choose individual clothing pieces (trousers, jacket, etc.), but there's also "Outfits" that override your clothing, hair, etc. which you can't mix and match. So if you like that Halo hat & mask or the jacket you can't wear it with different boots or trousers. It makes spending real cash less desirable as you can't be as unique as you'd like.
@ParsnipHero I recently hopped into a match that was so buggy it wouldn't end, the score wouldn't tally, instantly spawned tonour deaths, and all the floor was missing. Wrote 343 and then uninstalled the game for my first time since launch. Context: I've put 8+ days of playtime into the game and am a huge fan of the franchise. Just so disappointed in what they've been dping and plus the campaign has been abandoned. I really can't keep giving them chances when there are many great devs out there working harder to beat them & provide high quality experiences more worth my time sad times for Halo die-hards
@Kilamanjaro I'm sorry to hear that. I play most nights since the community playlist launched. I think it revitalized my interest in playing for fun without the need for challenges.
I've put in around a month of in game time since launch and have rarely seen any issues like that since the Winter Update. I remember one game of BTB 6 months ago which almost wouldn't end because one of the zones in Total Control was glitched.
It's not good enough if the game works well for some and not all tbh.
@ParsnipHero yeah I really like the gameplay but so many issues all the time. I'll wait a while until S3 comes, might reinstall. I agree the new playlist was awesome
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