Grounded developer Obsidian has detailed the full patch notes for the survival game's 1.1.0 update, which is set to arrive next month on Xbox. For now, the patch is still going through its testing phase, but the team is promising a nice holiday treat for us all.
That treat consists of a bunch of new features and bug fixes, along with the 'Holiday Tree' and 'Holiday Wreath' building recipes, which will enter the in-game Science Shop next month alongside a new 'December Sign Set'.
Here are the full patch notes for Grounded update 1.1.0:
New Features
Additional Row of Backpack Inventory
- The teens have discovered a hidden pocket in their Holding backpacks, providing an additional row of inventory space and allowing you to carry more items while adventuring.
ZIP.R (Go Up Ziplines Upgrade)
- Ascend Ziplines and traverse them more quickly with this ingenious device from Wendell. The ZIP.R utilizes Aphid power and a gear train to overcome the force of gravity.
- The ZIP.R can be found in a new room in the Oak lab that requires the Assistant Manager keycard. Once collected, this new ability is permanently unlocked for all players.
Building / Crafting Quality of Life
Nearby Storage Range Increased
- The "Nearby Storage" range has been doubled from 10 centimeters to 20 centimeters.
Build From Nearby Chests
- Base buildings can be built using ingredients from nearby chests.
Build From Nearby Pallets
- Base buildings can be built using ingredients directly from nearby grass and stem pallets within a 40 centimeter range.
Multiple HotPouch Bars
- The HotPouch now supports 3 sets of favorites that you can swap through while running around the yard. Have more items and gear ready to quickly use or swap out.
Naming Trail Markers
- Trail Markers can have text added to them. The text will be shown anywhere you can see the marker.
Adjust Depth of Field Option
- Players can change the background depth-of-field blur between High, Medium, and Low settings (High is the default).
Wall Mounted Trophies - Mark Foe ability
- Players can "Mark Foe" on any wall mounted bug trophy to give them a 15-minute damage buff against that creature type.
Colored Lights
- All lights that you build can now be customized to any color of the rainbow using new Color and Saturation sliders.
New Content
New Buildings
New Base Buildings
- Mushroom Stairs
- Mushroom Half Stairs
- Grass Half Stairs
- Grass Side Table (acts as storage as well!)
New Vanity Buildings
- 3 Vases
- Koi Scale Chair
- 3 Folding Partitions
- Note: Scale will be adjusted in future Public Test Build update
Additional Stuffed Bug Trophies
- Antlion
- Ladybird
- Black Ox Beetle
- Scarab
- Termite Worker
- Termite Soldier
- Termite King
- Moth
- Tick
- Black Widow
- Black Widowling
- Black Ant Worker
- Black Ant Soldier
- Fire Ant Worker
- Fire Ant Soldier
- Spiderling
- Infected Ladybug
- Infected Larva
- Ladybird Larva
- Roly Poly
- Stink Bug
- Green Shield Bug
- Mantis
Note: Some of the above trophies are missing icons that will be updated in future Public Test Builds
Additional Wall-Mounted Bug Trophies
- Antlion
- Ladybird
- Black Ox Beetle
- Scarab
- Termite Worker
- Termite Soldier
- Termite King
- Moth
- Tick
- Black Widow
- Black Widowling
- Black Ant Worker
- Black Ant Soldier
- Fire Ant Worker
- Fire Ant Soldier
- Water Flea
- Spiny Water Flea
- Spiderling
- Tiger Mosquito
- Infected Ladybug
- Infected Larva
- Ladybird Larva
- Diving Bell Spider
- Water Boatman
- Tadpole
- Roly Poly
- Stink Bug
- Green Shield Bug
- Mantis
Note: Some of the above trophies are missing icons that will be updated in future Public Test Builds
New Trap
- Large Spikes
- Upgraded spike trap that deals double the damage. Made from Ash Cement, Splinters, and Lint Rope.
- Note: this trap is only available in Creative Mode. We will patch in the ability to unlock this receipe in normal games soon.
New Pose
- Added the "Power Up" pose to Armor Dummies and Photo Mode
Other Quality of Life
- Each individual Storage building can be configured as included or excluded from Nearby Hot Deposit.
- Looking at a creature in PEEP.R mode that has already been PEEP'd will show you their card for quick access.
- Broken items will no longer unequip or drop in the world when destroyed. Equipped items that are broken will not appear on your character and you will not gain any of their effects.
- Buildings now give back 100% of their resources when destroyed or recycled by the player.
- Thrown items markers have been adjusted to show at further distances and to always stay on screen to make thrown items easier to find.
- Added a "Respawn at Nearest Field Station" button on the Death screen.
- When a creature that drops raw meat is killed with a spicy weapon, they will drop cooked meat instead of raw meat.
- When a creature that drops raw meat is killed with a salty weapon, they will drop jerky instead of raw meat.
- When sleeping, if your wakeup time was in the middle of the night, you now will wake up in the morning.
- You can now copy options from the customization window (such as lights) and paste them onto other, similar objects.
- Copying a building using the Pick control will copy its customizations to the newly placed buildings.
- Bows and Crossbows can no longer be thrown. The default throw button now brings up the ammo radial when using a bow or crossbow.
Difficulty Adjustments
- Dying now only drops natural resources in the death backpack, in all difficulty modes.
- You no longer drop any crafted items when you die.
- Durability damage on death increased from 5% to 10% in Medium difficulty (still 0% in Mild and 10% in Woah)
- When a player dies in the pond depths, their backpack will be teleported to the top of the pond.
- Dying in the pond from drowning will trigger a survival quest about crafting pond diving gear (if you have not already crafted it).
- Pets are now invincible by default in Mild difficulty.
- Adjusted the outside nighttime lighting to make it easier to see at night.
Other Changes / Tuning
- Audio for combat has been improved (including a new Perfect Block sound).
- Charged Attacks
- Damage of all charged attacks increased.
- New animations for all charged attacks will better communicate when an attack is charging
- Blocking
- You can now block with bows and crossbows.
- Damage reduction provided by non-perfect blocks increased from 50% to 75%.
- Blocking an attack will now consume stamina when blocking with anything instead of only when blocking with a shield.
- Stamina regen rate is now increased by 25% while blocking instead of being decreased by 25%.
- Stinkbugs can now jump.
- The summon from the Mantsterious Stranger mutation no longer does friendly fire damage.
Weapon Mutations have been reworked from random procs to guaranteed bonuses. Additionally, each one grants a "mastery bonus" for hitting level 3 with that mutation.
- Dagger
- 5/10/15% chance to apply bleed on hit.
- Bleed for 100 damage over 10 seconds at all levels
- 100% chance to apply bleed on every hit (non-stacking, but it reapplies and resets the duration)
- Bleed for 30/50/75 damage over 5 seconds
- Mastery Bonus: dagger hits reduce target's bleed resist by 25%
- Axe
- 5/8/10% chance to stagger an enemy on hit
- 100% chance to reduce an enemy's physical damage resistances (chopping, bashing, slashing, and stabbing) on hit
- Damage Resist reduction scales up based on level of mutation to 10/15/20%
- Mastery Bonus: Attacking with an axe applies a buff to the player that removes their non-exhausted stamina regen delay
- Hammer
- 15/25/30% chance to slow enemy attack speed by 20%
- 100% chance to slow enemy attack speed by 10/20/30%
- Mastery Bonus: Hammers apply 50% more stun damage on all of their attacks
- Spear
- 15/25/30% chance to lower enemy enemy damage resist by 20%
- Thrown damage with spears increased by 10/20/30%
- Thrown damage with spears increased by 10/20/30%
- Attacking with a spear gives you a temporary buff that reflects 50/75/100% damage back to the enemy
- Mastery Bonus: Charge attacks with spears deal 30% more damage
- Sword
- 5/10/15% chance to lower stamina consumption for weapon swings by 20%
- Hitting a creature with a sword lowers their attack damage by 10/20/30%
- Mastery Bonus: Hitting an enemy with a sword gives you a temporary buff that lowers your exhaustion timer by 90%
- Club
- 15/20/25% chance to enter Rage in combat
- Rage increases damage by 20% at all levels
- Rage prevents perfect block
- 100% chance to enter Rage when hitting a creature with a club
- Rage increases club damage by 15/20/25%
- Rage prevents perfect block
- Mastery Bonus: Regenerate 1 HP per second while in rage (scales with healing received buffs)
- Staff
- 5/15/25% chance to proc an extra elemental effect based on the staff type
- Spicy adds a burn effect for 50 damage over 5 seconds
- Fresh adds a 30% movement slow for 5 seconds
- Sour adds 10 additional stun damage
- Adds the appropriate elemental effect to staff attacks 100% of the time
- Spicy adds a burn effect for 25/50/75
- Fresh adds a movement slow of 10/20/30
- Sour adds 2/4/6 stun damage
- Mastery Bonus: Attacks with staves apply a buff that reduces stamina cost of further staff attacks by 50%
- Bow
- 5/10/15% chance to root an enemy for 2 seconds
- Reduces stamina cost of sprinting after landing a bow attack by 50/75/100% for 5 seconds
- Mastery Bonus: Elemental arrows apply their special effects
- Spicy burns for 50 damage over 5 seconds
- Fresh adds 30% movement slow for 5 seconds
- Sour adds 10 additional stun damage
- Unarmed
- 25/50/75% chance to increase unarmed damage dealt by 2% until combat ends. Stacks infinitely.
- 100% chance to increase unarmed damage dealt by 1/1.5/2% until combat ends. Stacks infinitely.
- Mastery Bonus: Every unarmed attack launches a mini follow-up punch for half damage.
- Dagger
- Each player can hide their own nameplate and map marker from the other players, using the visibility toggle on the legend entry in the Map screen.
- Game Mode selection in the game lobby is now in a standalone window with more information about the different modes, instead of just a dropdown.
- The Game Lobby UI has been updated.
- You can access the multiplayer text chat window while you have any other UI window open.
- HUD markers that display cm distance will only show it when directly looked at, to help reduce UI clutter.
- HUD markers will fade out when obscured by closer markers, to help reduce UI clutter.
- If many items of the same type are dropped in the same place, only one HUD marker will be shown for the whole pile.
- The "building under construction" wrench HUD markers have been removed as unnecessary.
- The Science Shop now shows you what tech chip each unlock came from (except recommended items, which all go to the "Recommended" group).
- Sign Sets in the Science Shop show you the sign images you will unlock before purchasing them.
- The profanity filter has been tweaked to fix certain false positives.
- Creature trophy buildings for the same class of creature are now grouped as material variants in the building radial.
- Pet inventories can no longer be accessed or used as Nearby Storage unless the pet is nearby.
- Labs now contain "Water Coolers" where you can quench your thirst and discuss the most recent televised sports event with your coworkers.
- The secret locked door at the end of Black Ant Hill lab now better indicates how to open it.
- Removed shelves from Pond Lab biometric scanner room to clear up the line of sight to the scanner. Loot on these shelves has been moved to chests in the vicinity.
- Consumable items dropped in the world will despawn after two days.
- Added Data page entries for the Super MIX.Rs and a few other items found in the Upper Yard.
- Reduced memory usage to fix memory-related crashes.
- Reduced CPU usage across the game.
- Spike Strips no longer deal friendly fire damage.
- Spike Strips now deal 50 damage per hit instead of 40 damage.
Armor and Weapons
- Moth armor "Ranged Cut" effect chance to proc increased from 20% to 30%.
- Mantis armor "Cutman" effect damage increased from 15 per second to 20 per second.
- The Read To Me narration of the Game Lobby, OS, Resting, and Customization menus has been improved.
- The Read To Me narrator will renarrate the Building Radial when the player changes the building material.
Bug Fixes
Crash Fixes
- Fixed a crash that could occur when a creature performed a charge attack through clovers or grass.
- Fixed a random crash that could happen while generating navigation data for creatures.
Major Fixes
- Ants no longer gather excessive amounts of food in ant hills. They will stop when they feel they have a sufficient amount to feed themselves.
- Creatures should no longer get halfway stuck in the ground.
- BURG.L should no longer randomly go missing.
- If the audio log in the Haze Lab was missing on older saves and was never collected, it will show up now.
- Creatures will properly lose aggro after incapacitating a player instead of immediately retargeting them on revive regardless of where they are.
Other Fixes
- Creatures in the Sandbox no longer get stuck on ****tail umbrellas.
- Fixed some spots in the Mantis arena that the player was not supposed to be able to get to.
- Players can no longer trigger emote animations while attacking.
- Fixed a handful of world terrain visual issues.
- Music changes from entering a new biome will transition more cleanly.
- Ladybugs will properly aggro players when hit by thrown two-handed weapons.
- Fixed memory leak in the Mantis boss fight.
- The Resource Scanner will no longer hitch when opened with a lot of items unlocked.
- Usernames with leading numbers will no longer become scrambled in certain contexts when playing in Arabic.
- Read To Me will no longer read conversation lines that are already voiced.
- The player can no longer connect ziplines to inappropriately angled target anchors.
- Fixed the Pond Biodome POI sometimes not unlocking.
- Sap Catchers can no longer be built on Fresh Storage.
- The game will no longer slow down when the player rapidly scrolls through building radial pages.
- Wall-mounted buildings can no longer be placed on turrets.
- Wall-mounted buildings can no longer be placed on stuffed flying creatures.
- Pets will no longer trigger inappropriate banter dialogue when player characters see them.
- Zipped haulable items will no longer float away when they contact a character.
- The player will no longer enter first-person perspective while zipping in some rare cases.
- The player will be correctly restored to their desired perspective after freeing themselves from multiple spider webs.
- Black Widow will no longer jump abnormally high.
- Thistle needles will no longer respawn immediately after loading a saved game.
- If a player disconnects while on a ladder, the ladder can now be recycled.
- Ingredients dropped from destroyed stuffed bees and gnats can now be picked up.
Are you still enjoying Grounded 1.0? Come tell us down below!
[source forums.obsidian.net]
Comments 5
Maybe they will fix that ppl can just load a save game and get all the achievements in 2 mins
Some REALLY nice QOL features here. I still feel the itch to play this game despite getting the golden ending. Glad theyāre still making some smart tweaks, though that extra backpack row wouldāve been nice to have earlierā¦
I just started this earlier in the week and Iām absolutely loving it. I normally donāt like survival games, but I was so drawn to the theme, Iām glad I was!
@Martsmall Achievements have absolutely nothing to do with the game itself. And achievements are worthless as is. So why does this bother you?
@InterceptorAlpha who said it did ?
And as for achivements don't matter ...just cause they don't to you that should be the case for everyone ?
In pretty sure Microsoft know they do matter to a whole load of ppl
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