Original story (Sun 2nd Oct, 2022): Microsoft has quietly revealed the next batch of games leaving Xbox Game Pass in early October 2022, and we've got another fairly substantial set of titles on the departure list, including the likes of Sable and Echo Generation.
Here's the full list of games set to leave in the early-mid part of October 2022. Update (Tue 4th Oct, 2022): Full dates and platforms have now been confirmed by Microsoft, so we've updated the table below.
Date | Game | Platform |
October 15 | Bloodroots | Console, PC, Cloud |
October 15 | Echo Generation | Console, PC, Cloud |
October 15 | Into The Pit | Console, PC, Cloud |
October 15 | Ring Of Pain | Console, PC, Cloud |
October 15 | Sable | Console, PC, Cloud |
October 15 | The Good Life | Console, PC, Cloud |
As always, Xbox Game Pass members can get a discount of (at least) 20% on these titles before they're removed.
Sad to see these games go? Let us know your favourite of these in the comments.
Comments 38
So EA Play games are also leaving EA's service as well that in turn affects game pass?
This just continues to make game pass less and less attractive to people like me that not have 20 hours a day to play games. .
I still think Game Pass is incredible value, but the quality of last year's games compared to this year's games is showing. All those superb Indies have lasted just 1 year on the service. If I feel the need to "buy" all the games leaving the service, then what's the point of me being subscribed in the first place?
@pip_muzz The point of being subscribed to Game Pass is to try games before you buy them.
It's like a video store. You might rent a game a few times before you buy it, and you might have to buy it because the video store doesn't have it anymore.
@Fishticon I disagree. I signed up to Game Pass to play the 1st party games and new releases at launch, saving money as opposed to paying the high launch price for them. The idea of Game Pass being a "rental service" is a valid negative against it.
Knowing now that so many games leave the service so quickly is more likely to make me unsubscribe and simply buy each and every game at launch and support the Devs more.
It certainly doesn't help that almost all the games entering the service have a very short 12month contract it seems either.
@pip_muzz I'm sure the devs are supported either way.
Without Game Pass, you wouldn't be able to try a game before buying it.
It's never been a guarantee that a game stays on GP, just like it was never a guarantee that a game stays at Blockbuster.
@pip_muzz Is a year quick, though? I understand your hesitance with Game Pass and games leaving the service, but if you can’t find the time to play (and beat) a game in a years time, that might be more on you rather than the service itself. Half of the games leaving this month can be completed - main quests and side quests or just side activities - in less than 10 hours. Furthermore, at least you can rest easy knowing that first party Microsoft own games like Halo, Gears, and now Bethesda will have their games permanently on Game Pass. I just don’t think you can blame the subscription service for not playing a game at a certain time; the player also has to be held accountable as well. I mean that in general and not just you specifically (myself included), so I hope you don’t take offense to it.
@Royalblues one of the reasons I'm grumpy is because The Good Life was such a joyous play, I'm sad I don't have time to replay it before it leaves the service. 12 months isn't enough.
@Fishticon I've already said I've no interest in a "try before buy" service. If I'm curious enough to try I'm curious enough to buy. I thought Game Pass was intended to be a library of games that would stay and you could play/access whenever you wanted.
We obviously have very different interpretations of what the service is intended for, hence our disagreement.
@BlackMayge No offense taken buddy. I do also game on switch and begrudgingly PlayStation as well. But Xbox is my main console. Even though I've completed a lot of the games that have left the service and are leaving, I find it sad that they're no longer there for new people joining the service. I won't unsubscribe as it still is very good value, it's more me having a silly Sunday grumble 😅
@pip_muzz It's not a silly grumble at all. 2022 has to easily go down in history as one of the worst years for Xbox in general, if not the worst year ever. Literally no noteworthy first-party games this year since they've all been delayed. On top of that there's a mass exodus of titles leaving Game Pass. Just compare the same months from last year, only a handful of titles would leave each month and now it's double the amount leaving. It's a terrible time to be an Xbox owner now, at least for long-time users.
If I only had an Xbox right now, I would be even more frustrated with the brand. Thankfully though, PlayStation, Nintendo and third-party studios have made this an excellent year for gaming overall. 2023 can't come soon enough for Xbox.
I really wanted to like sable. The janky frame rate tho… just couldn’t do it
Yikes this is my time to get Sable downloaded and played in that case!
Thankfully, none of the games leaving are on my to-play list.
On the topic of Game Pass in general, first party games are here to stay, the rest are meant to leave at some point. I think it's a fair approach and honestly I waste a lot more money on other crap than Game Pass Ultimate sub. I'd keep it even if I only managed to complete one GPU game per month. Still worth it IMO.
What a terrible year for game pass and xbox players! Just by checking my achievements I see I've only completed 25-30 games or so. ME:L, GotG, Tunic, The Artful Escape, Telling Lies, Her Story and Immortality, Unpacking, Hitman 3, Last Stop, Tainted Grail, Death's Door, Contrast, Firewatch, Gorogoa, Weird West, Citizen Sleeper, Stardew Valley, PEPPA PIG!, Plague Tale, Chorus, Far Cry 5, Two Point Campus, finally got around to Gears 5 and Hivebusters campaigns, Floppy Knights, A Memoir Blue, Tinykin, Immortals Fenyx Rising, Escape Academy, Metal Hellsinger.
Meanwhile about halfway through Deathloop while dabbling in Hollow Knight, Beacon Pines, and You Suck at Parking, and started but put aside Death Stranding and Ni No Kuni because not enough time for all of them. Still want to play As Dusk Falls and Grounded 1.0 with my brother if he ever gets the time. And that doesn't include the many other games I've tried but didn't care to put time into. Or the games I will come back to a few times a month like Tetris, Slay the Spire, FH5. Or the amazing looking games still coming like Scorn, Persona, Plague Tale, High on Life. It's terrible value for someone like me, who spends 90% of my entertainment hours playing video games rather than watching shows or movies or reading, and uses rewards points to pay for the whole thing. TERRIBLE!
if you havnt completed a game in 12 months then you probably didnt want to play it that much
I loved Sable even though it ran like dog poo. Might be patched now though I don’t know. Still one of the most striking games I’ve played on Xbox.
best to leave the 1st party stuff till last as it doesnt leave the service
Missed out on Sable and Echo Generation. Wanted to play them but never as much as other things.
I understand people may not agree with my opinion, but what I do not understand is why people would comment on an article about x8 very good games leaving Game Pass as a positive thing.
I've said it to Sony fans constantly and feel I need to say it here now, it's ok to criticise the things you like.
This month's list of games leaving Game Pass, combined with last month's is not a cause for celebration. No, it's not the end of Xbox, Game Pass or whatever, but wouldn't it be better as an Xbox fan if these games weren't leaving the service at all?
Arguing as to why they're leaving is like listening to Sony fans argue about the PS5 price increase being justified.
It should be ok to say it sucks that good games are leaving Game Pass without being made to feel like some kind of traitor!
I intended to check out Echo Generation, guess it's time to download that.
@pip_muzz What? You don't enjoy 99% of the game pass selection being 80s style Nintendo 8 bit side scrollers jumping over lava pits?
@Fishticon Blockbuster didn't cost me $15 month.
@pip_muzz you had a full year to play these "very good games leaving Game Pass." How is that not a positive thing? They're also discounted if you slept on them, so that's another positive thing.
The only games that I can remember having a short stay since I joined game pass in January 2018 are GTA 5 and RDR2.
Hmm.. we’ll I suppose I should try Echo Generation then! I couldn’t get into Sable when I tried it out recently. Honestly I think if I play and complete 1 game a month my GP subscription is a good value to me.
Definitely getting about time to cancel Gamepass.
I'm a very busy person with work a d a child along the way. If they can't keep games on for longer than a year then it really isn't worth my money. I'll be saving in the long run to boot by actually canceling it versus keeping it up.
I'm paying for what is supposed to be the Netflix of video-games. Not the Blockbuster. Though even Blockbusters had some things longer than a year.
PSA: guys, it's ok to quit Game Pass every now and then 😉 I did it myself and came back after a while. I get why some of you are upset, but I have 2 jobs, a family etc and still manage to complete 2-3 games a month on Game Pass. I usually play late in the evenings and have learnt that the trick is to just stick to whatever game you decide to play. In my case the wealth of games on GP overwhelmed me and made me jump a lot (quick resume, paradoxically, didn't help my predicament) and now I just keep 4-5 games installed at all times, half of which are for my daughter who would kill me if I quit Game Pass 😁 All those Paw Patrol and Disney games are some of her favourites. TLDR: don't force yourselves into sticking with GP, but you will be back next year 😉
I wish people who complain all the time about not getting day one MS games every month would just quit. So those of us who love the service don’t have to hear their whining here. There was 18 Day One games last month. Not just tiny indies but also Deathloop, Grounded, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, Slime Rancher 2, and Train Sim World 3. All games that come with $40-$60 price tags. And some of the truly indie games are a blast - I’m addicted to Prodeus, the best Doom like shooter I’ve played in years.
All of that and more in one month. It’s a HUGE savings for me as I would have been interested in 90% of them. But if it’s not your cup if tea, drop GamePass and move on. It’s getting tiresome hearing you whine every month even when there ARE good games.
Part of the problem a lot of people have with gamepass is that they download too many games, and want to complete them all. But for whatever reason they don't have enough time, and a year later complain when they are being removed.
First off, if you are a normal person and work 40ish hours a week you should know yourself that you don't have unlimited play time like maybe you had when you were a kid. You should prioritize your play and then choose what you want to play during that time.
second off, every year there are tons and tons of great game releases that you probably want to play. But if you are like me that is impossible because I work everyday. So dont be like a kid in a toy isle and grab everything knowing full well you dont have enough money to buy them all (or in your case enough time to play them all) so choose wisely.
I get it, theres lots of games that come out every year you want to play, on top of all the games in the past you wanted to play but never got around to playing. So what you need to do is what I do, plan out. If there's a game you know you want to play no matter what, then focus on that game with maybe an indie game on the side and play that until you beat it (or cant stand playing it anymore) and move on. Sure you will miss a lot of other games, but at least you wont have the feeling of regret, sadness or anger because you put your hand in 20 candy jars only to have the doctor tell you, Sir you have diabetes, im gonna have to limit your intake。 Instead of being a game glutton just lower your intake and focus on a few and completing them instead of spending half your Gametime browsing and downloading games you will never finish.
New month same old comments...
"Games coming soon on GP": "Boo! Poor games" "Nothing for me" "where are the good games MS promised us" and blah blah blah
"Games leaving soon": "oh no these games should have stayed longer" "such good games leaving" and blah blah blah
Sad to see Sable go - I never did finish it. That's not a GP problem, that's just me!
@awp69 You are quite right mate - the last month or so has been excellent for almost everyone. I was a little concerned earlier this year about the titles coming and going, but it all works out over the year and looking at what's been available this last month, GP has been really strong and has a bunch of really strong titles to come.
I do understand that people want to see some 1st party AAA's, we all want that. But in the mean time we are getting some excellent 3rd party titles day and date, so its hard to pretend there is no value, there is clearly outstanding value. I hardly played my series X earlier this year, but the last few weekends have all been about xbox in this house with the two PS5's silent and unused for once!
GP remains excellent and will be undisputed again once the first party titles start to arrive next year....
frankly people just need to organize what they play better.
play the oldest stuff on the service first because that will be the first to leave
@BartoxAbrasiveness Your post (#50) is probably the most sensible, well-written and well-expressed I've read on this article or on Pure Xbox in general for that matter in a very long time.
I genuinely don't understand people who get upset because we criticise their favourite product or service. I also don't understand people who tell others how they should utilise their money and free time. It's disrespectful to say the least. I'll do whatever the hell I want with my hard-earned money and my time and I can criticise a company as much as I like. That's my right as a consumer.
Fact of the matter is that we as consumers don't owe anything to Microsoft. It is they who want to sell us a service. They need to convince us it's worth purchasing. If they can't do that, then we're well within our rights to criticise them. We stand to gain nothing by being complaisant.
I sometimes genuinely worry that people think it's more important to defend a company that doesn't give a crap about you than to criticise it and potentially gain better products/services in return. One option nets you nothing, while the other gives you a non-zero chance of gaining something. The latter option is objectively better than the other. It's pure and simple logic.
I liked what I played of Sable, but never got around to going back, always too many other cool games to check out. Good Life and Echo Generation were in my list to check out, but with a bunch of games from last month and upcoming (plus backlog on other platforms), I won't miss them too much. I have finally, mostly, made my peace with the idea that I cannot play every game that sounds interesting. And who knows, maybe some of these will be back someday? I think it happened with Yakuza titles, so there is a precedent?
@Royalblues if you own the game you can still play it remotely through remote play on the Xbox app. Kinda like playing on the cloud except your Xbox is just on at home.
So I don't know much about the games on this list. Are any of them a quick completion for gamerscore? I'd hate to miss out on an easy 800-1000...
@Dr_Luigi Not to mention Microsoft every month has surprise titles hitting GP
Started Bloodroots, really fun fast paced game. Wanna play Sable and Echo Generations as well....will see if i can get them all done. Been on my play later for a long time now
@SplooshDmg that sot example of yours is crazy wow. I'm not judging you, I'm happy you found a way to be peaceful about it.
But you know lately I've been wondering the same about a buddy of mine who always sets himself to offline. (He told me he doesn't want to be bothered by party invites). Prolly just confront him but still feel uneasy about it.
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