Hogwarts Legacy will see the return of the Harry Potter universe early next year, and while a lot about the game has already been shared, it seems there's been one other significant discovery made in the past few days.
According to a PlayStation Network listing, the PlayStation versions of the game will come with an "exclusive quest". This will cover all of the PlayStation versions of the game, according to Avalanche Games community manager Chandler Wood. There'll also apparently be a potion recipe with PlayStation pre-orders.
Here's exactly what he had to say via social media:
"The PlayStation exclusive quest comes with any PlayStation version of the game. It is not tied to pre-order. Pre-order on PlayStation will get you the Felix Felicis potion recipe. More details are coming soon."
As you can probably imagine, it's generated all sorts of mixed reactions on social media. It's not necessarily the first time content has been locked to a certain platform. One third-party release that came with exclusive PlayStation content in more recent times was Marvel's Avengers - locking off Spider-Man.
How do you feel about exclusive content for certain platforms? Will you be checking out this game on Xbox? Leave a comment down below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 55
Hogwarts Legacy does not exist in a vacuum. There are important discussions being had about the views and opinions held by the creator of the Harry Potter universe – views and opinions which we do not agree with.
Our goal is to create and foster a positive environment for people – all people – to discuss and celebrate video games, not to amplify ignorance or provide a forum for unconstructive arguments. As per our community rules, we do not accept any form of hate speech on our platform.
Not a fan of console exclusive content. But I was going to get this on PS5 anyway. Mostly because I prefer native physical PS5 games over Xbox One/Series X versions. And Dualsense controller features (adaptive triggers, haptic feedback, ect)
@DTfeartheBEARD same for me, has it been confirmed this game will use the adaptive triggers? Seems would be a neat idea for the spellcasting
Playstation paid for this so there's no need for people (especially on social media) to start attacking the games developers for this like they did with the avengers game. Its nothing to do with them, playstation decided to pay them to make an exclusive quest to make their version more lucrative, xbox could of done the same but chose not to and instead use their money to get a lot of timed exclusive games coming soon, each to their own as both have different strategies and xbox players aren't losing out as they still get the game as fully intended on release.
But one has to question if an exclusive quest that probably lasts 30 minutes actually persuades people to get the PlayStation version, it definitely isn't going to make people buy a ps5 console for it.
Honestly think these types of exclusive content do nothing to sell consoles, maybe they should stop paying for them instead of increasing the price of their console, unless they didn't pay for it and its a part of their marketing deal as sony are the ones marketing/promoting the game, who knows, not like they are ever going to tell us.
Don't know if I will get this game ...but if I do I will get it on Xbox ..a few crap quests ain't going to sway me to pick the ps version over the Xbox
I have both series x and ps5 and got toi say for the first 10 minutes adaptive triggers were cute but after that i find them gimmicky. this wouldnt be the selling poiunt for me over smart delivery being cheaper than a ps5 version over ps4. the extra quest again will not be massive. i would prefer best running performance/ graphics mode. time to stop the console wars and allow the gamer to get the best from the software companies. depending what type of game you like there will be times a swing to xbox over ps and vice versa. gets a little dull when there are arguments who offers this in a game etc.
Sony are always doing this...and will keep on doing it. And it's a 'win' for PlayStation gamers for sure...but it's not a win for gaming. Exclusives are one thing, exclusive content ...from games that are being charged the exact same price?...yeah that's not good for anyone...and those on PlayStation will be the most vocal against it should MS follow suit.
But let's be honest, this is a business tactic...and one where MS is slipping. Instead of complaining how Sony's evil, and having it land on death ears (as they've been doing this for generations), we should be complaining to MS/Xbox for not getting these marketing rights and making sure Xbox gamers are offered additional content. Start being more aggressive for your install base Xbox!
While I don't necessarily agree that owners of one console should be paying the same price for a game as owners of a different console when their version of the game has less content, at least take solace in the fact that console exclusive quests, missions, etc rarely amount to anything you'll actually miss.
It'll be some throwaway side quest that most PlayStation players won't even realise is exclusive to them because it'll be so inconsequential to the broader game/narrative.
Every company does this it is what it is. I personally stopped caring about ‘exclusive’ quests and content a long time ago. It’s usually content that doesn’t matter at all and adds nothing to the overall experience.
@djshep1973 at the same time raising the price of their console
@UltimateOtaku91 I don't know if it's been confirmed, but I would assume adaptive triggers and haptic feedback would be taken advantage of. It would be a missed opportunity if not. I agree, spellcasting with the adaptive triggers would be nice!
@UltimateOtaku91 Did the dev "create" a new quest for Playstation or remove one from Xbox/PC? More likely the latter.
It's not this one instance, it is death by a thousands cuts. This happened repeatedly with Destiny. Sony is all about timed-exclusives and exclusive content for third party games. There are a myriad of examples. The time periods are extensive or indefinite. They pretend 3rd party games are Sony games, often extending past Xbox to PC.
"maybe they should stop paying for them instead of increasing the price of their console"
I dread to think what they paid for this one side mission
For me personally I'm not Into Harry potter but I'm liking the look of the game and with the delay happening , I'll just save up my rewards points so it's a free game
@UltimateOtaku91 why you continue to suggest that big firms pay for promotions without any evidence they have influence is beyond me.
Do you really believe Sony buy such promotions based on a whim, and not based on market research?
All a punter sees is that a format has some content they cant get elsewhere, most are unlikely to evaluate that content to judge its worth.
Its a promotional trick thats been used by publishers for years. Whilst its hardly likely to influence the informed, the vast bulk of this mass market are uninformed.
Whilst my decision on which format to play would not be based on such a mission, I tend to play on the other machine by choice (my controller preference) if all else is equal, so im not getting any FOMO.
I dont think my xbox friends are going to miss anything here.
@Martsmall I don't know if playstation paid an upfront sum for the side quest, or they will pay the developers depending on how many players get the PlayStation versions, for example every million players that get the PlayStation version playstation give the developer a million dollars etc
So, given the the Xbox version will have less content, I assume it will also have reduced price, right? This is the worst kind of exclusivity for me. They are happy to take Sony’s money, but they don’t want to take full exclusivity as they don’t want to miss on Xbox revenue….if they make it exclusive, then they should be ready to miss on the other console’s revenue. Not just sell an inferior version. Just as I never bought Avengers because of something similar (with Spider-man) I’ll pass on this one. Do not support these practices (easy for me as I am not interested in this game, or have much faith on this developer).
@Titntin yes I get that for full exclusive dlc or modes but not one side quest, yeah there's going to be some people who own both consoles and will decide to get the PlayStation version so they get the side quest, but for those who own both consoles and primarily play on xbox it's not enough of an incentive to switch. Nor is it enough incentive to buy a playstation console just for that side quest.
Do you think people on the fence about which console to buy will now definitely choose playstation over a potential half hour quest from one game?
I thought I adressed that quite clearly when i suggested.
"All a punter sees is that a format has some content they cant get elsewhere, most are unlikely to evaluate that content to judge its worth."
I didnt think it necessary to explain much further, as we all know good adversting is about mind share and image, not facts. If the bulk of games players simply think 'playstation has extra', then its job done and money well spent. The fact that you and I know its worthless is irrelevant.
Will someone make a purchasing decision for a console based on one extra mission in one game? Of course not!
Will someone make a decision based on having' bought into the brand', absolutely yes, and thats why these premotions work on the bulk of consumers, even if those of us on these sites see right through them.
Its worth remembering that the marketting game being played here is for the average consumer, not the likes of us, but the people who buy cod and fifa yearly cause thats what gamers do...
@Casco Exactly, I was likely a day 1 buy for Avengers but the Spider Man exclusive made me wait - playing it on Game Pass I'm glad I didn't waste my money.
I absolutely 100% refuse to pay the same price for less product - so I'll wait till this is on Game Pass or maybe a steep sale.
It had me very interested (although the zombie video less so) but once my mind is made up that's it - so I'll wait and the devs can have less money, hope for their sakes the Sony gold covers the lost sales from stubborn people like me!
The usual apologists are out - this is actually worse than Avengers as at least the whole Sony / Spider Man thing was a reason, this is just greed pure and simple, like CoD modes anyways were.
Maybe Microsoft's next purchase after Activision at this rate - my sheer bloody mindedness now thinks Sony deserve every blow they get...
I'm totally gonna get this on PS5!
Looks at blank spot on shelf between the Series X and the PS4
Ooooohhhh that's right.... I can't actually find a PS5. Oh well!
I was always going to play this on my ps5 anyways whether it has an extra quest or not doesn't matter to me. I just chose on a game to game basis where I am going to buy and play it and since this is a typical game I love to platinum I'll play it on Ps5.
That’s a scummy move. Content should not be exclusive between versions unless they all have something exclusive.
What's more likely, that I'll go out and buy a Playstation 5 with their raised price to play this? Or that I'll simply buy the game later, used, so the publisher doesn't see a cent?
I have psn credit that I was going to use, so this doesn’t change anything for me lol.
I’m sure it’s a minor quest so there’s no need for anyone to have a conniption fit!
@SplooshDmg exaxctly this part of a marketing deal. Would be the same the other way.
Usual suspects will build it up into an argument though. Same stuff, different day.
This was already on the wait for a sale list for me.
@Jaxx420 Marketing deals are fine for being the platform associated with the game or for cosmetic items.
But when they give more of the game to one platform's players, and the other platforms pay the same but get less, that's not on.
It's a simple matter of fairness - I'm paying the same I expect the same amount of game to play.
I don't care if it's a 5 minute pointless quest, for me it's the principle and I'll never support any game that does it - and yes I've avoided quite a few CoDs and even some 360 games over time due to this.
Well said, but Phil and the gang all to busy playing games, especially in November when GOWR lands by all accounts.
Never mind their real job of delivering new first party AAA games to Xbox.
I really hope Microsoft brings something exclusive for Call of duty. Only for Windows and Xbox. Exclusive Coop mode only for Microsoft windows and xbox.
Annoying practice tbh, though as has been pointed out it won’t change hearts and minds in terms of where people will play Hogwarts Legacy.
As for me, not getting it either way because its Harry Potter and I have opinions on that franchise and the woman who wrote those books.
Not getting this game for 🏳️⚧️ **reasons** 🏳️🌈 but I have to say that while I’m in favor of console exclusive games, console exclusive content simply makes the other versions inferior while the publisher has the outright audacity to charge the same price on all platforms.
As I said on the push square article maybe Sony should stop paying for pointless stuff like this instead raising their prices lol
@JaneBear by your logic you shouldn't want anything to do with Xbox seen as it's made by Microsoft that was founded by bill gates & we all know what a scumbag he is
@Would_you_kindly Okay? Bizarre comment, but I’ll bite.
I have worked with some incredible folks at Microsoft on their diversity council in the past. There are lots of wonderful people making an incredible impact there. I’m glad to support them to continue making those positive impacts in their workplace and industries. Plus I’m not boycotting Windows anytime soon or I would be out of a job. Boycotting one book series is absolutely a more manageable and realistic avenue to control where my money goes vs a corporation that develops most of the software I utilize to do my job. I’m happily selective about the impact my dollars make being the lower middle class peon I am.
Everyone has every right to weigh the pros and cons of their support and spending based on the level of power their socioeconomic influence can leverage.
If I were the “scumbag billionaire” you speak of, maybe I could leverage that power to fit into the black and white context of logic you have illustrated here but I’m not, so I make what little impact I can where I can.
"We paid the dev the smallest amount possible, for the smallest amount of content just to have bragging rights" is the worst kind of business.
You didn't fund a struggling project. You didn't create engaging content. You didn't provide good value for your customer base. You literally just blocked another audience from part of the game in order to funnel revenue of said game in your direction.
Everyone has been out here defending Sony for being "just a billion dollar company with razor thin revenue margins" and yet they have money to throw at devs to block competitors.
Not a fan of this, but I’ll be getting it on Xbox anyways.
Does the quest involves paying extra for your wand?
Still really believe no Spider-Man for Xbox was final nail in coffin for avengers. I'd still be playing that game pretty regularly today if could play as Spider-Man.
No surprise. I’m leaning towards making a purchase on Xb, but I might swing over to Ps if I think the haptic etc is finely tuned. So far I’ve only enjoyed the adaptive triggers/haptic feedback in Astros.. I almost prefer playing Spider-Man on my PS4 to my PS5, the rumble feels broken on the latter. I game when others sleep and so have the audio way down (headphones off occasionally).. and the crap rattles and janks. On my old iPhone XS the haptics works perfectly, a small nudge of vibration etc when I place a card in solitaire.. on PS5 it’s as if you mess up a gear shift driving. Mind you, I experience the same at work where we currently have 3 DualSense (until our last pair of DualShock die or the games we play winding down requires it). That said. If they nail the wand experience to the gimmicks in a good way? Ps! If there is no special wand experience having accelerometer etc? Xb!
With all the moves Xbox has made the exclusives war will continue. I don’t get mad when Xbox do it so I can’t get mad when Sony do they same. I own both consoles for this reason.
I’ve ordered on ps5 anyway. Mainly coz my Mrs will play it.
Was preordering it for Xbox, but I'm against this shenanigans so will not do it now, definitely not gonna buy it for my Ps5 , it's cheaper on Xbox, so either will wait till a sale on a physical PS5 version, or just won't buy it period, sorry daughter,blame Sony voting with my wallet, all this moneyhatting is gotta stop, all that money could have been used to keep the price of the console the same, not a fan of Sony atm
Really don't care about one quest, not surprised by this. When I buy this game it will be on my XSX. Getting craze from the PS5 controllers which have to be on the cable every 8 hours.
@Titntin I own both consoles and with this extra mission ill buy it on PlayStation 5.
@Jarobusa Fair enough mate, I didt think many would be swayed by what will amount to a 30 minute mission, but looks like I'm wrong , as a few people have suggested it might influence the platform they buy on.
This just shows that its a promotion that works, several informed people WILL be influenced to purchase on your platform, and the average punter thinks PS has more than its rivals!
@flawse have you tried just turning down the rumble and feedback effect at system level? Press the ps button and select controller options and you can vary dualsence output.
Ive found several games have their effects set far too high for me, so turning them down this way enables me to experience the extra information feedback from the dualsense without it shaking my wrist to pieces or the controller sounding like an out of control vibrator chasing me through the house.
I usually like haptics, but for me most implimentations have to be turned down a bit for the experience to be positive.
Already pre ordered on PS5 so works for me!!
While the extra quest may not not sell consoles it does sell games which Sony does get a cut from. So the question really is will Sony make enough from the extra games sold to pay for the extra content.
I have a PS5, Switch and Xbox and will probably buy the PS5 version. My girlfriends will probably buy the switch because she like to play portable.
I can't say I see the point in a platform holder buying exclusive quests. To me it doesn't make sense that people will choose to buy a console just for a bonus quest on a particular game, and most people don't own both similar consoles so as to choose to buy a game on one or the other. Seems like a total waste of money on the platform's part (the same platform that claims their losing money and have to raise prices.)
Although, there's obviously some kind of marketing contract going on where Sony has included this game as a main game in their core presentations, including console launch, so this might be less a case of "we'll give you money to give us an extra quest" and more a case of "we gave you 20 minutes of our key marketing time and all we got is this lousy side-quest", just a little soft-money in return for priceless marketing.
@Would_you_kindly guess you forgot about ms paying for timed exclusive dlc only for the Xbox version of gta4. Maybe ms could make their own games instead of buying other studios to make up for the talentless clowns in their game studios. But that isn't going to happen. It's called business, get over it. You act like ms are angels and don't practice scummy behavior. Sadly your mistaken.
@SmoothlyRough guess you forgot the part where MS didn't raise the price of Xbox 360 when they were spending money on stuff like GTA 4 dlc 🤡
They paid for 1 exclusive quest? this so pathetic!
It is not about selling console it is about selling games, that is where the money is. They mostly loose money on hardware.
The question is will it sway enough people to purchase the game on the Sony system vs other systems to make it worth while. I know I will buy a game for the system that has the most features unless I want to play mobile then I go to switch.
@shred5 Most people don't own both systems to have to choose which to buy it on only enthusiasts do (and not that many of us, either). It's definitely about selling systems and the perception that "ps has more stuff", "ps has the best version of stuff" as a general concept to reinforce the idea there's no reason not to just buy it ps instead of xb because "everything is better". It's very manipulative for relatively little money..
@Titntin Yeah, I fine tune almost all of my systems (to the degree of what's possible w/o flashing in new firmware and the like… I draw the line at driver level) Can't stand the speakers in the thing (have it turned off at home, haven't touched it at the office though – we make enough noise to anger some tenants so controller audio is a minor issue there). I'll fine-tune the system some more soon, I got a new monitor (PHV's 279M1RV) and initial testing tell me I should stay away from HDR on PS5, but I might get it working properly… got better visuals on XbSX, but the transition time will probably bug me enough to skip out. It's weird, having both of them, and for example seeing 4K visuals in Spotify on Xbox but a blurry 1080p on PS5.. Most "old" (that is, pre PS5 launch) applications look bad.. Can't stand Warzone and Rocket League for example, so ugly compared. My weapon-of-choice at the moment is the 8bitdo Ultimate Xbox controller and 8bitdo has long had the worst (too strong) rumble, so that's a bit weird of me to claim… hope they form a relationship with SIE like M$ did… great controller, great quality for a very modest sum of money. I'm educated in color control & consistency and work with design/development, in short: I'm a wee bit nitpicky.
I think it's great that PS5 is so popular and well regarded. People are entitled to their opinions. And they can absolutely form exclusive deals, I liked it when Soul Calibur got a guest character for each system.. Starlink might've been the last to do it that I know of? Anyway, Star Fox is such a cool addition to Switch. The PS5 is a great system for what it is, I'm sure the DualSense will be the superior controller one day when they sort minor issues out… Each have their exclusives though, so you need to catch them all! But when multi-plat games are single player, I tend to resort to Xb-camp. I think it's better at most things … and now cheaper as well? I guess it comes down to what you think of your friends. But without ties to a brand it's really an easy choice this far into the current generation.
@flawse Cheers for your reply.
I'm also an endless tweeker Having been a games dev for over 20 years as a lead artist and animator, I too am extremely picky about image quality and proper colour representation.
I personally like the PS5 controller noises, in some games its perfect, but you can switch it off at system level if you don't like it, in the same way that you can reduce the amount of haptics you feel.
I've not seen the old outdated ps4 apps you mention as I don't use apps at all, the games machines play games and nothing else in my house. Its surprising a popular app like Spotify has not been updated with a proper res front end.
It must look weird - I had the same thing in reverse when the machines were released. 4k front end looking new and swanky on ps5, same old 1080p dash on Series X. Hardly a show stopper, but its hard to show off a new machine when it looks exactly the same as the pervious one....
Sony's HDR is fantastic - if you are having trouble setting it up remember to use Hgig. Its just opinion, but If I had to choose a system to show off HDR on my telly I'd be using the PS5 over the series X, though its close.
I've heard good things about the 8bitdo controller, I'm sure its a good one. I'm very happy with the PS5 controller though (have three of them), and I have 5 xbox controllers so I'm not in the market for a new one. I'm not really into competitive gaming so many of the pro feature means nothing to me
Where ever you are playing, have fun!
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