Late last month, Annapurna Interactive surprised us with an out-of-the-blue next-gen port of What Remains of Edith Finch. This title is a brilliant narrative adventure that's definitely worth your time on Xbox Game Pass. However, if you're an Xbox Series S user, it might be worth waiting to try it out.
The experts at Digital Foundry haven taken a good look at this new upgrade, across all the new consoles. While Xbox Series X and PS5 provide a really nice upgrade to 4K and 60 FPS, sadly, the same can't be said of Xbox Series S.
Somehow, the Series S version only hits 1080p and 30 FPS, which is really disappointing if we're honest. The last-gen consoles aren't far off those targets, and in reality, the Series S version in its current state isn't really an upgrade at all. Bummer.
However, we feel there's a good chance things could change. Not only have we seen post-launch patches arrive fairly often with recent Series S upgrades, but the port itself gives us a hint that things could be improved. DF found a couple of spots where the Series S version hits a full 60 FPS, before dipping back to 30 for the majority of play.
So, in theory, What Remains of Edith Finch may well be able to hit 60 FPS here, you'd certainly think so given the nature of the game and how well it performs on Xbox Series X. Here's hoping that we see a fix to improve this port sometime soon.
Have you tried this upgrade out on Series S? Disappointed by what you found? Let us know!
[source youtu.be]
Comments 22
Soon as it was announced I was never ever in favor of series S. Believed it would hold not only games back, but the series x as well.
People will argue it didn't. I still firmly believe it has and does.
@GuyinPA75 There is NOTHING you can do on the Series X that you can't do on a Series S just at a lower resolution and/or framerate. In that regard it shouldn't hold anything back.
That said developers are seeming to struggle to get the most out of it... and it is yet another SKU to optimise for. The main issue seems to be the memory bandwidth, amount and split memory pool.
But just because they cannot match what the Series X does at 4K at 1080p (or 1440p) as originally promised does not equate to it holding back the Series X. Instead what we see, like here, is a perfectly fine port to Series X (4K/60) and a disappointing port to Series S (1080p/30).
How exactly is that holding anything back?
It's a bad port, it's just what it is, Cyberpunk (a notoriously badly optimized game) runs at 1440p and smooth 30fps and they can't make this game run at 60fps even at 1080p, some devs really are lazy.
It's an optimization issue. My PC can run this at 1080p/60, and it's weaker than the Series S pretty much across the board.
Actually, my PC can run games like TW3 at 1080p/60 as well. What the hell is the hang-up with the optimization for games on Series S? It's much more capable than the results it's turning out. Which, I guess, is the issue with consoles: you're dependent on developers to get the most out of your hardware.
@GuyinPA75 while i agree the Series S is a s***box, if it wasnt for the SSD the One X is would be a better system...hell most games play and or look better on the one X over the Series S... but i digress those will defend it cause it what they got, and most wont talk ***** about what they have unless they truly hate it....but i dont agree that it holds anything back... if you look at pc gaming they make a game for multitude of hardware for this they just got to make it for 2 systems... my point is i think alot of the time when the Series S version is lacking its cause either they didnt put the time into that, or its cause its running the One S version and not the optimized One X or a Series vesion.....the system is gimped and spec wise the One X is arguably more poweful in many ways......which is why MS stop selling the One X a YEAR before the Series went on sale who would buy a Series S when the One X was outperforming it at launch....one x would have need a price drop as well making even more atractive.
To me, it seems more like a Bug as their are sections that do run 'smoothly' at 60fps and its clearly more than capable of running the game better than 1080/30 whilst the Series X is performing 8x better with just a '3x' GPU boost.
In theory, 1440/60, with maybe DRS or a reduction in visual settings should be possible. That's about what you'd expect from a 'third' of the GPU performance.
That being said, it may not be as 'simple' as that if its not a 'complete' version and using XB1S base code in some 'patched' BC mode. As we know, the Series S is 'BC' with the XB1S - you don't get any XB1X versions. With it being a 'free' update essentially, it maybe related to the XB1S because the Hardware itself is more than capable of delivering better.
As for 'memory', its not exactly pushing the Memory capacity at all - its not that 'slow' or that 'limited' either. 8GB's (just for gaming) - that is 'slightly' better bandwidth than the PS4 Pro had in Total - which also limited PS4 Pro to 5.5GB for games - an extra 2.5GB - more than 40% more RAM for gamers - and now more (albeit slower) has been freed up. These may help 120hz modes and RT modes - something the Series S has missed out on in a 'few' games.
However, its targeting a lower resolution than the Pro was - that was meant to do 4k whilst the Series is targeting a much smaller image size. 1440p may not sound like much of reduction in image size from 2160p, but in area/pixel count, its less than 50% the size. A 4k image takes up a LOT more RAM than a 1440p image so having 'less' RAM in the Series S makes sense but its also slower, but not 'slow'. Its better than the PS4 Pro - a 4k console...
Its designed around delivering the 'same' performance as a Series X, but at less than half the image size and more than 'adequate' for ALL those who don't have 4k TV's.
@themightyant How is it holding series x back?
1) Accessories made for consoles 99% of time never succeed due to poor adoption rate. Series S, at least to me, is an accessory in the "next gen" world. 2) Basic economics and business strategy. Developing for 2 consoles costs money and does split your development team. Therefore instead of concentrating on making the best product you still have reserve a room for the red headed stepchild that's tagging along on vacation. That does not allow to be able devote full attention and budget to one version alone. The best version.
How many news stories continue to surface with the Series S not really providing, giving, or producing a true next gen experience? Not every game, no. But enough to say the Series S is more of a hindrance for next gen console like the Series X.
Now it's cool if you're a fanboy for Series S. Not hating on you or Series S. Just really feel and believe it hurts this gen overall.
@uptownsoul Exactly what I'm saying. But lot fanboy for Series S will say you are wrong and that's not the case.
When you are right and it is EXACTLY the case.
If you need cut few more lawns or shovel snow in the neighborhood to supplement your allowance to afford Series X? Do it. The expierence between them is no joke.
@GuyinPA75 The Series S is an accessory... what are you smoking? Must be some mad *****... I want some
You are making it sound like they are 2 completely different consoles developed by 2 separate teams. Wrong. They are the same console family with many of the same parts. It was developed by the same team in tandem. Exactly the same CPU and GPU family, just less storage and memory all scaled to handle 1080/1440p instead of 4K. Admittedly the memory and bandwidth is causing devs issues, but that's not holding back Series X, only impacting the Series S.
And it's complete madness to think Microsoft would allow their flagship console to be compromised in design because of this 'red headed stepchild', that is not 'Basic economics and business strategy' that is madness.
What you are missing is that the Series S isn't marketed at you, or me. It isn't marketed at enthusiasts who want the best console. But it IS a fantastic console for the vast majority of gamers who don't care about resolution - most people don't care and don't even have 4K tv's yet - framerates and especially the extra £200/$200 expense, they just want a low cost place to play the latest games. And It handles all the latest games just at a lower resolution and framerate. That isn't enough for gaming enthusiasts like you, or me, it is more than enough for them.
Moreover talking of economics and business strategy the Series S and it's lower price point has significantly helped Xbox sales and made them a FAR more viable competitor this generation. In turn having a better market share once again attracts more developers and we are seeing loads of games and studios coming back to Xbox that were PlayStation only for most of the last decade. That is in part due to the Series S and it's lower price point. As a Series X owner i'm grateful for that; it means more games on the system and more variety on Game Pass.
@themightyant I bought a series S because it was cheaper. I don’t care about frame rate or resolution since I don’t have a 4K tv.
Just sounds like a poor quality port. Series S is a fine machine.
@themightyant Think you missed the part where I mentioned....
No where did I mention Microsoft. Zero.
For me it’s not so much maybe it does or maybe not holding it back.
But currently we are seeing games getting delayed all over he show including Xbox own studios.
To me is just another weaker SKU the developers have to cater for and deal with, which will definitely take more time, than had it not existed at all.
@GuyinPA75 that’s fair I did miss that. My bad.
Still that doesn’t seem to impact series X ports which are excellent, only series S. Theres no evidence Series X Is being held back, which was the original point.
And series S isn’t an accessory.
@Dezzy70 it’s a slight simplification but optimising for the series S when you have the Series X version already is MOSTLY about looking through the automated performance profiling tools and setting different presets to hit your render budget. Yes it’s more work, and an over simplification, but it’s nothing compared to porting to a new platform like Switch or PS5.
In short creating a Series S profile isn’t causing noticeable delays.
I know it’s easier than another total console and yes they have probably got simplification tools for sure.
I sit in the middle with the series s and I don’t have any financial details etc to say if it was a good or bad idea really.
For example had the series s not been available would those people have purchased a series x.
One thing for sure we will never know 😂
@SplooshDmg Very well said, agree with everything. Devs DO seem to concentrate less on Series S optimisation and, to an extent, rightly so. And there’s the memory issues. But there are also bad ports like this.
I’m well aware of our bubble here that’s the point I was trying to make above about the Series S, you just put it far more clearly. Most gamers don’t care about the things we do. Dropped frames or 30fps or 1080p is fine for most. Personally I wish we’d capped the new consoles at 1440p and used smart upscaling from there. It’s almost twice the resolution of 1080p and can look fantastic.
I know we’ve discussed future frame rates before and I mostly agree but I think most developers will at least try to get a 60fps mode. But it may not be possible with UE5 nanite, lumen GI etc. Depends on the genre too, what we will put up with.
Xenoblade is an interesting example, the frame rate offended my eyes for about half an hour. But we humans adapt quickly and soon I was marvelling at the world design and had almost forgotten about the sub-30 frame rate
@GuyinPA75 whilst that's true they were always going to develop for PC's with lower specs than the series X so it was never going to get games that were specifically made for it anyway
Series S plays the games thats all i need it to do
If i want games to run their best Series X is the way to go
Thats the thing i hate about the digital foundry elitists they dont seem to get who the machine is for they are obsessed with counting frames and pixels its not for them. its the cheapest next gen console for people that just want to play the games on a budget
Microsoft provides the Series X for the best console
I think the Series S is a great console but serious gamers aren’t it’s target audience. I have the Series X an the PS5 in my man cave, my 8 year old twin boys have the Series S in their room. My boys and discs aren’t a good combo an the main games they play are games like Minecraft, Roblox, Gang Beasts and Grand Theft Auto. TheSeries S and Game Pass is perfect for them.
And ppl think this console can bangout Starfield.
Dont get me wrong, I have a XSS. A little regret I didn't splurge for the XSX.
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