We won't blame you if you have no interest whatsoever in playing My Friend Peppa Pig on Xbox Game Pass, which just got added to the service today, but achievement hunters and Microsoft Rewards users should still keep it in mind.
That's because My Friend Peppa Pig is a quick and easy completion if you're going after all the achievements, only taking up to an hour (and potentially as little as 30 minutes) to acquire the complete 1000GS on Xbox.
You can check out an easy guide to help you grab all 11 achievements in My Friend Peppa Pig in the video at the top of this article, and if you're looking for more easy achievement games on Xbox Game Pass, we've got you covered:
As for the gameplay in My Friend Peppa Pig, it allows you to "create your style, meet favorite characters, and play in Peppa’s world", and is described as "just like being in the TV show". What else could you want?!
Have you completed My Friend Peppa Pig on Xbox Game Pass yet? If not, why not?! Tell us down below.
Comments 18
That’s an hour I can’t get back
Balan Wonderworld got rinsed for having the same control scheme. lol
@Dusk_Actual and a stain on your achievement profile forevermore
@themightyant amen.
I never went down the Avatar Burning Earth road either, tempting as it was all the way back in 2008
@Dusk_Actual LOL I saw Avatar for 50p in a bargain bin once, along with Hannah Montana (apparently another very easy 1000G) but never bit either. My 200,000+ GS is mostly legit...
Though i've hit some of the better but still easy 1000GS games on Game Pass for the 10,000GS to 10,000 MS rewards points promotions. Though it's quite a lot of work for what is just less than a tenner.
Do you.
I won’t play some BS for some GS.
If it were tied into MS Rewards I’d be singing a different tune.
But that can never hide the shame of having Peppa Pig Achievements on your profile
One to save for those 3 achievement weekly sets
@Retrokingdan You read my mind!
I love to troll so I would probably do this just for the laugh!
I'll take it for the daily points just like I did with Paw Patrol, I'll rinse that new Paw Patrol game too. Zero shame here. My 1250/1250GS on Ninja Gaiden 2 absolves me of any easy takes
My daughter is going to play this one. Me? I'll play paw patrol and will have no shame. I've maxed loads of harder games, including Lost Odyssey
@Shigurui funny you should mention ninja garden. Started up the first one and it's too quick for my reactions these days. Got upto the plane and kept getting hammered, Ran out of health elixir and have saved at the second checkpoint with a slither of health. I think I have to go to the locked door by your initial cabin and it's like hell in that space. The mobs permanently swarm and I just don't have the health to see them off.
I've a 6 and 4 year old so this'll be a win win 1000G for me and some fun along the way for them.
@themcnoisy It's been years since I played NG Black but I remember that area. The thing with that game is each enemy type is vulnerable to certain weapons, in that place they're weak to the flails but I don't think you get them until you complete the plane level.
Best approach for those mobs is to spam the sword Izuna Drop move (it's XYXXXY in NG2 so it'll be the same or very similar in NGB, check the move list), it will give you plenty of i-frames and enemies will drop health pick ups. Good luck man!
Fine, I'll download it for the easy achievements. My niece loves Peppa Pig, so I'd let her play it but she's a little too young to game just yet. I hope it runs at 120fps on my Series X at least lol!
My daughter is going to be stoked when she gets home later. Between this and the Paw Patrol Movie game, GamePass is really shining as a service for all the family.
Ooh this'll be a good one when the "GS = Rewards Points" event comes back again.
I'll need to get a couple easy achievements next week as I'm going to be busy, but don't want to miss out on my Weekly Streak.
No no you gotta spread that 1000 out so you can use it for an easy daily achievement for gamepass rewards!
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